Publisher: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Genre: RPG
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (AU)
Publisher: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Genre: RPG
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (AU)
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Brick House Trading Co. was a daytrading firm that decided they would rather make a massively multiplayer, online RPG. The game takes place on Earth after the last wizard wipes it out in a great cataclysm. Out of the ashes springs Novus, a medieval fantasy world where swords, goblins, and magic exist. The game will include player vs. player fighting and even feature a wanted list with reward for dealing with troublesome players. Other features include dynamic monster populations, guild halls, and a flexible skill system. Arcanity was previously called Cataclysm.

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