Thursday, 16 March 2017

Just For You

Morning all!  Today's card is a bit on the clean and simple side, but it is really pretty in real life!  I started by stamping the Elemental Swirl stamp across the top corner of a piece of coconut white card using a Clear Perfect Medium pad.  I dusted it with gold mica powder for a soft look.  Next I cut four leaf apertures diagonally across a piece of coconut white card.  I added a piece of acetate across the back so it covered all the openings then added mounting foam to raise it.  Next I used my Pixie Powders to create a background that I used to showed through those openings.  I used Rich God, Midnight Blue, and  Candy Pink and spritz it with water to activate the powders.  Once dry, I adhered the top piece over it.  Using the Bright gold card, I cut the matching Leafy Swirl dies and glued them in place over the acetate in the apertures.  I also cut the sentiment from the Retail Therapy die set in Bright gold card and glued it to the bottom corner of the card.  The card was completed with white and Bright Gold mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x  8 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x

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nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful clean and elegant card.
Nancyd xx

Pam said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. This is such a beautiful card, just gorgeous and I love it
Elaine, my heart goes out to you, Andrew and his family. So many disappointments and delays and he is always so brave about it, but you have to trust that the doctors are making the right choices. If he is nit string enough, the treatment will floor hm. Hopefully he will be able to have it soon. Did they say how many more he has to have. Hugs and love for you all.
June, I do hope you make it to Ally Pally, even for an hour and a half. I'm sure your wonderful husband will oblige you.
June Horrocks, hope you had a wonderful 59th anniversary, a really big one next year X
Carmen, so sad to have to pay such hefty charges on top of your dues purchase. Try Joanna Sheens website, think she does free shipping worldwide and she has a good stock of Sues dies. That way you may get more dies for your money.
Donita is a quesadilla Mexican food?? Hope you enjoyed it.
So many lovely tales of childhood, families and grandparents this week, you have brought back so many memories, both Hapoy and sad but that is life. Thank you all for your kindness, you are a huge bunch of diamonds.
Hugs to all, missing friends and poorly friends. NannaTina and Tina T, thinking of you.

JAO said...

Lovely card, love leaf cards, this one very elegant.

Denise Bryant said...

This is one of my favorites! Beautiful card! Love those gorgeous leaves!

Kevonacrafts said...

Morning Sue as you say a nice clean crisp card today.
Have a great day


Craftynetty said...

What a stunning card Sue. I do love these clean and simple cards, which are so elegant. Thank you.

hettygarlick said...

Very beautiful. I love the way you've done the leaves - so effective. said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a lovely card.
Take care Kitty.

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a very lovely card, the gold is perfect with the blue behind the die cut leaf apertures. Have a good day all. Bx

Suemac said...

A very pretty card

Jan.moogie said...

Simply gorgeous card today Sue love it. Have a great day hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx

hollyberry said...

Love this card it is so elegant.

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue,
Clean and simple card today but so effective.
Jan x

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue. I do love the samples that you are known for all over the world with the bows and stick pins, but your clean and simple cards are just that but more - clean and simple but oh so elegant. This is all three but more. Absolutely stunning Sue what more is there to be said. Have a great day.
Sending hugs your way xxx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue,
A beautiful and elegant design that looks so classy. I love the effects that the Pixie powders give.x

Jennie - The Crafty Wife said...

What a lovely card today especially with the pixie powders beneath the leaves peeping through.

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Stunning card, love the softness of the mica powder on the stamp rather than embossing, and the little pop of colour behind the leaf apertures is beautiful.
I'll echo Pam's comments again today. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Unknown said...

That's different, adding the leaves over the acetate in the apertures!
Very effective!
Big hug
Julie Elli

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
It might be clean and simple, but it's so elegant, too. Love the idea of making aperture, then adding acetate, background of pixie powders and then adding filigree dies on top. Very classy, the whole look. Just perfect for a friend of mine...
Hugs, Rose

TDQ Karen said...

Love the pixie powdered background adds so much interest to the leaves, which are so pretty xx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Very elegant. Sometimes less is more.

Debra K. said...

Gorgeous card this morning Sue! Love the card design with the lovely swirls and the leaves look wonderful. Debra x

Anonymous said...

