Developer: Dejobaan Games
Developer: Dejobaan Games
Developer: Dejobaan Games
Publisher: Dejobaan Games
Publisher: Dejobaan Games
Genre: Action
Release Date: September 3, 2009 (US)
Release Date: September 3, 2009 (US)
Release Date: September 3, 2009 (US)
Aaaaa!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Developer: Dejobaan Games
Developer: Dejobaan Games
Developer: Dejobaan Games
Publisher: Dejobaan Games
Publisher: Dejobaan Games
Genre: Action
Release Date: September 3, 2009 (US)
Release Date: September 3, 2009 (US)
Release Date: September 3, 2009 (US)
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Aaaaa!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

Just as the title says, this game will make you go, "AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!" BASE Jumping (short for Building, Antenna, Span, Earth) has never been a sport for the masses -- but now, you can experience that thrill in this twisted take on the sport. You dive off a skyscraper, relying on quick reflexes to negotiate the intricate tangle of girders that make up the City. You perform aerial stunts at terminal velocity before parachuting into the arms of your cheering fans. While other skydivers have it easy, you have to earn the adoration of the crowds by gliding within an eyelash of that glass super skyscraper at 70 miles per hour.

How late can you deploy your chute before you end up a squishy bag of broken bones? How far can you trust your helmet's proximity meter before you splatter against a window like a bug on a highway? This jump (and your life) are all in your control. As you descend, you toss the spectators a thumbs-up -- or flip them off -- to boost your score. This is AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!


Also known as: Aaaaa!, AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

Aaaaa!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (PC)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: September 3, 2009
Publisher: Dejobaan Games

Also available on: iPhone


  • 80 levels take you through cities of floating billboards and buildings, and fly you inches away from the side of a mountain.
  • Unique game mechanics allow you to create your own stunts to score.
  • Give your fans the thumbs-up for points, or annoy protesters with rude gestures.
  • Snag a can of spray paint and tag government buildings for an extra challenge.
  • Special meditation mode helps you relax, with free anti-meditation mode to help you stop relaxing.

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