ここで触れらているIAEA と WHO のつながりについては「WHOを縛り付けるIAEAとの合意」(2011年4月11日ガーディアン紙 ヘレン・カルディコット記事翻訳)もご覧ください。
See book review below the video link by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, of
Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, Alexey V. Nesterenko, Janette D. Sherman-Nevinger (Editor), Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Chernobyl: A Million Casualties
In “Deconstructing Nuclear Experts” in Counterpunch, Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk Chris Busby warns of the dangers of an overly optimistic take on the situation at Fukushima Daiichi.
He asserts that many experts commenting in the media are nuclear power specialists who are often versed in the science of power generation, but know little about the potential impact of radiation on public health. Some are psychologists or specialists in areas far removed from the study of radiation's effect on the body. He also asserts that many experts commenting on the Fukushima situation on television are members of the nuclear power lobby and thus are motivated to downgrade the risks.
Busby also rails against the consistent downplaying of the Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl disasters that appears in Fukushima commentary. He writes that while some claim no significant effects at Three-Mile Island and only dozens of Chernobyl casualties, “Prof. Steve Wing in the USA has carried out epidemiological studies of the effects of 3-Mile Island, with results published in the peer-review literature. Court cases are regularly settled on the basis of cancers produced by the 3-Mile Island contamination. But let us move to Chernobyl. The health effects of the Chernobyl accident are massive and demonstrable. They have been studied by many research groups in Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine, in the USA, Greece, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Japan. The scientific peer reviewed literature is enormous. Hundreds of papers report the effects, increases in cancer and a range of other diseases. My colleague Alexey Yablokov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, published a review of these studies in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2009). Earlier in 2006 he and I collected together reviews of the Russian literature by a group of eminent radiation scientists and published these in the book Chernobyl, 20 Years After. The result: more than a million people have died between 1986 and 2004 as a direct result of Chernobyl.”
Here is a summary of Dr. Steven Wing’s study which concluded that “… lung cancer and leukemia rates were two to 10 times higher downwind of the Three Mile Island reactor than upwind.”
Enviro Close-up with Karl Grossman, recorded on March 5, 2011, six days BEFORE the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Fukushima plant accidents happened. Japanese subtitles are provided, to a half-way through (translators are still working on the rest).
A book review from GlobalResearch.ca
Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment
A Review of book by Alexey Yablokov, Vassily Nesterenko, and Alexey Nesterenko
by Dr. Rosalie Bertell
This new publication of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Volume 1181), by Alexey Yablokov, Vassily Nesterenko, and Alexey Nesterenko, is the elucidation many of us have been waiting for since the 1986 disaster at the failed nuclear reactor in Ukraine. Until now we have read about the published reports of limited spotty investigations by western scientists who undertook projects in the affected territories. Even the prestigious IAEA, WHO and UNSCEAR reports have been based on about 300 such western research papers, leaving out the findings of some 30,000 scientific papers prepared by scientists working and living in the stricken territories and suffering the everyday problems of residential contamination with nuclear debris and a contaminated food supply.
Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment is wrtitten by Alexey Yablokov, Vassily Nesterenk and Alexey Nesterenko. The senior author, Alexey Yablokov was head of the Russian Academy of Science under Gobachev – since then he receives no support. Vassily Nesterenko, head of the Ukrainian Nuclear establishment at the time of the accident, flew over the burning reactor and took the only measurements. In August 2009, he died as a result of radiation damage, but earlier, with help from Andrei Sakarov, was able to establish BELRAD to help children of the area.
The three scientists who assembled the information in the book from more than 5000 published articles and research findings, mostly available only within the former Soviet Union or Eastern block countries and not accessible in the West, are prestigious scientists who present objective facts clearly nuanced with little or no polemics. They were not encumbered by a desire to promote or excessively blame a failed technology!
The book was expertly translated into readable English by Janette Sherman, Medical Toxicologist and Adjunct Professor in the Environmental Institute at Western Michigan University.
Professor Dr. of Biology, Dimitro Grodzinsky, Chair of the Department of Biology of the Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, and member of the National Commission wrote the Forward to the book. His statement relative to Western reporting of the accident is illuminating:
“For a long time I have thought that the time has come to put an end to the opposition between technocracy advocates and those who support objective scientific efforts to estimate the negative risks for people exposed to the Chernobyl fallout. The basis for believing that these risks are not minor is very convincing.”
The government of the former Soviet Union previously classified many documents now accessible to the authors. For example, we now know that the number of people hospitalized for acute radiation sickness was more than a hundred times larger than the number recently quoted by the IAEA, WHO and UNSCEAR. Unmentioned by the technocrats were the problems of “hot particles” of burning uranium that caused nasopharyngeal problems, and the radioactive fallout that resulted in general deterioration of the health of children, wide spread blood and lymph system diseases, reproductive loss, premature and small infant births, chromosomal mutations, congenital and developmental abnormalities, multiple endocrine diseases, mental disorders and cancer.
The authors systematically explain the secrecy conditions imposed by the government, the failure of technocrats to collect data on the number and distribution of all of the radionuclides of major concern, and the restrictions placed on physicians against calling any medical findings radiation related unless the patient had been a certified “acute radiation sickness” patient during the disaster, thus assuring that only 1% of injuries would be so reported.
This book is a “must read” for all of those bureaucrats currently promoting nuclear power as the only “solution” for climate change. Those who seek information on the disaster only from the official documentation provided by the IAEA, WHO and UNSCEAR need to broaden their reading to include the reality check from those scientists who have access to local findings and are simply telling the truth, with no hidden propaganda agenda.
I was impressed by the simple message of the cover of this volume, which shows a number of felled logs with clearly distinguishable colors of wood: before and after Chernobyl. The reader will find that the environment, living plants and animals all suffered ill effects from this experience, as did the human population. It should be a sobering read for all those who have believed the fiction that “low doses of radiation are harmless”, or that a severe nuclear accident is easily contained within the human environment.
Below is the New York Academy of Sciences site for the book. Unfortunately, its selling price is now about $150, which may limit its distribution.
Global Research Articles by Rosalie Bertell
(Below article also mentions the book at the end.)
UN panel: total health toll from Chernobyl unknowable
Feb 28, 2011, 17:30 GMT
Vienna - It is still not possible to estimate all health effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 25 years ago, and questions will remain unanswered for the foreseeable future, a panel of UN scientists said Monday.
The UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNCSEAR) said it was impossible to predict cancer rates for people who received low radiation doses, although it has come up with numbers for those directly affected by the reactor meltdown in Ukraine.
'You're never going to get that answer from epidemiology, because statistically you can't do it,' said Fred Mettler, a US radiation expert on the Vienna-based committee.
UNSCEAR members presented a report confirming earlier findings of 134 nuclear plant staff and clean-up workers suffering radiation sickness, with 28 deaths among them.
The scientists have also found 7,000 cases of thyroid cancer in Ukraine, Belarus and some areas in Russia, as well as higher rates of leukemia and eye cataracts among those with high radiation doses, but few other widespread effects.
For a group of some 600,000 people exposed to higher radiation, a group of UN agencies including UNSCEAR has projected 4,000 additional deaths from cancer because of Chernobyl.
But Mettler said researchers have yet to find out what low doses do to the body.
'We do know that the risk or effect is not higher than a certain level, or we would have seen it,' he said.
Other experts and environmental groups such as Greenpeace have reported increased cancer rates and death numbers, but UNSCEAR scientists said that some of these studies had used questionable methods.
Alexey Yablokov and a team of Russian scientists published a book last year that said the reactor accident on April 26, 1986 would caused some 960,000 deaths up to 2004.