A beautiful card, Sue, great to use the acetate so the card could be raised and the leaves popped on. Pixie colours lovely, too. Feeling a need for those leaves!
Great to read the family stories, we have some remarkable ladies on this blog. Our story too long and complicated for here, but very moving. My late Gran was an incredible woman from another age when things were so much harder.
Thanks Pam, echoing again.
Donita, Carmen, keep safe in your very wintry weather.
Cat friends, sadly Harry our wonderful little ginger man has gone to join Angel.
Hugs to all.

'P' in Wales

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
Such a different card today I love it definitely one to try,
Pam thank you for your daily comments. Elaine so sorry to hear Andrew news he is so brave and positive, Carmen you made me laugh about your snow covered lawn.

Netty The Runner said...

Absolutely love this card Sue
Annette x

Dolly Daydream said...

Morning Sue, a truly stunning card today, so elegant and would suit so many occasions. Another one to make for the men in my family.
Have a good day.

Hugs xx
Dawn Searle

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh wow what a super card today, elegance screams out from it with the beautiful gold colouring, a truly magnificent creation, I love the stamp you have used on my shopping list.

Pam, still working on him, he has not said yes yet.

I too have enjoyed all the family stories on the blog this week, remembering the good and bad times is good therapy I always say.

Elaine, I agree with Pam, Andrew needs to build up his strength, this is not unusual after all that he has been through, special hugs to you all.

Theresa G, please Cassie is on the mend, hope you get good news from the vet today.

Stay safe,healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, a lovely different card today. The leaves are gorgeous.

Barbara V

Pussycats said...

Good Morning Sue. Beautiful card this morning and I always think your cards are more than clean and simple but stunning. I love the design of the card and the gold leaves.... Wendy

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the swirls and the leaves are very pretty. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Chris Curry said...

Lovely, lovely card Sue. The three D effect of the leaves is great, especially for a man I think. Thank you, have a good day. Xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue a lovely card today those gold swirls are so pretty have a happy day today
Catherine xx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, love this card I have these dies. love Jean Z xxxx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, lovely card today, as you say clean and simple. I love the colour peeking through the leaves.

Love Rosemarie X X

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
I love these clean & simple cards but they are still elegant. Yvonne xx

Wendy L said...

The words look like molten gold, beautiful card Sue, xxx

nattyboots said...

Lovely card Sue looks very gentle and special .

Pam, Andrew has to go back to the hosp on Monday for more tests, if all is ok he can have the treatment on Tuesday, not sure how many more he is to have at the moment .They did say he would be very poorly and it could well interfere with his bone marrow if they went ahead today. These specialist know what they are doing ,we are so lucky to have them and their knowledge .

I have a little story to tell you of my dad if i may, i only found this out from my Aunt after Dad died at just 45 yrs of age,,,,
Apparently his Mum died leaving 8 children ,his dad was a sailor and always at sea , he married again quite soon as he wanted his new wife to look after the children while he went back to sea , but the new wife was always in the pub , their was no money for food or coal , my Dad went down by the docks one cold freezing day to see if their was any fruit and veg in the gutters from the market , he was usually quite lucky but not on this day , he was frantic as the siblings had been crying with hunger , as he was on his way back home he saw the baker outside talking to a man ,so he quickly went into the shop grabbed two loaves and ran ,,,,,,
My aunty Margaret said he was her hero if it wasn't for my Dad they would have all starved .
I have many more tales about dad , told by my aunt and how they lived in such poverty but that was the only time he stole anything . I have wrote them all down and Scrapbooked them for my boys and family to read.

Sorry if i have taken up a huge page today , i just thought i would share .
On that note i will jump on Pam's wagon
Take care and big hugs to all.
Elaine H X

June Horrocks said...

Hi sue this card is beautiful so elegant and the leaves and colours are stunning the dies are now on my list thank you
Love always June horrocks xxxxxx

Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue Gorgeous card i love these leaf dies they are on my shopping list to get!
Thank you Helen xxx

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A fabulous card.
B xx

hazel young said...

Beautiful card Sue xx hazel

ahappycrafter50 said...

Love this elegant card. Clean and simple is always a winner for me.

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue wow I do love this one it's so elegant and the design is wonderful

Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xx

Anne said...

