Console gamers are heeding the call of the bat symbol today and diving into Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham City. PC gamers? Not so much. But publisher Warner Bros. announced this morning that the wait for the delayed PC version of the game will be over on November 15.

In September, Warners issued a brief, one-paragraph statement announcing that the PC version of the anticipated Arkham Asylum sequel was being delayed. No reason was provided for the bump, and the publisher only said the game would ship sometime in November.

This morning, in announcing the console launch of Batman: Arkham City, Warners finally provided an official release date for the PC version of the game: November 15.

Spy Guy says: This delay totally screwed with my expertly devised game playing schedule. I'll be well into The Elder Scrolls V when Batman arrives, so it looks like I won't have the time to play this one until sometime in December.