PoxNora (PC)
Developer: Octopi
Developer: Octopi
Developer: Octopi
Genre: Strategy RPG
Release Date: August 1, 2006 (US)
Release Date: August 1, 2006 (US)
Release Date: August 1, 2006 (US)
PoxNora (PC)

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Developer: Octopi
Developer: Octopi
Developer: Octopi
Genre: Strategy RPG
Release Date: August 1, 2006 (US)
Release Date: August 1, 2006 (US)
Release Date: August 1, 2006 (US)
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This web-based game combines a satisfying turn-based strategy formula with the customizable and collectible nature of those insidious card games. Read Review

PoxNora is a collectible, turn-based, tactical fantasy game in which players command armies of fantastic creatures, cast spells of devastating power, and summon artifacts of ancient renown in order to defeat their opponents. These creatures, spells, and artifacts are represented by Runes - items of magical power that, when activated, come to life on the battlefield. In addition to the gameplay itself, there is the collectible, creative aspect in which a player assembles a customized set of items for play. In PoxNora, this set of items is called a pox battlegroup, or pox, for short, and consists of exactly 20 Runes. Each Rune type has its own set of traits, though some traits, like Nora Cost and Cooldown Rating, are common to all Rune types.

This game is delivered as a Java applet download, and works on PC and Macs.

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Sony Launches First Facebook Game

PC News | Mar 8, 2010

Sony Online Entertainment is diving into the growing social gaming pool with its first Facebook title, PoxNora, a game that SOE promises will be the first of many titles for the social network. Read More »

Inside SOE Tucson and the Future of PoxNora

PC Features | Feb 12, 2009

Sony Online Entertainment recently acquried Octopi, the developers of PoxNora. We talk to Dan Kopycienski, Director of Development for SOE Tucson. Read More »


PC Reviews | Jan 8, 2007

This web-based game combines a satisfying turn-based strategy formula with the customizable and collectible nature of those insidious card games. Read More »


PoxNora (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: August 1, 2006
Publisher: Sony Online Entertainment

Also available on: Web Games

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