What a beautiful card this morning, Sue. I must remember to use my mica powders more. It's a good job we have you to remind us of all these techniques!
Off to the NEC shortly - hoping to see loads of your dies.

Anne (Northampton)

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, a lovely CAS card that it is so elegant. The colours are also beautiful.
Marion S x

marg said...

Hello Sue
Love the Leaves Dies I thought I had these but NO so that will be amended!lol

Nattyboots that is such an awful tale, but so sad how kids that were expected to do so much even when very young.
Bet the Baker would have helped him!
Good to keep a record though!
Love Marg

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card today, love the stamped corner and the leaves are gorgeous. I hadn't realised they were so detailed. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx
Elaine that's such a good idea writing the stories down for the next generation. It's so true that you find out more about a person After they have gone. Sending big hugs to you Andrew and familyxxx
P so sorry to hear Harry has gone to meet Angel xxx
June did your daughter in law take you last year? Perhaps a gentle hint in that direction? Xxx
Pam as always you've said it all xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I really love the look of this card, it is so stylish. Great for a man's card too. You have reminded me to use my mica powders more - the corner stamp is beautiful. Must buy this one. Sending best wishes

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Simply elegant! That swirl is one of my favourites to use its such a useful stamp!
Hugs x
Heather T

dizy said...

Loving this card. So simple but but everything about it shouts class. xx

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

You do the clean and simple style so well - this is just the mica powdered swirls and the colours shining through the leaf apertures are so sumptuous and scrummy...great card!

Elaine - I don't think anyone would consider that taking food to feed hungry children was actually "stealing"....nowadays they steal to feed a drug habit or because they're too lazy to find a job...


BenteS said...

Such an elegant card!
Love the design - just beautiful :))

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone

A lovely clean and simple card but with a glamorous twist. I love how the mica shines and the leaf dies are gorgeous.

Elaine, I am keeping everything crossed for Andrew on Monday. X

June H, belated Happy Anniversary for yesterday. I hope you both had a lovely day. X

Carmen, I hope you can find a better supplier so that your money goes on dies rather than shipping and taxes. I think Pam my have the answer. I hope so x

Love Helen xxx

Anonymous said...

I love this card Sue, it is very elegant and different.

Beryl said...

Beautiful card Sue.

Unknown said...

Hello Sue

A very striking card that would be suitable for many occasions. I think leaves make a wonderful feature to any project.

Scottydog said...

Much as I love your classic cards I do like the less is more versions. This card really is elegant & one I am going to try & replicate, although I still struggle with the pixie powders. Don't know if I am using the right amount of powders or the wrong amount of water! Lol! Thank you so much for the inspiration. My craft room is calling!

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Love the clean lines of this card, it's beautiful.

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful CAS card and leaves always make lovely cards in my opinion.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Loving the clean and simple at the moment. SueL x

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue, oh wow what a beautiful card I love the idea of the simple design and I might pinch it for some men cards I need to create. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Sue MacFall said...

Very elegant and useful card. Love the colour scheme.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love the simplicity of your card. The touch of gold gives it elegance.
Thank you for sharing.
Véronique L

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, a lovely simple card today, it is true that less is more, makes everything look really classy.
Thank you for sharing, take care everyone, the stories about families have been amazing, xx
Jess x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful elegant card, love the hint of pixie powders peeking out behind the swirly leaves. I think I have that stamp must go and check as it looks lovely dusted with the gold mica powder
Elaine hope all goes ahead for Andrew on Monday, sending you big hugs
Echoing Pams lovely comments again

Love and hugs to everyone

dj2908 said...

I do like your clean and simple cards, Sue, for
me it's definitely less is more!!

Doreen x

Rosemary Stickland said...

A very classy card today, love the "less is more" look.
Rosemary xx

Kim Dibben said...

Lovely card Sue xx love the CAS style
Love Kim D

Bejay said...

Bejay xx

cheryl brown said...

Morning Sue,

A simple yet stylistic card, loving it. fun way with the acetate too.

Off to dentist this morning, crafting later.
Love 7 hugs
Cheryl xxx

ursula said...

This is just such a beautiful card Sue, looks so complicated but once reading your instructions not too bad at all, I think it is a wonderful male I will definitely be making soon....thanks a million....luv Ursula xx

Disco Queen said...

