Friday, October 27, 2017

Every Year I Fall For ...

Hello You's!  Are you ready for Halloween?  I think we are!  ;)  

I had my family from Hawaii here in town for a week .. sigh .. gotta tell you .. it never gets any easier to say goodbye when they leave.  My parents, oldest sister, brother in law, niece and one of my nephews came and .. it was way too short a visit.  Of course as always .. Bodhi had such a wonderful time with everyone .. and like me ... had a difficult time saying goodbye.  Until next time right?

Have you all gotten your Halloween things ready?  :)  It seems it has snuck up quite quickly this year for us .. can't believe it's only 5 days away.

I made this card a few weeks ago.  The sentiment is sooooo cute which I found on Pinterest!  It says, "Every year I fall for Pumpkins, Bonfires, S'mores, Autumn Leaves, Apples & You".  Omgosh .. I simply smiled as soon as I saw this sentiment and knew I had to put it on a card.  :)

Thank you so much for visiting me and I wish you all a safe and most Happy Halloween!  :)


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful ...

Hello You's!  Happy Autumn!  Hope you've all been doing great!

Do you love this time of year as much as I do?  I simply love the early chilly nights, the cold crisp mornings .. and looking forward to more hearty dinners.  I've been searching for recipes and found some that sound delicious .. can't wait to give them a try.  ;)

Well, I made this card about over a month ago, and here it is:

Well, I hope you're enjoying your day wherever you are!  Thank you so much for visiting me ... I so appreciate it!

Hope to see you again soon!
