Publisher: Merscom
Publisher: Merscom
Genre: Strategy
Release Date: December 13, 2003 (US)
Release Date: December 13, 2003 (US)
Release Date: December 13, 2003 (US)
Age of Castles
Publisher: Merscom
Publisher: Merscom
Genre: Strategy
Release Date: December 13, 2003 (US)
Release Date: December 13, 2003 (US)
Release Date: December 13, 2003 (US)
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Age of Castles

Age of Castles is a fantasy-based strategy game that challenges you to conquer the realm by converting peasants into loyal followers and building the mightiest castle. Choose from one of five different kings to rule your kingdom, explore 18 unique locations like the Goblin Ruins, the Elven Forest or the River Styx, and battle over 60 enemies like Goblins, Orcs and Dragons! Purchase potions, scrolls and other magic items to upgrade your kingdom. Dozens of game characters and thousands of random events provide players with hours of addictive fantasy gameplay.


For more info on these technical requirements and features, please view GameSpy's Specs FAQ.


  • Five different kings: Dwarf, Prince, Wizard, Knight, Warrior
  • Collect gold, mana and other bonuses in 18 exciting locations in the Map of the Realm
  • Over 60 enemies like goblins, orcs, demons and dragons
  • Various peasant jobs like Merchant, Cleric, Builder and Soldier
  • Dozens of unique items for sale in Ye Olde Magik Shoppe
  • Special Tales of the Quest section reveals stats and history

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