Love the shimmering gold.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a beautiful clean and elegant card. Your stamping is gorgeous and the leaves look very delicate. After seeing your card on Tuesday i have ordered the Jewelled Heart die as it looks stunning and along with that i have also ordered the Antila Gemini and the Chrysanthemum flower dies as they are both beauties but there is still a load of dies that i would like. I have everything ready to record Johns shows and to see what beautiful sample cards he has and to see what he has to tempt me with as he said on his blog yesterday that he will have the new Iced Flake Glitter Jewels so i am sure i will be waiting for a parcel next week LOL.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I love this card. CAS maybe but it is so elegant. The pixie powdered background under the acetate is so pretty.

June H - belated Happy Anniversary for yesterday, hope you had a lovely time.
I'm loving all the family stories, some of which are very touching. My sister and I tried to get our mum to talk about things but she would just say 'oh, that's in the past' and we were left wondering.
'P' - sad times & tears for you and Harry. Run free over rainbow bridge gorgeous boy and find Angel waiting for you.


Unknown said...

Dear Sue and all of you,

Making this a men's card would call for something less swirly in the corner.

Who makes the swirl stamp?

Carmen, there's a North American distributor for Sue Wilson and Creative Expression. It's They're in Canada. You still have to pay 10 percent to make up for the Canadian exchange rate, but they do free shipping if you spend more than $75.

Yes a quesadilla is Mexican. If you take a big round flour tortilla, and put cheese, maybe a shredded meat and maybe refried beans on half of it, then fold it over, heat it until the cheese melts, cut it into 3 or 4 wedges and serve it with sour cream, salsa and guacamole, that's a quesadilla.

Today I sorted out my crafts room to get it in working order. Then I made a St. Patrick's Day card for my stamping friend Pat. She always sends St. Pat's cards to us, but I never had anything to reciprocate with. Last year I found a cross-shaped Celtic knot stamp on eBay, and then I used two Sue Wilson dies. Can you guess which ones? OK, I'll tell. I cut the Heart of Hearts four times, collecting all the fallaway pieces and making four-leaf clovers by finding four matching hearts for each clover. Then I used one of the heart dies included in the Jewel Heart to make a bigger clover for the inside.

So sorry about Harry. He loved you well, and you him.

Solace to all who need it today. Love to all,

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Clean and simple yet very elegant with the gold. I love it.

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
You Mentioned Today's Card Is Clean And Simple, But For Myself With
The Colour Combination It Makes Your Card Stupendous, Rich, Opulent,
A Cut Above The Rest.......
Products Used For Today's Card:-
"Pixie Powders" (Rich Gold, Midnight Blue, Candy Pink)
"Gold Mica Powder" (Stunning)
"Clear Perfect Medium Pad"
"Coconut White/Bright Gold Foundation Card"
"Elemental Swirl Stamp" (Beautiful)
"Swirly Leaf Trio Dies" (A Must Have)
"Retail Therapy Die Set"
Today's Stupendous Card:-
Sue You Started Today's Card By Taking a Piece Of White Card Cut To Size You Required You Stamped
"The Elemental Swirl Stamp"
Using Your "Clear Perfect Medium Pad" Sue Then You Dusted It Using Your "Gold Mica Powder"
Creating An Extremely Soft Look, Sue Then You Cut Out Four Leaf Apertures Diagonally Across Your
Piece Of White Card.
Next You Added A Piece Of "Acetate" To The Back So It Covered All The Openings, Sue Then You Added
Mounting Foam For Dimension. Sue Then You Created A Background Using Your "Stupendous Pixie Powders"
Once Your Background Was Dry You Glued Your Top Piece Over It, So Your "Pixie Powered" Background Showed
Through The Apertures, Sue Then Using The Extremely Beautiful Bright Gold Card You Cut Out The Matching
"Leafy Swirl Dies" And Glued Them Into Place Over The Acetate In The Apertures.
Sue Then You Cut Out Your Sentiment From "The Retail Therapy Die Set" In Bright Gold Card Looks Outstanding
And Glued It To The Bottom Right Hand Corner, You Added Your Mat/Layering Of Coconut White/Bright Gold Card
And Your Signature Piercing.
Another "Tremendous Card" Showing Us Yet Again Different Ways How To Utilise Your "Impressive Cutting Dies"
Sue Thank You For Sharing You Inspire Me Daily I Personally Appreciate Everything You Do.
Sue Take Great Care
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Sue Lots Of Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 For Yourself
Love From Sam xxx

Hilary Bunker said...

