Publisher: Meridian4
Publisher: Meridian4
Genre: Shooter
Release Date: June 21, 2011 (US)
Release Date: April 1, 2011 (UK)
Release Date: April 1, 2011 (AU)
M for Mature: Blood, Strong Language, Violence
PEGI: 16+
ArmA II: Reinforcements
Publisher: Meridian4
Publisher: Meridian4
Genre: Shooter
Release Date: June 21, 2011 (US)
Release Date: April 1, 2011 (UK)
Release Date: April 1, 2011 (AU)
M for Mature: Blood, Strong Language, Violence
PEGI: 16+
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ArmA II: Reinforcements

Arma 2: Reinforcements brings to the Armaversum two new factions -- Her Majesty's Armed Forces and private contractors. Play it separately or combine with original ArmA 2: Combined Operations for ultimate military combat experience! Join the massive online multiplayer battles with up to 50 players and hundreds of AI units!

ArmA II: British Armed Forces -- Two months after the Allied military victory in Takistan, the new government is restoring the war-torn country. NATO forces assisting in this effort face the threat of insurgency, waged by the remnants of the defeated Takistani army in the mountainous regions of Takistan. Company team of British paratroopers patrolling the treacherous mountains in Zargabad's vicinity is ordered to battle the amassing guerrilla warriors.

ArmA II: Private Military Company -- One year after British and coalition armed forces successfully quelled the insurgent uprising in Takistan, the NATO Green Sea deployment is in the process of a strategic drawdown of combat troops in the region. Private military contractors shoulder the burden of the increased workload, with competition rising between the multinational organizations for lucrative security contracts. Private Military Company, ION, Inc. (formerly Black Element), successfully bid for a contract - codenamed Black Gauntlet - to provide security for a UN investigation team as they seek to piece together information regarding Takistan's abandoned nuclear weapons program.


Also known as: ArmA 2: Reinforcements, ArmA II: British Armed Forces & ArmA II: Private Military Company, ArmA: Armed Assault 2: Reinforcements

ArmA II: British Armed Forces (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: June 21, 2011
Publisher: Bohemia Interactive

ESRB M for Mature Blood, Strong Language, Violence

ArmA II: British Armed Forces (PC)

Release Region: United Kingdom
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Publisher: Bohemia Interactive

ArmA II: British Armed Forces (PC)

Release Region: Australia
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Publisher: Bohemia Interactive

ArmA II: Private Military Company (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: June 21, 2011
Publisher: Bohemia Interactive

ESRB M for Mature Blood, Strong Language, Violence

ArmA II: Private Military Company (PC)

Release Region: United Kingdom
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Publisher: Bohemia Interactive

ArmA II: Private Military Company (PC)

Release Region: Australia
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Publisher: Bohemia Interactive

ArmA II: Reinforcements (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: June 21, 2011
Publisher: Meridian4

ESRB M for Mature Blood, Strong Language, Violence

ArmA II: Reinforcements (PC)

Release Region: United Kingdom
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Publisher: Meridian4

ArmA II: Reinforcements (PC)

Release Region: Australia
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Publisher: Meridian4

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