Publisher: Red Orb
Publisher: Red Orb
Genre: Compilation
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
E for Everyone: Suitable for Persons Ages Six and Older
Ages of Myst
Publisher: Red Orb
Publisher: Red Orb
Genre: Compilation
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
E for Everyone: Suitable for Persons Ages Six and Older
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Ages of Myst

The game that revolutionized puzzle-solving for the PC gets a well-earned celebration in the form of this complete package. AGES OF MYST includes the original game, the incredible, five-CD giant of a sequel: RIVEN, and a CD-Rom documentary about the making of the second installment, called THE MAKING OF RIVEN. Each creepy game takes place in the expanses of a mysterious island, and you'll have your hands full with detailed exploration collecting clues and utilizing gadgets throughout the experience.


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    The first two MYST games; a CD-Rom documentary; hundreds of hours of gameplay; incredible graphics; single-player action

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