Stunning card Sue so pretty simple and elegant. Lovely

Sandra said...

Stunning CAS card today Sue, nobody does it better!
Crafty hugs

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful , clean and simple lines, stunning pixie powder background. What is there not to like?! Love it! Love and hugs Alison xxx

Unknown said...

Love this design


Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, what a fabulous card, love it. Have just moved these dies up the wish list. Fabulous in its simplicity.

Jaye said...

A really elegant design: it is so classy and beautiful. I love the idea of using the acetate to raise the leaves and that gorgeous corner is beautiful. I also love the Pixie powder effect. When I get those divine leaves, which I hadn't realised are so detailed (oh yes, I need the stamp too!!) I must try to replicate, although I certainly haven't got the technique quite right with the pixies powders yet. Thank you for sharing this, Sue.

Unknown said...

Beautiful, elegant and fresh, thankyou for your inspiration x

barbara macaskill said...

Classic, elegant, regal, rich, beautiful, stunning and absolute perfection are a few words that I would use to describe today's lovely offering! TFS!

Berina RGA said...

Such a beautiful card Sue!! Love the swirly leaf dies!! So pretty in gold!

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
A lovely,simple card. Very easy to adapt using other dies
Margaret xx

Jean said...

So pretty!

Patricia said...

Good afternoon Sue, a very elegant card, it is really effective, love it.
Elaine, thoughts and prayers for you and Andrew and you have not taken up a page!!
I think your story is heart wrenching, Scrapbooking it for the future is really important.
Some young people these days would not believe these things happened. I am sure future generations even more so.
Izzy I totally echo your comment, if these people put as much effort into doing a job they would be well off!!
Echoing your summary Pam, perfect as always.
Our friends over the pond hope you are safe in the horrible weather. Can you please try to keep it from blowing across here!!��
Have a great day everyone
Patricia xxx

Unknown said...

Afternoon Sue, simply elegant card .I think the use of gold makes everything stand out . Scrapbooking​ was my first love. I would recommend it to everyone . write it all down Gloria(sidcup ) xx.

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, I think I saw you demo'ing this card, and I thought it was gorgeous at the time, the technique is fabulous, as is the card.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Kate's Cards said...

I love the simplicity of such a pretty card.

karenlotty said...

A beautiful card I love this die set and how you've worked it today I love the stamped flourishes in one corner - it's all it needs

gwen70 said...

Absolutely perfect , I love it

Barbara said...

Gorgeous card Sue!!!!
I love all your clean and simple cards.

Nana on the Hill said...

What a beautiful card Sue! A real classic, just love it xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

A truly stunning card. I like the CAS look!

June x

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is very pretty and i like to see clean and simple from time to time.
Sometimes it is so nice to have somethng you can make quickly that looks
beautiful without the fuss and this is one of them.
I really like this.

Beverly Fuchs said...

Hello Sue,

Your card may be clean and simple but it also has an elegant, sophisticated appeal to it as well.

Have a nice day Sue.


Suzzette Yandle said...

A lovely card today. Nice and clean, but with lots of style. Thank you for sharing your ideas.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Another beauty and perfect for the 'just to say' type sentiment....Your originality and inspiration never ceases to amaze. Thanks for sharing...

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so peaceful and serene

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Tressa said...

Have to echo the words, simple, clean, elegant, classy.


Narrowboat girl said...

A very classy looking card Sue. I love the swirls

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Lovely, clean and simple Card. I really like these leaf dies and how you have used them. The swirl stamp works really well. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Fikreta said...

Beautiful card !

Owlish said...

Hi sue u may say it's a clean and simple card but it's something I not done before so u learned something new today and l must look up using gold mica as l like ur card very much thanks

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Such a lovely card today. Love the leaves.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
It might be simple but it's fabulous.
Beverley W

Welsh Dors said...

Hi Sue,
Fabulous card, beautiful design. After much dithering your apron die arrived this week, I have had such fun using it, i can't seem to stop.
Best wishes

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Classy, elegant card, love the stamp and those leaves are gorgeous.
Di B.x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

This card is different from what you usually do. It doesn’t mean I don’t love it. I do love the clean and simple cards, which are so elegant. I love the gold leaves and the effects that the Pixie powders give to the background.The swirl stamp is a nice touch. Thanks for sharing.

