Thursday, 31 December 2009
Happy New Year
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Merry Christmas
Got a very busy day today cooking and cleaning and generally preparing for the arrival of mine and Jon's parents! Ahhhh!
So its just a quick post to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Hope everyone has a lovely time and manages some relaxing too. I also wanted to thank you all for reading, as well as all your lovely comment and support I have recieved in the few months I have been blogging. I will try and do a post before new year, but in case I don't hope you have a wonderful and happy new year.
Thanks everyone and Merry Christmas.
Helen xxxx
So its just a quick post to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Hope everyone has a lovely time and manages some relaxing too. I also wanted to thank you all for reading, as well as all your lovely comment and support I have recieved in the few months I have been blogging. I will try and do a post before new year, but in case I don't hope you have a wonderful and happy new year.
Thanks everyone and Merry Christmas.
Helen xxxx
Monday, 21 December 2009
Fortnum and Mason Hamper
Friday, 18 December 2009
Random bits and bobs
Bit disappointed by the lack of snow in Nottingham today, I think some snow would have made me feel extra christmassy.
Tomorrow I am working all day in the Nottingham Craft Mafia shop (Get Made), which is on St James St in Nottingham. I normally have quiet a relaxing and productive sewing day when I work in the shop, but I think tomorrow may be quiet busy. Its a great shop for gifts, and I think I may be buying a few last minute things too.
I am feeling more organised than the start of the week as I only have one present to finish making and have made, written and posted most of my cards. But have a busy week planned next week so glad I feel more on top of things.

My fella is out on his work do tonight so I am planning an evening of wrapping pressies and drinking sherry. I may even buy a party food selection for tea. Actually those last sentences makes me sounds very sad indeed!!
I have also listed some new textile pictures in my Folksy shop this morning.
Sorry is a very random post! I really need to do some new work so I have more interesting things to talk about!! Have a good weekend everyone.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Productive use of time
But instead here is a random selection of photo's I took a couple of weeks ago. But I am feeling a lot less tired so that's good!
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Market Research...
Now I do have quite a few ideas for new products and things I would like to try, but don't want to say too much until I have started to make them. But ideas include, doing more printing, a new card range, a new felt range and making some smaller lower cost things.
But I thought it might also be interesting to do a bit of market research, to see if you have any suggestions of what I should be making. I know this might sound like I am cheating a little, but sometimes it can be hard to take a step back. So please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Christmas Shopping Evening
We are normally open Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11am - 6pm. But will be open a bit more the week before Christmas - see the Nottingham Craft Mafia blog for details.
Monday, 14 December 2009
O'Christmas Tree
Most of the decorations are homemade and are in fact probably about 10 years old now, but I still quite like them. I try and add a few new ones each year.
Now I just need to finish (or start) the last few remaining Christmas presents I am making.
Christmas Tree,
hand made felt,
Homemade Decorations
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Custom Orders
The photo's (sorry they are not very good, its always seem to be too dark!) are of a large personalised picture I sold through a site called Bouf. I send it early this week, so I hope they have it by now and I have my fingers crossed that they like it. I was pleased with it and really enjoyed making it, as its been a while since I did a larger one.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Colouring in....
The other day at work I found myself doing some sneaky doodling in black pen. I then decided to photo copy the doodles so I created my own colouring sheets. The Angels may end up being Christmas cards (as I need to make some for myself), although I scanned them in today and they don't look so good. But I did enjoy my colouring session.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
And the winner is.......
So the winner, who was picked at ramdom by Simon who I sit next to at work is.... (Drum roll)......
.....Fairly Girly! Yeh congratulations!
Thanks very much to everyone who entered my blog giveaway, I really enjoyed reading your Christmas gift wishes, and loved that most of them are so reasonable, eg: craft knifes, wool and handmade things. We an easy bunch to please by the sound of it.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Sketch Book
The Nottingham Craft Mafia does a regular feature on artists sketch books which I have been finding really interesting to read. This, along with looking at some beautiful sketch books at the knit and stitch show has got me thinking about my own sketch book.
At college I always had one on the go and really found them useful for developing ideas, I loved that they got really chunky as they would often have collages and samples stuck into them. So this year I started using a sketch book on a regular basis for the first time in years.
