Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Busy August

Summer always goes way too quickly. It was busy busy busy, but I wouldn't change a thing. Working full time for my daughter gave me such bliss...and hours everyday with my granddaughter, Andi. Love love love!

My favorite novel has always been The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd. Now that I've read her latest: The Invention of Wings, it is my new all time fave. Have you read her books?!

Sharing great books is wonderful! I just finished The Beautiful American, historical fiction, and LOVED it too. Got any good ones you'd recommend?

Happy Sunday, friends
Love, kath

Friday, July 25, 2014

colorful footprints...

Journal playing
about summertime paths I've been on
moments to remember.

I am still so thrilled to be able
to nurture my self
fill up.

My heart bursts with gratitude,
my soul is filling with Light again,
my teacher self is refueling and reflecting,
amidst sunshine & blue skies.

I can actually feel the four walls
coming apart and floating down
into little bits of inspiration
and better ways to teach.

We fit twelve months into ten,
and then relearn how to slow down.

It's quite amazing.

This morning,
I finished redoing my Spelling curriculum
for the year...
but I did it with my journal 
and art supplies on
one side of the dining room table...
and my coffee in the center.

It's the simple pleasures...!

I think, for myself,
there is nothing better than
accomplishment mixed with freedom. 


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I'm Back...

...adjusting to life outside of the classroom
and to Not Rushing Around...

...because first I threw a huge Luau.

Now I am relearning how to

Last night, I sat quietly
on my back porch,
looking at the flowers
and then the moon.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Summer Mornings

Sitting outside in the cool of the morning...

...sipping coffee
with barely a breeze
moving the freshness of the air,

...and only the sound of cicadas
and a few birds, but not too many,
and I have found my bliss.

I will always be a summer girl
~a morning person...

"Hey there, coffee girl..."


Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Texture Walk...and Journal

Yesterday evening, I took a "Texture Walk"
around my yard

 It then turned into a "Color Walk" 
because I have surprise orange poppies this year

Then, it led to this journal page.

Here are some details.
Thank you for looking and
for sharing in my texture walk of color!

 What inspires you most in nature?


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Making it Happen :: Art Journaling

I have spent much of the past week completely alone.
After 10 months of constant
talking and listening and doing, doing, doing,
it has been a big change.
This alone and mostly silent time
has been spent decompressing and reading,
walking, thinking about my life
and my place in this big world.

Yes, I am an introvert who re-energizes with quiet time.
Could you tell?!

But this is more than that.
This is a monumental leap for me.

More later.
Just be now, though.

 Feel the unending Summer
and lose the urge to keep count of dates and deadlines.

These will be the days without number.

In friendship,

Friday, August 17, 2012

Nurturing My Self

I find myself struggling to hold onto a
summer vacation
by photographing the beauty in each of my days
and journaling it.

Permanent records
of something
only permanent
in my Self.

Though born in the winter,
I am summer.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer is...


Summer is:
a butterfly garden
big, pink, tropical flowers for curtains
days without clocks
Summer is bliss.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Feel the Heat

Hotter and more humid
ground cracking from drought
I can't remember a tougher six weeks of summer weather

Wondering if there will be a rainy day

but still a good summer
simply because it is summer


Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Best to you,

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Beauty in This Day

 Inside, looking out

Taking that Teal step...outside

(see, I told you I really got this color!)

All my life I wanted a deck, a patio, or a porch.
I will spend my summer here
at last
and I am filled with overwhelming gratitude
to be feeling some health again
with time to Be.

I shall not take a warm moment for granted.

I love being quietly at home
with my camera,
a good book,
my notebook,
and my favorite Sharpie pens.

Sending love,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

oh, it's just me...

...sayin' hi.

I've been missing you.
It is June and I have been running on empty.

It's almost done, just tomorrow (Friday) to go.
The children are gone for the summer
and it's just me...
...and a thousand piles of paperwork.

And miles to go before I sleep, but...

...when I walk out of the building tomorrow evening,
I will have completed a year
that was hard.

I seriously LOVE this photograph,
not only because it's beautiful,
but because it perfectly portrays how I am feeling
at this moment.
It is summery hot and sunny out and
I can feel peace knocking...
but I am fatigued.

Forgive me for posting before this is written and completed
but I am finding it to be a perfect resting spot

and I didn't think you'd mind.
You are so nice to me, afterall!

Love, ~k

Monday, August 16, 2010

Carefree August Days

Today's journaling...

{Photo of blue hydrangea garden- credit: Victoria Magazine}

Monday, August 31, 2009

Beginnings & Endings...

I often think about times of my life as drawers in some kind of chest.
I open a drawer,
I experience,
I close a drawer
...and open another one.
Today closes a drawer on my summer vacation. Tomorrow opens one for a brand new year of teaching.
It was a very good summer.
It went so quickly...but life seems to go more quickly these days.
And I can open this drawer up again...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hello Blogger!

Hello! I am beginning to Blog, so be patient with me as I go on this route of discovery!

Mid July and my tropical hibiscus is blooming despite the cool weather we have had most of this month. Isn't it lovely? It's what I'll think about in the winter!

I have so many ideas for you and for PaperPumpkin.etsy! Stay tuned for the fun!

Thanks! ~Kathy