Showing posts with label Challenge of Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenge of Music. Show all posts

March 1, 2013

2nd Annual Challenge of Music blog hop Reveal

Today is the reveal day for The Challenge of Music, hosted by Erin at Treasures-Found!

  The idea of the challenge is (borrowed from Erin's blog):
- to find a piece of instrumental music that speaks to you soul. The goal is to find a piece of music without any choral accompaniment, so that you have the freedom to interpret the colors, textures, shapes, movements and images that it evokes.
- to create something of your choice - jewelry, accessory or some other artistic representation - that takes us on the journey of this piece of music.

  For this chllenge I've decided to "wipe the dust" from my old colection of CD-s and so I've found a CD of a Slovenian music group Terra Mystica. Their music accompanied me during the 1996, a year that was quite challenging for me, and full of turning points in my life. It was the period when I've begun to know myself better and overcome some barries in my mind. 

  The song I've chosen is Rhinoceros in the Cathedral:

 For a nice critics about their music in English, go here 

  And now back to the challenge.
One of my first associations when speaking about cathedrals, are the wonderful and impressive stained glass windows. Every time I visit a cathedral I keep wondering about the mastery of the artisans that created them. and I love the "visual music" crated by the sunlight shining through them ...

  As I work mostly with polymer clay, my challenge was to create something to resemble this kind of artistry - a faux stained glass focal and some faux glass beads.

  They are still not perfect, but I'll keep experimenting further ... 

  And here is the list of everyone else participating in this challenge. I'm sure you will find a lot of interesting creations as well as discover some music you've never heard before.