Genre: Shooter
Release Date: July 20, 1996 (US)
Release Date: February 12, 1998 (UK)
Release Date: July 20, 1996 (US)
M for Mature: Blood, Gore, Animated Violence, Realistic Blood, Realistic Blood and Gore, Realistic Violence
Alien Trilogy
Genre: Shooter
Release Date: July 20, 1996 (US)
Release Date: February 12, 1998 (UK)
Release Date: July 20, 1996 (US)
M for Mature: Blood, Gore, Animated Violence, Realistic Blood, Realistic Blood and Gore, Realistic Violence
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Alien Trilogy

First-person shooter based on the first three Alien movies. Haunted by memories, you hope there is just some small oversight some simple communications problem, but you know, deep down, in the back of your mind THEY'RE BACK! Face huggers, chest bursters, dog aliens, adult aliens, ruthless corporate shills, and not one, but three Queen aliens. Over 30 acid encrusted levels and an arsenal of lethal weapons await you. All the gut-churning 3D action of the complete Alien Trilogy in one black-death, white-knuckle nightmare. Developed by Probe Entertainment for Acclaim.

Alien Trilogy Game Help


Alien Trilogy (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: July 20, 1996
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment

ESRB M for Mature Blood, Gore, Animated Violence, Realistic Blood, Realistic Blood and Gore, Realistic Violence

Alien Trilogy (PC)

Release Region: United Kingdom
Release Date: February 12, 1998
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment

Alien Trilogy (PC)

Release Region: Japan
Release Date: February 12, 1998
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment

Also available on: Saturn, PlayStation


For more info on these technical requirements and features, please view GameSpy's Specs FAQ.


    Multiple challenging levels, 3 queen bosses, 360 degrees of 3D rendered action, detailed lighting and sound effects, variety of weapons, based on the movie series

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