Pam – Thank you for the tip. I will try J.S. website.
Helen B.- Ally Pally might be a solution, if not next month maybe in September… I am dreaming of course.
‘P’ in Wales -I hope this is the last blast of this winter. Sorry to hear about Harry… When the cat you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
Elaine – All the stories that you write will be a treasure over the years for your family. My daily special hugs for the three of you.
Crewe Trish – This is my motto: Make someone smile whenever you can, you never know how much of a difference you could be making in their life for that moment. I'm glad I made you laugh
Patricia – You called us friends … friends should share everything …
Donita – Thank you. I ordered from them. We plan to visit the store in summer time.

Lots of hugs just for you,
Still a newbie to Craft / Not longer the newest and the only across the pond Wilsonette

Annie Stamps said...

Lovely card Sue. I love the stamped swirls. The gold mica powder looks so elegant.

Annie P

Unknown said...

Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

I am a real fan of a Sue Wilson Special which involves copious amounts of glitter, ribbon, flowers&foliage and some fabulous stick pins, however, i also really appreciate a CAS card which is elegant, understated and's card ticks all my boxes! I adore the trio of leaves die, particularly the fancy filigree layer, its simply stunning. The pixie powders have really brought the card to life, the colours are fantastic, so rich and vibrant and the touch of gold in the sentiment and from the mica powder adds a touch of glamour and opulence. Tremendous card Sue, thanks for getting my creative juices flowing againxxx
I have been trying to find the time for a few days now to devote to this fabulous blog but time has ran away from me...nothing exciting to report I'm afraid though:-(......usual chores and boring life stuff distracting me when i should be focusing on what really matters, this blog!
The days are getting noticeably lighter now but the weather has been really frustrating this week, i cant seem to get out in my scooter because of the persistently high winds and rain....okay, we've had a little sunshine but it doesn't really count when you have to use a brolly at the same time:-(
I have really enjoyed the little insights into fellow Wilsonettes backgrounds over the past few days, it is so heart warming to hear the fond memories of our members, reminiscing about departed parents and grandparents. I didn't know my maternal grandparents, they died when i was 4 and 5, and my relationship with my Dads parents was fractious and distressing so it really warms my cockles to see such devoted grandparents on the blog who cherish their offspring.
Pam, your story touched me, losing your Mum at such a young age and how your sister had to be raised by your Gran really made me appreciate the time i have with my own Mum. I'm guessing that you were forced to grow up rather quickly as a result but it has made you into the kind, generous and caring soul that you are today....what would we do without you starting off our day?
Elaine, i was really moved by your story too, sorry you lost your Dad at such a young age but how lovely to be able to build a sense of him through your Aunts is a time and situation that many of us today can barely comprehend, your Dad did what he needed to to survive, it's like a scene from an old movie or novel. I think Scrapbooking is a wonderful way of cataloging memories for future generations, i used to do it a lot but the Crops stopped and i found that i never really disciplined myself to do it on my own, i liked the company of others who shared my interest. Good luck on Tuesday for Andrew, the specialists know what is best for him.
P, it broke my heart to hear about Harry, but as Frances so sensitively described, he will be with Angel at Rainbow Bridge frolicking in the grass and chasing butterflies:-) It hurts so badly when we lose them but you gave him the best life possible and that's all that matters in the end. Thinking of you honeyxxx
Carmen, yes, you were spot on, I received my dies yesterday and spent a glorious couple of hours sorting them out on their magnetic sheets in the appropriate folders....I didn't actually cut any out, I'll leave that to another day, but i must admit to getting a lot of satisfaction from storing them properly in the correct collections....just a little fetish of mine but it helps me locate them easily when I need to. Are you being troubled by the bad weather in Toronto from the East Coast of America? I love snow but we havent really had any this year:-(
Donita, take care in all that bad weather.
Sending hugs to all my besties, especially poorly or missing ones, come back soonxxx

Crafty love and hugs


Unknown said...

Hi sue and crafters.

I love it sue so pretty. I'm sure I bought the leaves I just need to locate them as they are still in the packet somewhere lol.

