Publisher: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Genre: RPG
Release Date: May 2, 2011 (US)
Release Date: May 2, 2011 (US)
Release Date: May 2, 2011 (US)
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Publisher: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Genre: RPG
Release Date: May 2, 2011 (US)
Release Date: May 2, 2011 (US)
Release Date: May 2, 2011 (US)
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Avadon: The Black Fortress

Avadon is in epic adventure in a strange and dangerous world. You are a spy and warrior who must fight the enemies of your homeland. As a servant of the Black Fortress, your word is law.

But a dark time is coming. Assassins are killing Avadon's warriors, and hidden enemies plot to unite all of your homeland's foes. If you cannot discover and destroy this conspiracy, and soon, your people face total destruction. But beware. The assassins will soon come for you...

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Humble Android Bundle Works on PC Too

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I always think about bees and honey whenever I get an email about the Humble Bundle. Probably because the word bundle is a distant cousin of bumble (bees). Anyway, enough about my spiral into insanity and dyslexia. The newest Humble Bundle is here and it's more inclusive than ever before! Even though the Android platform is listed front and center, looking over some of the fine print reveals that every game in the current bundle can be played on PC as well. Read More »

Indie Spotlight #12: Swords and Spells

PC News | Jun 22, 2011

Considering the voracious pace at which the gaming industry continues to progress and innovate, it's actually refreshing these days to find someone who unflinchingly sticks to their niche of choice over the long haul. As far as indie developers go, Jeff Vogel is a bit of a rogue; he's been making the same vein of fantasy role-playing games for almost two decades now without running out of steam. Rather than succumb to pressure to adapt to changing times, Vogel's small studio, Spiderweb Software, continues to dish out helping after helping of old-school RPG adventure steeped in swords and sorcery. Read More »


Also known as: Avadon

Avadon: The Black Fortress (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: May 2, 2011

Also available on: Macintosh, iPad


  • Epic fantasy role-playing adventure in an enormous and unique world.
  • Four different character classes, with dozens of unique spells and abilities.
  • Uncover the fascinating history of Avadon and the land of Lynaeus.
  • Many different endings. Your choices will change the world.
  • Dozens of side quests, hidden dungeons, and secrets to discover.
  • Hundreds of magical items to find. Use powerful crystals to make your artifacts even more powerful. Huge adventure with lots of replay value.

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