Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Belles 'n Whistles Blog Hop "Changeabelles Collection"!!!

Hello Friends!  Welcome to the Belles 'n Whistles Blog Hop!  Wooohoooo!!!  It's another EXCITING time at Belles 'n Whistles!!!  The release of "Changeabelles Collection", which of course is illustrated by our most loved, sweet and talented Elisabeth Bell, is finally here!!!!  And this is something SOOOOO different from the ordinary if you've not noticed to far!  You have 5 little darlings along with the NUMEROUS accessory stamps  to play with!  Wow!  This means ... you can create TONS of different scenes with all of them!  OMG!  :)  How super FUN is that?!

Right ... so if you've not started from the beginning of the hop, go back to Belles 'n Whistles and go fresh.  If you're on the right track, you should have come here to my blog from the most wonderful Iris!!  Isn't she amazing?  :)

Okay, so let me give you the whole rundown order of the hop just to recap:
Elise (me .. you're here now .. hehe!)

and our WONDERFUL Guest Designers:

Finish off your comments at:

Woooot Wooot!  I am surrounded by an entire army of FABULOUS girls!  :)  Sooo, here's my card I made using "Picnic Solace", and a couple "Picnic" accessories .. the sun and the jello cake .. YUMMMY!


Ahhh, what a sweet day this is for Belle isn't it?  Enjoying the sunshine with her picnic basket full of goodies .. and she won't be able to deny that jello cake for much longer!  hehe!  She's gonna eat that baby right up!  :)

Okay, so ... now here's more details on this collection:
~ Pre-order will begin today .. Sept. 29th .. lucky you!  You can find them at Belles 'n Whistles store .. owned and operated by our SWEET Summer!!!

~ Orders will start shipping out Oct. 4th

~ Please leave some love at each of my sweet sisters and Guest DT's AMAZING blogs and also at the end of the hop at Belles 'n Whistles... as we will choose ONE lucky winner from EACH of our comment section to win a stamp of your choice.

~ ONE lucky winner will be chosen from the Belles 'n Whistles blog hop comments to win ... THE ENTIRE RELEASE of the "Changeabelles Collection"!  Yipppeeee!  How awesome is Summer and Elisabeth Bell?!!!  ;)

Okay, so on to your next stop .. another incredibly talented sister as you will see ... Kathrin!!!

Hope you're having FUN, and thanks soooo much for joining us on our blog hop!  :)  Aren't my sisters and Guest DT's TOTALLY AWESOME?!!  Whew!

Big Hugs,

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Sweetest Things In Life

Hello Friends!  Well, it's time for another challenge at Belles 'n Whistles!  Yayyy!  Okay, so Audhild drew up a lovely sketch for everyone to play with, and I had fun working with it!

And we've got some huge news as well as some other huge news coming up .. but right now I'll share just ONE ...
The Belles 'n Whistles Challenges are now EVERY 2 WEEKS!!!!!!
Yes!  That means everyone has MORE time to enter and play and have FUN with us!!!!  Wooohooo!

I chose to play with Tania Baking ... I think she's whipping up the most sweetest ingredients for her bakings.  ;)  Like Friendship, Love, Happiness, Laughter .. you know .. those kinds of beautiful things that should be in our every day life.  :)

The Fun Stuff:
Image:  Tania Baking from Belles 'n Whistles Store.  Illustrated by Elisabeth Bell
Paper:  K&Co
Medium:  Prisma Colored Pencils

I do hope you'll join us at Belles 'n Whistles and take part in our Sketch Challenge!  ;)  I'll see you there!

Thanks for visiting me!!!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Little Sweetheart

Hello Friends!!!  Hope you're having a great start to your week!  Today I've done a post at Belles 'n Whistles blog with the image Eden with Teddy.  Awwww, she's soooo sweet!  She looks like she could be about a year old or just a wee little older? 

Sigh ... this is yet another image that makes me reflect back on all the moments of my little boy at that age.  But you know, when he was that age, he never did have a favorite stuffed animal or blanky that he had to have with him at all moments.  Hmmmm .. the only favorite thing he had was his THUMB that he stuck in his cute little mouth.  LOL!  And uhhhh ... he's just turned 4 years old, and oh gosh, that thumb is still his best friend.  LOL! 

Well, here's my card:

The Fun Stuff:
Image:  Eden with Teddy  Illustrated by Elisabeth Bell
Papers:  K&Co, MME
Medium:  Prisma Colored Pencils

Thank you so much for visiting me!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kiss Me~ Hug Me~Squeeze Me ... LoOoOve Me!

Happy Friday Friends!  Well, it's an end to another week, can't get over how the weeks just whizz by!  Fall should be here soon ... it'll be everywhere BUT here in Vegas.  lol!  It's still pretty hot here ... today is supposed to get up to 101 degrees.  Isn't that just disgusting?!  LOL!  I hear other people talking about the cooler temps they're having, and I'm thinking, "Argh!  Send some our way!"

Anywhoooo, I've made a card using this sweet Tilda.  This is another stamp that I've had for a few months and never had the chance to ink her until now.  So, I was happy to play with this cutie!

