Update: The winners have been chosen! We're notifying them now. If you get an email from our stalwart community manager Christine, congratulations! If not, condolences, but thanks for entering. It's been great reading all your Tribes memories.

Good news: Tribes Ascend has officially added its new $30 Game of The Year Edition. Those of you who held out because you don't like microtransactions can now plunk down a few bucks to unlock damn near every class, gun, and mod there is. Better news: you can win one of the five GOTY codes that Hi-Rez gave us for free! Here's how.

It's real easy: all you've got to do is leave us a comment on this post and tell us about your favorite memory of playing any Tribes game. (If you don't have one yet, remember that you can download and play for free!). We'll draw five winners on Tuesday, February 19th, and send them their free pass to Tribes: Ascends' ski slopes by email (so make sure your Disqus login has an email address attached).

If you haven't played in a while, check out the patch notes here for a rundown on all the latest additions. Also, here's a trailer to refresh your memories. Good luck, and have a Tribesy weekend.