Publisher: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Genre: Action
Release Date: December 2, 2003 (US)
Release Date: December 2, 2003 (US)
Release Date: December 2, 2003 (US)
T for Teen: Crude Humor, Mild Language, Violence
Armed & Dangerous

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Publisher: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Genre: Action
Release Date: December 2, 2003 (US)
Release Date: December 2, 2003 (US)
Release Date: December 2, 2003 (US)
T for Teen: Crude Humor, Mild Language, Violence
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Armed & Dangerous


Armed & Dangerous has oddball comedy and action galore -- sadly, it's the same simple action over and over. Read Review

Take a band of gun-toting rebels -a robot, a madman, a mole and a criminal mastermind. Put them in a vividly stunning fantasy realm. Then give them an impossible mission - pulling off the biggest heist of all time in the middle of a war. All you have to do is battle your way through dastardly enemies, giant war machines and an army of psychopathic robots. But don't worry; you have plenty of ammo and absolutely no common sense. Victory is yours in 12,000 bullets or less as your fight your way through 21 action-packed missions, explore five diverse environments, and brandish over 17 outlandish weapons like the Cyclops Sniper Rifle, the Vindaloo Rocket Launcher, or the Topsy-Turvy and Sticky bomb.

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Armed & Dangerous

PC Reviews | Dec 16, 2003

We expect nothing less than pure zaniness from Planet Moon Studios. In 2000, the developer unleashed Giants: Citizen Kabuto to the world. A combination shooter/RTS, Giants is best remembered for its bizarre imagery and daffy sense of humor. Imagine a cross between the old Warner Brothers cartoons, Monty Python's Flying Circus, King Kong, and a pro wrestling extravaganza. Now Planet Moon is back with Armed & Dangerous, a streamlined old-school action game that lacks the diversity of Giants but shares the same sense of silly fun. The only problem is that the fun grows old quickly because of the game's simple, repetitive levels. Read More »

Armed & Dangerous

PC Previews | Oct 22, 2003

Though it sports the same name as the classic Eugene Levy film, LucasArts Armed & Dangerous has nothing to do with the bushy-browed thespian. Instead, this action game tells the chaotic tale of a gang called the Lionhearts. A group of rogues turned heroes (not really by their choice), the trio get caught up in an adventure that thrusts them into the role of the saviors of the land. On a mission to recover the legendary Book of Rule, which will help them overthrow a tyrant king, the Lionhearts save the day the only way they know how -- by blowing up everything and everyone in sight. Armed & Dangerous is full of ridiculous action and injected with Planet Moon's unique sense of humor, making it ideal for gamers that want their funny bone tickled while causing mass destruction. Read More »


Also known as: Armed and Dangerous

Armed & Dangerous (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: December 2, 2003
Publisher: LucasArts

ESRB T for Teen Crude Humor, Mild Language, Violence

Also available on: Xbox


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  • Fight your way through 21 action-packed missions.
  • Brandish over 17 outlandish weapons like the Cyclops Sniper Rifle, the Vindaloo Rocket Launcher, or the Topsy-Turvy and Sticky bomb.
  • Explore five diverse environments including icy and snowy regions, mountains with breathtaking vistas, deep and foreboding woods, and rain-spattered cliffs.
  • Take down wicked enemies like half-man, half-animal Grunts, eliminator droids, wall-smashing Goliaths, evil monks and wild twiglets.
  • Navigate through a richly entertaining story with two smack-talkin' partners in crime.

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