Publisher: Mindscape
Publisher: Mindscape
Genre: Compilation
Release Date: December 31, 1996 (US)
Release Date: December 31, 1996 (US)
Release Date: December 31, 1996 (US)
K-A for Kids to Adult: Mild Animated Violence
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Masterpiece Collection
Publisher: Mindscape
Publisher: Mindscape
Genre: Compilation
Release Date: December 31, 1996 (US)
Release Date: December 31, 1996 (US)
Release Date: December 31, 1996 (US)
K-A for Kids to Adult: Mild Animated Violence
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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Masterpiece Collection

A collection of six games from the AD&D universe, including The Dark Sun: Shattered Lands, The Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager, Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession, Ravenloft: Stone Prophet, Menzoberranzan, and Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse.


Also known as: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Masterpiece Collection, AD&D Masterpiece Collection


For more info on these technical requirements and features, please view GameSpy's Specs FAQ.


    Six games; original gameplay; serious role-playing; amazing graphics; multiplayer action

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