Here’s a few links I’ve loaded up on my Twitter page in the last few days. Why not subscribe to the feed:
Ted Kennedy (1932-2009) “So passes a very influential man whose legacy will echo among the halls of the Senate.” Well that much is certainly true.
- Mark Steyn assembles a Mary Jo Kopechne death panel . . . and more comment on the Dead Kennedy.
- "The New Zealand left is possibly at the lowest point that it’s been at for over a hundred years." That’s just so sad, isn’t it.
- A person in the pay of the government is not free to speak publicly about the most pressing issues he confronts. He sells his soul and gets a mess of pottage in return.
- 150 years of Oil: Most good things would either not exist or be far more expensive without oil, yet oil is labelled "a pollutant."
- Ted Kennedy stood for everything that America is not . . . which is precisely the reason he is now lionized by the liberal media
- Ted Kennedy has promoted govt expansion & the establishment of socialism in the US. Is this a what a true American hero looks like?
- Irony Alert: Weather supercomputer used to predict climate change is one of Britain's worst polluters
- A wonderful graphic summary of the rise and fall of the US dollar from 1800 until now. Dollar dilution is a cost to all dollar holders.
- Tellingly, not one major Republican legislator has been able to mount a moral challenge to ObamCare.
- British broadcasting is authoritarian, says Murdoch junior.
- A message for those want to "invest" in public transport . . .
- 'To the living one owes consideration; to the dead only the truth.' The truth about Ted Kennedy just keeps getting worse
- You can't raise good kids if you don't have a clear sense of the good yourself.
- Peak Oil? Not yet, Jeanette.
- Knowing how to raise kids to become fine adults is much more important than talking past each other about the legality or otherwise of smacking.
- RT @Rational Jenn : The latest Objectivist Round Up is Live! #AynRand
- Pythagoras’s Theorem needed only 24 words, the Ten Commandments just 138, US regulations on cabbages a massive 26000, and UK Education Dept guidelines contain over 1.3 million words! “So it takes 90 pages to cut down on bureaucracy?!!! I hate to think what it would take if they wanted to increase it!”
Keep reading here.
And don’t forget to check out these two new blogs:
- Painter Michael Newberry’s Artist’s Voice. Keep up to date with this inspiring artist – and his incredible talent spotting – at his new blog. Why not start with his Manifesto, or his republished ‘Free Radical’ article on Terrorism and Postmodern Art.
- The Opinionated Mummy. Rantings and ravings by another local freedom lover. I don’t think she’s Egyptian – or ancient. :-)