Love to all xx

Lynne L said...

Hi Sue what a lovely card its so elegant but yet simple I love the effect of the mica powder on the stamped image and the colour of the pixie powders on the leaves is gorgeous.
Elaine what an amazing story about your Dad sometimes we grumble these days about little things we can not imagine what previous generations had to suffer. What a lovely idea to record family memories through scrapbooking, my Dad wrote his memories down soon after he retired and my family really treasure his stories now that he is no longer with us. Thinking of Andrew and hoping his treatment goes ahead on Monday sending you and your family big hugs
Sending good wishes to all

sued99 said...

What a beautiful card. X

Laura O said...

Stunning card. Love the swirls and the leaves are fabulous. Laura O

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
The leafy swirl dies I was lucky enough to win in your release Sue, they come out so often and look fabulous with the pixie powder background. They are next on my list just have to choose a reasonable number of colours lol !!
Muriel x

Tooth Fairy Jo said...

Hello Sue
What a stunning card, the Elemental swirl stamp is gorgeous and looks fab dusted with the gold mica. Lovely shades of pixie powders and they compliment the gold beautifully. Just goes to show we don't always need need bows and flowers to make a card look stunning, mind you I'm not averse to bows and flowers! Thank you Sue for another beauty.

Elaine I'm sorry Andrews treatment has been put back, hope all goes well for him next week. What an amazing story to tell future generations. We really don't know we are born nowadays. My mum told us a story once that as a small child she remembers my granny taking her and her two tiny brothers walking through the snow to my granny's MIL to ask for some bread as she had no food in the house and they were so hungry.
P is am so sad for you, hope it's a comfort to know Harry is with Angel. sending you a big swishy hug.
Carmen I like your Motto for life, how true it is, a smile can mean so much. Do try the JS website, I often use it as Germany is a crafting wilderness and although the parcel takes a while it's worth it for the free postage.
Love and hugs for all
Saba xxx

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm late again! Another busy day and early morning isn't my best time as heaps of people know!
I really love today's card. I love that leaf Die set but haven't got it as yet. I do think it will be one to use year after year.
I love the elegant swirls in gold and the beautiful leaves . The detail as usual is amazing but looks most realistic. Some designers make things which end up looking only vaguely like the real thing - not you ! Thank you for sharing another lovely card.
Ladies our stories are as varied as we are - it's lovely to read them all . We are united in our love of Crafting and Card making a la Sue!!
June Horrocks - so sorry I missed your Anniversary! I hope you had a lovely day . That's a lot of years and a lot of memories!
Carmen - hope you can find a cheaper way of getting your Dies! We could get them here and send Laine out with them??? Yes? No? Lol!
Elaine - try not to worry - easy for me to say I know! Thinking of you all.
P in Wales - so sorry about your furry, much loved family member!
Love to all , Myra xxx

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.
Lovely card, can see the leaves are gorgeous. Will have to wait a few days to see it properly and the other cards over the few days because I have some problems with my eyes so can not see much other then foggy pictures but sure they are equally wonderful as all your cards. TFS

Sending special hugs to Lynda, P, Johanna, Nannatina, Tina, Wheelybad.
Yvonne, Laine, Elaine, Deb C, and to anyone who need one.
Helen, you had a shoulder op? hope it went well and you soon back
to crafting.
June, hope to meet you at Ally Pally this April.
Have liked reading about your parents and grandparents.
I used to stay with my mum's dad and nanna every holiday and I loved the
summers which were nearly nine weeks long and we spent them at the cottage
he built in the woods near farmland so my childhood are very happy memories.
Can sometimes still smell the tobacco he used in his pipe :-)
Take care all and many hugs,
Maria x

Betty McAlister said...

Love your beautiful card. The swirl stamp with mica is lovely too. Wish I had that die!!!
P in Wales, so sorry to hear that you've lost Harry who has gone to play with Angel. Am sure you have
Lovely memories of all your babies. Xx

Sandy H said...

Gorgeous card.
Take care everyone.

Littlelamb said...

Somehow I didn't manage to get here yesterday. Love the card. Thank you for sharing.

DeCor said...

Really love this card today Sue. So striking. Love how you did the leaves.

DeCor said...

Really love this card today Sue. So striking. Love how you did the leaves.