1UP is reporting that there's a leaked video of Obsidian's now-canceled Alien RPG. The video displays an early version of the game, complete with working flashlight (needed for those extremely dark hallways) and even a xenomorph attack. The title was originally announced back in 2006, but Sega decided to shuffle its portfolio around last February, leaving the Alien RPG to disappear into vaporware. In lieu of the Alien RPG we're getting Rebellion's Aliens vs. Predator, due later this year.

Update, 1:55 p.m.: Looks like Sega's legal monkeys got the video pulled off YouTube. Sorry, folks.

Tyler says: From the video it looks like Obsidian was taking cues from BioWare's RPG shooter Mass Effect. I guess all that work wasn't wasted though, as Obsidian's making another Mass Effect clone with Alpha Protocol. I know the video featured early work, but one thing that's notably embarrassing are the sound effects. The films, "Alien" and "Aliens," feature some of the most iconic sound design of any sci-fi flick. Get the sound wrong and you may as well throw out the baby with the bath water.

But really, the best Alien RPG has already been made, as a table-top board game (now available for free on Newgrounds). Yes, I own the original game with crappy cardboard pieces.