I am entering this into the following challenges:
1.  Just Magnolia :  Lace it Up
2.  Simon Says Stamp :  Move It!  (Mines has the Pull out tag)

The Fun Stuff:
Image:  Magnolia
Papers:  DCWV
Medium:  Prisma Colored Pencils with OMS

Thanks for visiting me, and I'll leave you always with this quote ...
"May the best of your today's, be the worst of your tomorrow's"
I love it!  :)


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Have A Magical Day

Hello!!!  I'm back again with something that I've made for fun using another Tilda!  I've had her for a few months and have only now inked her up!  :)  Naughty me!

I'm entering this into:
1.  Just Magnolia :  Sketch

The Fun Stuff:
Image:  Magnolia
Papers:  K&Co
Medium:  Prisma Colored Pencils

Well, this is another short post .. lol.  Off to bed I go!!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Thank You

Hi Friends!  Today is Monday and that means .. yayyyy!  Another weekly challenge at Belles 'n Whistles blog!  So our wonderful Andrea gave us the challenge of "Use Lace and Make it Frilly" .. hehe .. I LOVE lace!!!!  And I'm sure all of you do too!

So here's what I made using Beary Big Hugs.  Awwww!  She looks soooo happy hugging her sweet bear friend!

I am also entering this into:
1.  The Beary Scraps Challenge :  sketch  (Thank you so much girls for an AWESOME sketch to play with!)

The Fun Stuff:
Image:  Beary Big Hugs from Belles 'n Whistles store.  Illustrated by Elisabeth Bell
Papers:  MME
Medium:  Prisma Colored Pencils

Alright, well I sure do hope to see you join us in our "Lace" Challenge over at the Belles 'n Whistles blog!  It'll be fun!

Thanks for visiting me!

Monday, September 6, 2010


*Update 09/15/10:  I made Top 3 at 7 Kids College Fund Challenge blog!!!  Wooohooo!  Thank you SO very much ladies!  I am STOKED!  :)

Hey Friends!  Hope you're have a happy 3-day weekend for all of you living in the U.S. and enjoying the BBQ's and whatever festivities you have going on!  :)

Well, I've made a card just for fun and because I felt like using this Tilda once again!  ;)

I'm also entering this card into the following challenges:
1.  7Kids College Fund :  A Recipe
2.  Simon Says Stamp :  Pearls and Lace
3.  Just Magnolia  : Cracked Glass Technique or Anything Goes (I've done "Anything Goes" .. hehe)
4.  Stampin For the Weekend :  Shabby or Vintage
5.  Stamp and Create :  Pearls and Gems

The Fun Stuff:
Image:  Magnolia
Papers:  K&Co
Medium:  Prisma Colored Pencils

Hope you all have a GREAT rest of the week!  Thanks so much for visiting me!  This is such a SHORT post from me huh?!  LOL!! 


Friday, September 3, 2010

Something for You

Hey Friends!  Gosh Almighty!  Can you believe Halloween is right around the corner?  I go in the craft stores, and I see all the Halloween things up all around .. and I must say ... I LOVE it! 

Well, this little guy on this image is just another cutie isn't he?  Look at him offering the scarecrow a piece of candy!  Awwww!!!!  And I love the festive colors of Halloween, don't you?!  And the memories of it ... so much FUN!  My little one is going through the "I love Halloween" stage already, and can't make up his mind what he'd like to be.  He's only turned 4 years old.  One day he says he'll be Ironman for Halloween, the next it will be Spiderman, the next it will be a goblin ... lol!!!  He can't make up his sweet mind!  :)

Now I know that Belles 'n Whistles doesn't actually have this image in stock right now ... Summer is slowly converting her older designs into clear stamps.  Sooooo .. keep a lookout at all times!  :)

The Fun Stuff:
Image:  Belles 'n Whistles Illustrated by Elisabeth Bell
Papers:  K&Co
Medium:  Prisma Colored Pencils

In the meantime, join us for some fun over at Belles 'n Whistles Challenge Blog why don't ya?  The challenge is still to make a "Lunch Box Card"  and you have the weekend to work on it too!  :)  I hope to see you there as I'd love to see what you come up with!

Thank you for visiting me .. I love your company!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Friends Until the End

Happy September 1st to all of you!  And you know what this means right?!  RIGHT!  It's time for another fabulous CLP Challenge!!!  Yayyyy!  Well, Chelsea has given us all another beautiful sketch to play with .. Thank you Chelsea!  :)  And I've used Lexi from Chelsea's Gurlee Girl Store!  Isn't she just the cutest thing?  I adore her shy sweet pose!  hehe!

The Fun Stuff:
Image:  Blossom Fairies Lexi from Gurlee Girl Store
Papers:  K&Co
Medium:  Prisma Colored Pencils

I sure do hope you'll stop by at CLP and play with all of us there!  And my fellow DT Sisters .. whew .. they give TONS of inspiration to get any creative juices flowing!  :)

Have a WONDERFUL beginning to the month of September!  Thanks for visiting me!