Its great to have all your ideas in one place and to be able to look back and revisit ideas. I have found with this one its mostly sketching down ideas in the form of quick black pen drawings (I never draw in pencil), I suppose its good as many of these ideas have been developed into textile pieces.
Although I have enjoyed doing this sketch book, and I hope its the start of many more, its not quite the same as the ones from my college days. I hope in the next one to explore and develop ideas more, to try out more ideas, including samples and create some thing bright and interesting, rather than just black pen sketches. But the good thing is I am looking forward to starting it.
Friday, 4 December 2009
UK Hand made - winter issue
Winding down
So I have been talking things easy this week, which has been quite nice after the hectic month or so. I have almost finished by last custom order (just needs mounting and framing) and then I have no crafting pressue for a while and I am really looking forward to it.
I treated myself to The Sarah Raven Christmas Book this week, so have also planning some cooking days, I really enjoy cooking, but haven't have much time for it recently, so hoping to make lots of christmas treats.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Its Giveaway Time
I had said to myself I would do another giveaway when I reached 50 followers, but I missed it!! So to celebrate 52 followers and December I am doing a blog giveaway.

So to win the selection of goodies above all you have to do is write a comment saying what you would like Santa to bring you for Christmas, you have until 7th December at midnight to enter.
The selection of goodies includes a small felt unframed picture, a mini Christmas stocking, a grey and white wool brooch and three hand felted and embroidery Christmas decorations.
To thank of all my wonderful followers for reading and all your lovely comments followers names will be entered into the hat twice.
I have been listing some new things in my folksy shop and have some more to add, so take a look
So to win the selection of goodies above all you have to do is write a comment saying what you would like Santa to bring you for Christmas, you have until 7th December at midnight to enter.
The selection of goodies includes a small felt unframed picture, a mini Christmas stocking, a grey and white wool brooch and three hand felted and embroidery Christmas decorations.
To thank of all my wonderful followers for reading and all your lovely comments followers names will be entered into the hat twice.
I have been listing some new things in my folksy shop and have some more to add, so take a look
Monday, 30 November 2009
It was in Sheffield, near to the city centre, but in comparison to the local one I did it seemed really quite quiet, although apparently they had around 600 visitors.
In the end I did ok, but at 2:30pm, I had only taken £35!! I found lots of people just walked passed and didn't even look, and yet again the things I sold seemed odd. I didn't sell any Christmas decorations and only a couple of cards, but sold all of my knitted phone and ipod covers. Next year I must remember to make more stocking filler type things.
So I am now left with lots of stock, so I will be busy listing things on Folksy later. Ideally I could do with doing another fair, but have things planned so even if I could find one, I am not sure I could fit it in.
Yesterday I spent the day tidying my work space and getting myself organised again, which was very satisfying.
I am at home sick today, got a really sore throat and feel rough, so I am on operation get well soon, I hate being ill and I am fairly rubbish at it, so I am hoping I will be better soon.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Craft fairs are strange
Did a craft fair yesterday at Carrington School in Nottingham. Had not done a school craft fair before and had read very mixed things about them. So I decided to go with low expectations and just to enjoy an afternoon off work.
But it was ok, had a nice glass of mulled wine, a nice to chat to some people I know and some new people. And sold 4 things! Which wasn't too bad as the cheapest thing I sold was £8! So not a bad couple of hours. I also gave out loads of cards.
Really don't get craft fairs, the other week I did one, I was really happy with how I did, but I mostly sold cards and decorations. Yesterday I didn't sell any cards or decorations very odd!

I have a stall at Candy Cane tomorrow in Sheffield, going to try and go with limited expectations again. Have enlisted the help of my friend Mill, so we should have a good laugh if nothing else, promise to take some photo's this time.
On the work front, feeling a little better about things, had a chat to my lovely line manager yesterday, no magic answer and I think its going to be like this until till Christmas, but I think I just need to remain positive and not take it personally. Thanks Sooziebee for the knitting suggestion, but I think they may notice. Jon suggested, blind folding me for an hour ever night, so I learn to do crafts without looking, I can then make things under my desk!!
