It's tough to succinctly define or pin a genre label on Paradox's 80s action movie homage, The Showdown Effect. Sure, it wears its console platform-fighting influences on its sleeve, but it's also a hardcore, PC, mouse and keyboard twitch shooter. So just what the hell is The Showdown Effect? I sat down with Arrowhead Studios CEO and Game Director Johan Pilestedt to find out.

GameSpy: When I first got my hands on Showdown Effect at PAX East last year, it felt like more of a classic console game, only on PC. It had a distinctly different feel this time around [at last week's Paradox Convention]. What changed?

Johan Pilestedt: We tried a lot of different mechanics. Back then, we still had the bullet dodging in there, and a couple other things. None of them quite worked. So yeah, it was definitely a very different game last year. Part of that was we initially wanted to fully support gamepads, and we did at first, but it just felt wrong. We really wanted hardcore twitch mechanics in there, so we tried the cursor on to hit. The first time we tried it, we said, "Wow!" It was perfect and exactly what we wanted – GoldenEye and Smash Brothers on PC, with keyboard and mouse!

GameSpy: The cursor on aiming definitely upped the skill factor. It also means you pretty much have to play with mouse and keyboard -- or have you figured out how to get that on a gamepad?

"Twitch people can lure other players and aim very much like they do in Quake."
Johan Pilestedt: No gamepad support. This is GoldenEye and Smash Brothers on PC. This is a PC title first.

GameSpy: No controllers; I suppose that means no Steam Big Picture mode?

Johan Pilestedt: No. It's something we wanted to do at first, but it just didn't work out. In a way, I'm glad we didn't try to force it, because what we have now is really what we originally set out to make. I think what makes it so fun and unique is that it requires a trio of skills: twitch, platform, and tactics. But it also allows you to play to your strengths. People who are good at platforming will discover the melee weapons are perfect for them, while twitch people can lure other players and aim very much like they do in Quake.

And everything has a hard counter, for example the sword is a hard counter to the machine gun. It creates a rock, paper, scissors meta game where players have to think tactically about who to attack, with what weapon, when and where.

GameSpy: It's quite a bit for such a small game. I found it interesting that, during your press conference for TSE, you mentioned that you could have easily added even more content and worked on it for another year.

"We want the players to tell us what they want... We really want the community to guide us.
Johan Pilestedt: You can always develop a game indefinitely -- you can always change things, add things, remove things. When you're in a sweet spot where you really enjoy playing the game, that's when you know it's ready. And we all really enjoy playing The Showdown Effect.

As a small developer, we're also on a real development schedule. We're not Valve, we don't have the luxury to work on a single game forever. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. A real schedule helps put the focus on the core values of a game and the things you need to make sure you get right.

GameSpy: But you do plan to add to the game over time with DLC. Do you have a specific plan on how you'll handle that?

Johan Pilestedt: We want the players to tell us what they want. That will include new maps, characters, weapons, and things like that. We really want the community to guide us, and we plan on doing free add-ons. As long as players support the game, we'll support it.

GameSpy: TSE will ship with TwitchTV built-in, and it seems fitting because it's so competitive and actually fun to watch. Does that also mean you have eSports plans in mind?

Johan Pilestedt: There is a ranking system and matchmaking is based on that, but no, we don't have any plans to make The Showdown Effect an actual eSport. It's possible, but it's hard because we allow players to create matches with their own custom rules. We want players to have that freedom, to play the types of matches they enjoy without being restricted by hard rules we impose on them.

GameSpy: Will you really let players dig into TSE with mod tools?

"It's the type of game where, once you play it, you'll want to play more."
Johan Pilestedt: It's something we always discussed, whether or not to add mod tools. In the end, we settled on the ability to create custom matches and the customization that comes with equipping your characters and their loadouts. We think that will allow players to really try some different things and create fun new ways to play it.

GameSpy: Continuing on that features note, dedicated servers?

Johan Pilestedt: No, and honestly, that's a decision I partially regret. We're going P2P because of the different rules players can create and latency issues. In the end, I think we made the right decision, but dedicated servers also have their benefits.

GameSpy: So wrapping things up, The Showdown Effect is Super Smash Brothers, GoldenEye, and Quake mashed up in a crazy 80s action movie designed for PC gamers. Anything else?

Johan Pilestedt: It's the type of game where, once you play it, you'll want to play more.

GameSpy: Thanks for your time!

I couldn't help but notice Spy Guy didn't make the character roster... yet. I'll have my people contact your people, Johan. In the meantime, how many of you have jumped into the TSE beta? What's your take on this genre mash-up?