Publisher: TBA
Publisher: TBA
Genre: RPG
Release Date: TBA (US)
Release Date: TBA (US)
Release Date: TBA (US)
Publisher: TBA
Publisher: TBA
Genre: RPG
Release Date: TBA (US)
Release Date: TBA (US)
Release Date: TBA (US)
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Ancient World Online

War has been declared on the Galactic Space Federation Council by the Federation of Empria. The whole galaxy has come to a halt and fear is in the air. The 10 councils have met to try to discuss the Empira situation, but nothing can stop the battle ahead. Now, recruitment notices are popping up all over the airwaves -- will you join the fight?

This futuristic, next-generation MMO is by Solar System Studios.


Ancient World Online (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: TBA
Publisher: TBA

Ancient World Online (PC)

Release Region: United Kingdom
Release Date: Released
Publisher: TBA

Also available on: Xbox 360

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