Genre: Action
Release Date: May 26, 2006 (US)
Release Date: May 26, 2006 (US)
Release Date: May 26, 2006 (US)
T for Teen: Blood, Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes

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Genre: Action
Release Date: May 26, 2006 (US)
Release Date: May 26, 2006 (US)
Release Date: May 26, 2006 (US)
T for Teen: Blood, Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes
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Ace Online

ACE Online is a 3D space shooter that combines action and MMORPG elements. The game thrusts players into the role of fighter pilots and behind the controls of ships known as "Gears". As the player battles in this intergalactic world at war, they will complete missions and engage other players in intense aerial dogfights.

ACE Online injects action and shooting elements into the traditional MMORPG formula. Players have complete control over their gear and must engage enemies directly in combat - relying on quick shooting and skillful maneuvering in order to survive. As players progress through the game, they acquire credits which can be used in the game's item shop to purchase hundreds of customizable weapons and add-ons for their "gear". Players can then fly their "gear" into immense online space battles as part of ACE Online's "Nation Wars" PvP system. These RPG elements add a layer of personal customization and multiplayer strategy to ACE Online's already action-packed gameplay.

Latest Articles for Ace Online

Wicked Interactive's Ace Online Now in Open Beta

PC News | Aug 29, 2008

Wicked Interactive, a North American MMO publisher, announced today that its strategy role-playing space shooter, ACE Online, has entered open beta. The game is being hosted on Wicked Interactive's web portal: Read More »

Wicked Interactive's Ace Online Starts Closed Beta Today

PC News | Aug 18, 2008

Wicked Interactive, a North American MMO publisher, today announced its first game, ACE Online, has gone into closed beta and is being hosted on its web portal: Starting today, 08/18/08, gamers can obtain a closed beta key for ACE Online by going to and registering for a SuBa games account. Registration is limited to the first 5000 players to join. Read More »

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