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Viser innlegg med etiketten art. Vis alle innlegg

tirsdag, november 18, 2014

December journal

Can you believe we are in the middle of November already. Soon one of my favorite months will come. Can't wait for December! Love love love the month December with all the lights, preparations for Christmas, all the joy, time spent together, warm cozy indoor activities, maybe some skating or skiing, all the secrets, the making, baking, the lovely scent of Christmas in the house, the sparkle in the eyes of the kids, the preparing of gifts to the people we care for ... So many things that bring love and joy and meaning and reasons to be thankful into my life. 
As a part of my Christmas traditions is making of my December album a thing I really love and look forward to. 
This year all my scrapbooking is put away in different places around the house, but I enjoyed the process of digging trough my old paper and stash and find all things Christmas related. :-)
This years album is solely made of things I already had on hand and I enjoy bringing new life to old papers and stash. :-) 
Here are some of the premade pages I have made so far:
Thanks for stopping by. 

lørdag, november 15, 2014


I created this page for this months word up at the one little word blog. Please join in and stop by the olw blog for all the amazing inspiration by the team. 
Have a great weekend!

søndag, oktober 26, 2014

Work in progress...

Here is a little work in progress, not sure how it will turn out when it is finished, but i have some plans on adding some text and some more color. Thanks for stopping by :-) have a great week. 

mandag, oktober 20, 2014

Autumn love

I was so inspired by this beautiful season,  the colors, the crisp air, the beauty of the trees .... And then I all of a sudden fell over the most beautiful piece of art by Neil Burley  and all of this lead me to create this little page in my messy journal. 
Thanks for stopping by my blog and enjoy the beautiful autumn. 
Love Gudrun. 

torsdag, oktober 16, 2014

I'm thankful

Thank you for stopping by my blog. 
This month I'm the lucky one to have my word up over at the awesome one little word blog. I'm so thankful to be a part of the olw team. So many talented, wonderful, inspiring artists. So please join the journey at olw
This month it's time to be thankful. I'm thankful. Thankful for so many things: art, love, joy, challenges ... 
I created two pages for this word. One"official" for the olw blog and one just because I felt so inspired. 
Pretty simple pages, but I enjoy the simple way of creating right now. I don't have the space, the energy, the time to create in any advanced way even if I wish I had.... But still I'm so thankful I can crate a little in some way with paper, paint, colors....
You are welcome to join in! I would love to see your creations linked up at the olw blog. 

søndag, mai 04, 2014


Hi my friends. It has been a nice day in Oslo today, not too warm, so it was perfect for some gardening. On Wednesday my kids, my lovely boyfriend and I, all worked in the garden and had a major spring"clean". It was so good and it actually encouraged me to do some more gardening.... So today I started to dig and "clean" the tiny little "garden box" I made for the kids years ago, where we used to grow strawberries, a few potatoes, sugar snaps, some herbs and flowers. It's not big, so it is almost like growing carrots in a juice-box.... Never the less, I really enjoyed to get my hands dirty. 
In the evening, after the gardening I was so enlightend by all the great outdoor-time I wanted to create something for my art journal. This piece is pretty quick, but it felt so good to both dig in the garden and create!! Some of my favorites. ❤
So thanks for popping by and reading my blog. See you soon. 
Love Gudrun. 

lørdag, mai 03, 2014


I've been working on a few art journal pages lately, and finally, yesterday night I came to finish them. I have enjoyed the process drawing the girl, making backgrounds using glimmer mists, paint, metallic paint, stamps by "ett Trykk" and some old ones , some of my old patterned paper designed by me and by Cosmo cricket, cutting out some gift wrap-paper, using tape.... Simply had fun playing. :-)
I've used some of my favorite quotes ... Have been saving quotes ... Just for the love of it. Love words, love quotes, love how words can have a great impact on our journey....
Have a great day. 
Love Gudrun. 

fredag, april 25, 2014


Inspired by words - and this months word over at the One Little Word blog is ADVENTURE.
I embraced this word and found it really inspiring. 
Make sure you visit the OLW-blog for some really really wonderful inspiring pieces of art made by the OLW-team.
here is my take:

torsdag, april 03, 2014


I was totally inspired by a quote from Karen Sahlmanson about words. Yes, our words have great power, and how we choose to use our words, or not, may have great impact on our lives. This is just a little something I created with these words. 
And a little collage of things that makes my day. A cup of tea, my favorite recepie book, my cat relaxing in the sun... Some art in progress.... Just some little things..

søndag, mars 30, 2014

I create :-)

After almost three years of "silence" my inner creativity have finally found a new spring and are slowly getting back to its "old self". I feel so happy to have my kitchen table all messy with paint and stencils and paper and stuff .... Feeling the joy of creating. I created a card for a very good friend today, and have more projects going on .... It all makes me totally happy. 

torsdag, mars 27, 2014

be calm and dream on ....

Here are two pieces I've created for the two words up: CALM and DREAM,  at the One Little Word blog.
Make sure you join us this time, get inspired, create and share. There are some pretty awesome prizes to be randomly shared this time. ;-)
so pop over to  OLW to soak in all the wonderful inspiration by some great artists.
see you..

lørdag, mars 15, 2014

Everyday art

Yes, i must admit I kinda love street art. I find it inspiring, some times amusing, sometimes it makes me happy, sometimes it makes me think, sometimes it's beautiful, sometimes ugly.... Anyway it inspires me, everyday art. Makes me realize you can find a little piece of art every day, or you can create with something "everydayish", to remember little happy moments.... things that matters to you, things you want to remember or things that just makes you want to shout. Here is a little piece I created with a little note I got on a piece of chocolate from my daughter. Love it. 

If you are interested in streetart, this book about streetart in Oslo by Alm forlag is super cool. You can find more here:

onsdag, november 20, 2013

sometings brewing.....

To be honest I'm not really sure how to start this post.
It has been a really looooong time since I wrote or posted anything here.
I never forgot my good ol' blog, but it was, for a while, far far away from me. I didn't have the inspiraton, the creativity, the energy to write or create. 
However, at a certain point I started to miss it all. 
I missed my paper-stuff, my scrapbooking, my cardmaking and my little messy world of creativity and "art".
And yesterday was a really great day. It was one of those really really happy days. A day that gives you energy, and makes you smile for days.  
First I went to the city centre of Oslo to by myself some canvas. At the craft store I found this little ringbound album and it all started to ticle inside me. I bought the album and a few tags, decided to do something I have done for years, and really want to do ....
SO I hope I can go for it and share the journey with you.
HERE is a hint - or two - what this is all about.

Yes, and so on to the canvases I bought at the craft store...
My friends, Lene and Heike had invited me to join them in a painting class with the wonderful artist Lise Larsen Kjelstrup.
It was really the most wonderful, creative, happy, artful day I have had for a very long time.
Thank you Girls!! 
You filled me up with so much joy and happiness and energy ....and....

here are some little glimpses from the class:

So, all this lead to even more creativity and happiness ...
Today my girls asled me if I wanted to scrap or make some papercrafts with them. We havent done it for ages, and it made me so very very happy. We went to the storage and gathered paper and stuff and put it all on the kitchen table. Sol created some wonderful cards, and then we all created some paper-stars. Very easy, very simple, but SO much fun!!
We had a really great time creating, and now we just want to do more!! Thank you Eirun and Sol for dusting off my scrapbooking-stuff and getting us started.

Well, this was all, for now.
Hope you will pop by some other day....I think I have something more brewing....

Thanks for your patience, thanks for all your support and for all kind and heartwarming words along the way. Thanks for not giving up on me. 
It's time to start over ...
better this time.