Kurs 1 - Vintage Treasures pocket mini album - Carolyn Peeler
Saks, lim, papirkutter, glue dots, Crop o Dile (om du har), pop dots/3D limputer
Kurs 2 - Minialbum - Kristine Henanger
Saks, skalpel, pensel/palett kniv, 3D limputer
Hvis du har varmluftspistol hvis du har, men dette ligger også i kursrommet ;)
Kurs 3 - Pocket Scrapbooking with October Afternoon - Carolyn Peeler
Saks, lim, papirkutter, distresser, din favoritt brune stempelpute til å sverte kanter med. Bilder: "Students are strongly encouraged to bring photos for this workshop. Some suggestions are: photos of a holiday, photos of a ‘week in the life’, photos of your childhood, photos of your family and home for a HOME album. (Carolyn used photos from a holiday).
To see sizes of the photos needed, we will be using the
following October Afternoon page protectors: http://www.octoberafternoon.com/show_product.php?line=DF&num=10
SL-1077 - Daily Flash - 6x8 Sleeve Multi-Pack (there are
2 of each of the page styles shown) You will want to bring at least 12 – 24 2"x2" photos, four - 4"x4" photos, four – six 3"x3" photos, two – four 3"x4" photos, and
two full 6.5" x 8.5" photos. A combination of color and black and white photos
will work well for this project."
Vil du ha målene i cm, så er de: 2x2 = 5,08x5,08cm, 4x4 = 10,16x10,16cm, 3x3 = 7,62 x7,62cm og 3x4 = 7,62 x10,16cm og 6,5x8,5 = 16,51x21,59cm.
Vil du ha målene i cm, så er de: 2x2 = 5,08x5,08cm, 4x4 = 10,16x10,16cm, 3x3 = 7,62 x7,62cm og 3x4 = 7,62 x10,16cm og 6,5x8,5 = 16,51x21,59cm.
Kurs 4 - Layout-kurs i clusterstil - Kristine Henanger
dobbeltsidig tape, 3D limputer, glossy accent eller annen sterk lim, sort stempelpute, akrylkloss. S/H bilder i str. 13x10. Ta gjerne med flere bilder. Hvis du har varmluftspistol hvis du har, men dette ligger også i kursrommet ;)