Sorry about the lack of photo's struggling to take any new ones as its so dark all the time. Will try and take some at the weekend.
But it was ok, had a nice glass of mulled wine, a nice to chat to some people I know and some new people. And sold 4 things! Which wasn't too bad as the cheapest thing I sold was £8! So not a bad couple of hours. I also gave out loads of cards.
Really don't get craft fairs, the other week I did one, I was really happy with how I did, but I mostly sold cards and decorations. Yesterday I didn't sell any cards or decorations very odd!
I have a stall at Candy Cane tomorrow in Sheffield, going to try and go with limited expectations again. Have enlisted the help of my friend Mill, so we should have a good laugh if nothing else, promise to take some photo's this time.
On the work front, feeling a little better about things, had a chat to my lovely line manager yesterday, no magic answer and I think its going to be like this until till Christmas, but I think I just need to remain positive and not take it personally. Thanks Sooziebee for the knitting suggestion, but I think they may notice. Jon suggested, blind folding me for an hour ever night, so I learn to do crafts without looking, I can then make things under my desk!!
Sorry about the lack of photo's struggling to take any new ones as its so dark all the time. Will try and take some at the weekend.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
The end is in sight
I am doing two craft fairs this week, so for the last couple of weeks I have been busy topping up my stock and finishing the things I didn't manage to complete last time. As well as trying to get on top of the orders I took at the last craft fair, in case I do get any more.
I am almost there now which is a nice feeling and can't wait to have a good tidy and sort out on Sunday before starting on some more custom orders.
Here are the details of the fairs:
Carrington School Craft Fair on Thursday 26th November - 3:30pm - 6pm.
Candy Cane Sheffield - its a two day event, but I just have a stall on the Saturday, should be good and I have enlisted the help of my friend Mill, so hoping to have a good laugh too.
Finding things very frustrating at the moment, the craft side of things is going well and I am really enjoying it. But my real job is really getting me down, we are normally fairly quiet at this time of year, but more so this year and its been very quiet for a while now. Most of the things I normally do at this time of year have been given to someone else, so I just find my self sitting here thinking about all the thing I need to do when I get home from work. Hence the daily blogging. I HATE having nothing to do, it really does me no good and I suppose I am a bit worried about the situation. I am hoping it will be ok, I have been here before, but it really is annoying and does make me feel very good about things. Sorry that all sounds a bit miserable!
I am almost there now which is a nice feeling and can't wait to have a good tidy and sort out on Sunday before starting on some more custom orders.
Here are the details of the fairs:
Finding things very frustrating at the moment, the craft side of things is going well and I am really enjoying it. But my real job is really getting me down, we are normally fairly quiet at this time of year, but more so this year and its been very quiet for a while now. Most of the things I normally do at this time of year have been given to someone else, so I just find my self sitting here thinking about all the thing I need to do when I get home from work. Hence the daily blogging. I HATE having nothing to do, it really does me no good and I suppose I am a bit worried about the situation. I am hoping it will be ok, I have been here before, but it really is annoying and does make me feel very good about things. Sorry that all sounds a bit miserable!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Knit and Stitch show - favourite things
I thought these bags were gorgeous, not only are they lovely felted bags they have most lovely huge wooden button on them. They are made by Toft Alpacas, check out their website, its full of so many gorgeous things. The kits to make the bags were £80, so its not really an option at the moment, but I may be treating myself to a giant wooden button at £10, they are so beautiful.
I also fell in love with a beautiful fabric range, but can't remember what it was called, I know it begun with E. It was made from a really thick fabric, maybe even linen and it had really nice patterns. Hopefully the name will come to me. Unfortunately I had spent my budget by this point, but may treat myself in the new year.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Its the first time I have been to the Knit and Stitch show and I couldn't belive how big and busy it was. At times you almost had to queue to get onto the stands. It got a lot better after 3pm as I think the coach trip start to leave.
Then on Sunday we did a bit of laid back Christmas Shopping before going to Harrogate Spa. Had a very hot but relaxing time, although it would have been nice to have taken my sketch book in as the building and tiles were gorgeous, but it would have got a bit soggy.
(Photo's are from some of the gallery type stands at the Knit and Stitch show, sorry not sure who has made them. The last two are of my purchases)
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