Hello! Hello? Is anybody out there? Or are the high-speed winds smothering any chance I have of survival, like the coldest and most uncomforting blanket imaginable? Oh god, what's that emerging from the snowstorm? Is it... new Lost Planet 3 screenshots?!

Why, yes, it seems to be! Phew. It's always more pleasant to be eaten by visual arts than it is by akrids. Anyway, this new batch of screenshots has appeared on the Lost Planet Facebook page, marking the first signs of life we've seen in quite awhile from the otherwise quiet LP3 project.

Or I think they're screenshots. To be honest, some of the more scenery-focused images look so good that I can't tell if they're screenshots or actually beautiful pieces of concept art.

The Lost Planet 3 devs are remaining quiet -- so quiet that we don't even have a release date -- but let's hope we'll see some gameplay footage. If the gameplay quality matches that of these screenshots, we're looking at one snow-ridden beast of a game.