Microsoft teased on Monday with a brief trailer of the latest installment in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, the Raiden-centric, Rising. For fans anxious to learn more about Zan-Datsu, Konami provided some additional details today at its E3 press conference.

MGS: Rising Director Mineshi Kimura and Producer Shigenobu Matsuyama said the main concept the development team is operating under is for players to be able to cut anything and everything they want using Raiden's insanely sharp sword. Don't like that car? Cut it in half. Enemy soldier piss you off? Slice and dice him like a food processor.

By cutting (Zan), Raiden will have the option to kill or simply injure enemy soldiers and mechs. And that's where the second gameplay component comes in: Datsu, or, to take. Kimura said Raiden's energy (life), ammunition, items, and parts will, for the most part, be taken from the humans and cyborgs he slices to pieces.

The challenge for gamers, Kimura said, will be to decided how to cut enemies in order to get what your character needs.

But it's not all just about cutting and taking, Matsuyama added. MGS: Rising will have stealth elements, but this time around gamers will utilize Raiden's speed and cyber-athletic abilities.

"You won't get as many back problems as Snake," Matsuyama joked. "No hiding on the ground like the old hero."

In addition, the producer and director added that the story line will take place between the events portrayed in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots and detail how Raiden's character evolved.

MGS: Rising is being developed by Kojima Productions for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Windows PCs. No release date for the game has been announced.

Sharkey says: This was my favorite part of Microsoft's press conference. Unfortunately, we only got to see the same trailer today with Konami as MS showed. Regardless, MGS: Rising looks great, and I can't wait to wield Raiden's sword myself.