Genre: Adventure
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Genre: Adventure
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
Release Date: Unreleased (US)
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The Adventures of Robin Hood

What if the public never got beyond the whole thievery thing and branded Robin Hood a villain? It's your job to control the bandit of Sherwood Forest and his merry men through level after level of treacherous gameplay, improving your ranking to that of "hero." The ultimate object of the game is to reclaim your castle and kill the wicked Sheriff of Nottingham. Succeeding will mean assigning individual tasks to each member of your troop and finding the dozens of clues that are hidden throughout the game.

Also available on: Amiga


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    Classic characters; dozens of clues; a great story; excellent graphics; single-player action

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