Showing posts with label rosemary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rosemary. Show all posts

Potato Rosemary Focaccia

[Baked on 23 Mar 2013]
Some weeks back, I chanced upon an Indonesian bakery magazine and saw a very lovely picture of a Potato Rosemary Focaccia. I couldn't help but to really want to try to bake this focaccia. Since it was printed in Indonesian Bahasa, I post a copy in the Singapore Homebakers' Facebook. Alice kindly did the translation for me. I've hence, uploaded the document back into the group to be shared with the rest of the homebakers.

The bread was rather sticky and difficult to handle. I oiled the table-top and tried to knead them smoothly. It didn't turn out smooth though. I proceeded to just spread them out on my tray and let it proof. It proved beautifully and baked well. I placed it on the lowest rack of my oven to prevent burning the top. It baked well and was moist. It tasted even better when slightly toasted with cheese.
Recipe for Potato Rosemary Focaccia, by Chef Rahmat, Sous Chef Hotel Borobudur, Bakery Magazine - Vol.1 No. 5/May 2011
(Makes a 11" x 14" tray pan)

200g bread flour
10g instant yeast
100ml water


1.Beat all ingredients with electric mixer for 8 minutes
2.Cover dough with cling wrap and refrigerate overnight

500g potato – steamed
10g rosemary
50g olive oil
300g bread flour
250g sourdough
10g salt
5g instant yeast
10g bread improver (I omitted this)
50g water


1 .Beat steamed potato with electric mixer till smooth.
2. Add in rosemary and oil, mix well.
3. Add in bread flour, salt, yeast and bread improver and mix low speed.
4. Add in sourdough, beat at high speed for 10 minutes until well mixed.
5. Rest the dough, covered with cling wrap.
6. Place the dough on an oiled tray pan.
7. Brush oil on the dough, sprinkle rosemary, ground pepper and salt.
8. Rest for 20 minutes , and then bake for 15 minutes at 200C at the lowest rack.
9. Remove from the oven, let it rest for 30mins before removing from the pan.

Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Bread

Roasted Garlic & Rosemary Loaf
When Laureen said it's very very good, I really believe it had to be very very good! Bake with one of my two favourite ingredients - garlic and rosemary, it definitely cannot go wrong! I've never explored roasted garlics before. All I had tried was just sauteed garlic or fried garlic as garnish. Roasted garlic? It is truly heaven sent!

I've been baking sweet buns since the day I found the perfect recipe for it! So it's time to cut down on sugars...I just couldn't wait to try the Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Bread when I saw it! Now, it says two heads of garlic...hmm, what does two heads means? Two small  cloves? Or two big garlic cloves? Ah...luckily I still have sanity check. Looking at the ingredients of using 560g of flour, how would two small cloves provide enough taste? So I decided to use two large garlic cloves, unpeeled. Through that, I've learnt two new things - heads of garlic, and roasting garlic.
I'm a lover for herbs, especially rosemary. I like to buy them too! However, because I know I don't usually use them up fast enough, I will just keep them in the freezer. And I'm happy to just do that so that I can have fresh herbs as and when I want. Well, it might not be as good as freshly plucked ones, but who can tell the difference? :p
You can find the original recipe at Eat and Be Happy. For me, I used a mixture of wholemeal wheat flour, bread flour and plain flour. It turned out to be perfect. I like wholemeal wheat flour in my breads, it made me feel less guilty when eating them! And yes, the recipe really made a HUGE enormous loaf! I will make it into two loaves the next time I baked. It's a rustic dense soft loaf!
Roasted Chicken & Wrap
If you asked me, I have no inspirations lately. However, my love for eating never dies. So what happens when my inspirations are out? Well, just check out other bloggers' and follow them. That was what happened on Friday when I made the Crispy Roast Chicken from Happy Home Baking. Thanks to her detailed explanation, I was able to make wonderfully roasted herbed chicken. Since I used rosemary in my rustic bread bake above, I decided to use fresh thyme for the chicken instead. It turned out to be truly good.
Instead of having roast chicken with the usual rice, I decided to have it with wholemeal tortilla wraps (as suggested by HHB too!) As I've not tried making tortillas, I decided to buy them instead. Just in case it didn't turn out good. Slice out the chicken pieces, place them on the wrap with lettuce, cheese and button mushrooms, then wrapped them up... Hmm, you'll have a wonderfully satisfied healthy meal! Enjoy!