The Mustang P-51D is a bitch. Over-rev its 1,400-horsepower Rolls Royce Merlin engine during takeoff and you'll likely wind up upside down, in a ditch, both wings sheared off, with collapsed landing gear, and a pretzel-ized propeller. It's called "loss of directional control of the aircraft due to torque effects," and it's pretty much a guaranteed outcome when you thoughtlessly slam the throttle lever forward during your takeoff roll in Eagle Dynamics' DCS: P-51D Mustang. I should know… I did it four times before I finally got this sexy, beastly plane into the air.

Rough Crowd

DCS World is reminder of how incredibly fortunate flight sim fans are these days.
A 1940s-era gunfighter may seem a curious addition to the high-flying Digital Combat Simulator series -- which currently includes missile-chucking battlefield bullies like the Russian Ka-50 Black Shark attack helicopter and the A-10C "Warthog" close air support aircraft -- but whatever reservations I had disappeared after less than an hour of stick time in this iconic fighter. Although still in beta, this soon-to-be-released add-on module for Eagle'sDCS World is another reminder of how incredibly fortunate flight sim fans are these days. We're seeing a steady diet of military-grade simulations that feature some of the highest-fidelity physics, avionics, weapons systems, damage modeling, and graphics the genre has ever seen. (ED has real-world military clients paying good money for the same sort of stuff we consumers get)

Moreover, you don't have to pit this classic prop plane up against Sidewinder and Vikhr-equipped foes like the A-10C and Ka-50 (or nasty ground-based SAM missiles) when you launch the DCS World interface. The beta version of P-51D includes a number of training and Instant-Action missions intended to bring you up to speed with the Mustang's various flight and weapons controls, but it largely ignores the geopolitical Georgian/Black Sea background environment that factors so prominently in Eagle's current-gen sims. Just because you're in a non-classic setting, however, doesn't mean you can't live the WWII fighter ace experience with this intricately modeled warbird.

"We expect to see a wide variety of aircraft spanning several years."
"A key part to remember about the DCS series is that it is a open-simulation environment that will not focus on just one timeframe, location, or level of system fidelity," explains Eagle Dynamics' American-based Producer Matt Wagner. "In the coming months and years, we expect to see a wide variety of aircraft spanning several years. The Mustang is just the first example of this. Much like Microsoft Flight Simulator, we envision a much more open environment, but with fully realized combat systems and a battlefield environment. Later on, I would expect to see battlefield environments that also cater to specific eras. Mustang also illustrates to third parties that they are not limited to just developing modern jets for the DCS World. But even in this initial state, we feel our P-51D provides the best, most complete, and most realistic PC simulation ever done for this warbird."

Now that is a thing of beauty.

Background Clutter

Some might argue that this is just an excuse to circumnavigate costly scenery development expenses (Eagle's current DCS series and all of its preceding Su-27 Flanker sims share the same Caucasus region scenery) but I'll cut them some slack here. A dogfight is a dogfight whether you're flying over London or Tbilisi, and simulated aerial combat isn't a sightseeing tour. Once Eagle Dynamics and its third-party contributors get around to fine-tuning a decent single-player campaign and some engaging multiplayer dust-ups, the location of the hard deck becomes a footnote. That said, Eagle is currently working on some new Nevada scenery for A-10C, and Wagner has hinted about an exciting new combat theater map to follow that -- not that I could get him to tell me anything about it. "It's too early to let that cat out of the bag," he said.

This is what happens when you try to cowboy your P-51 into the air.

As a bonus, you also get a free Su-25T close air support aircraft to fly around and experience the impressive Georgian scenery.
Once it officially releases, the P-51D module will retail for $40 (the same price as A-10C Warthog and Ka-50 Black Shark), but sim fans can already grab the full DCS World client for free. This 4.9GB download includes the GUI that ties all DCS modules together in a unified installation, as well as the AI, rendering system, mission editor, AI units, semi-dynamic campaign system, and audio environment. As a bonus, you also get a free Su-25T close air support aircraft -- NATO designation "Frogfoot" -- to fly around and experience the impressive Georgian scenery (loaded with enough training and campaign missions to make a full game out of it).

Park the Gamepad

DCS: P51D Mustang isn't for casual fliers -- the avionics and flight modeling alone require an advanced degree in switchology and control surface massage techniques -- but, as with Eagle's previous modules, you can turn on a host of cheats to turn it into a full gamepad/keyboard arcade experience (you shouldn't though… that's as bad as turning Secretariat into a plow-horse).

For serious sim fans -- aviation enthusiasts who can appreciate the amazing graphical, mechanical, and historical artistry and craftsmanship at work here -- you will not find a better simulation of the North American Aviation P-51D Mustang anywhere on the PC. Eagle Dynamics has an unparalleled record for producing A-list military aircraft for us to fly and, after this unexpected beauty, I can't wait to see what comes next.

Spy Guy says: PC flight sims are getting so realistic you can practically taste the little bags of peanuts. Have you played one lately? What's your most memorable flying experience?