Developer: Beam Software
Developer: Beam Software
Developer: Beam Software
Publisher: Playmates
Publisher: Playmates
Genre: Platformer
Release Date: July 21, 1998 (US)
Release Date: February 6, 1998 (UK)
Release Date: July 21, 1998 (US)
T for Teen: Animated Violence, Realistic Violence
Alien Earth
Developer: Beam Software
Developer: Beam Software
Developer: Beam Software
Publisher: Playmates
Publisher: Playmates
Genre: Platformer
Release Date: July 21, 1998 (US)
Release Date: February 6, 1998 (UK)
Release Date: July 21, 1998 (US)
T for Teen: Animated Violence, Realistic Violence
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Alien Earth

Years after a massive nuclear holocaust has wiped out much of Earth's population, a wicked alien lord rules the planet's remaining humans. A lone underground resistance has emerged, but its powers do not equal those of the reigning government. When the alien ruler pegs you as a troublemaker, you must journey through the woods to escape his minions and find the rebel force. Dozens of powerful weapons and spells are at your disposal throughout this creative classic which blends action, adventure, and role-playing to yield awesome results.


    High AI; smooth gameplay; an epic story; incredible firepower; single-player action

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