Developer: ProSIM
Developer: ProSIM
Developer: ProSIM
Publisher: Shrapnel Games
Publisher: Shrapnel Games
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: November 13, 2002 (US)
Release Date: November 13, 2002 (US)
Release Date: November 13, 2002 (US)
Developer: ProSIM
Developer: ProSIM
Developer: ProSIM
Publisher: Shrapnel Games
Publisher: Shrapnel Games
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: November 13, 2002 (US)
Release Date: November 13, 2002 (US)
Release Date: November 13, 2002 (US)
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ATF: Armored Task Force

This war game simulation also includes enough user goodies to keep you playing until 2010. Various editors are included, allowing gamers to modify everything from the graphics to sounds to weapon statistics. New scenarios are also easily created, along with the ability to import new maps.


For more info on these technical requirements and features, please view GameSpy's Specs FAQ.


    One of the most important aspects for any tactical game is the terrain. Units live and die by the lay of the land and the ultimate commander knows exactly how to use terrain model is by far the highest fidelity seen in a commercial-grade war game. Forget about a hex based model, maps use a continuous elevation terrain model just like government and military maps. Hull down positioning now means actually finding the proper terrain for your tanks as opposed to a clicking on an entrench order. Forests, roads, and structures are all represented and must be considered in your avenues of approach; Combat resolution is resolved at the single vehicle level. Even more impressive a vehicle's facing is taken into account, including its turret. Unlike a lot of war games this means that maneuvering your forces for those side and rear shots is paramount, just like a real commander in the field faces. Besides the extensive armor modeling vehicles can also now pop smoke and are intelligent enough to know when to do it.

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