Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Celebrate Each Day ...

Hey Ya's!  Hope you're having a beautiful start to your week!

Our weather here has been beautiful for the past days .. and our roses have been blooming their pretty faces once again.  sigh .. truly makes me happy picking them ... funny how flowers in your yard makes you feel so good huh?  :)

Anyway, I had a bit of fun colouring a Lili of the Valley image last week .. this one is called "Pretty Parade" .. they are so sweet marching one behind the other yes?  :)  I can picture them trotting to their little tea party .. on their merry way.  lol!  :)  

Coloured with Distress Inks and Watercolors.

Thank you so much for visiting me .. I truly appreciate it!  I'll see you again soon!


Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Little Something ...

Hey Ya's!  Have you all been enjoying your week so far?  I hope so! 

Can you believe April is almost over?!  My gosh!  My little Bodhi only has a month and half more of school .. and then it's Summer!  Wowwww .. I swear he just started a new school year yesterday.  Goodness .. he's growing up so quick.  :(

Anyway .. a couple weeks ago, I had so much fun altering a box to hold some goodies with some favorite things and here it is:

Thank you so much for visiting me!  I'll see you again soon!


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thinking of You ...

Hey Ya's!  The weekend is approaching quick .. are you ready?  :)

My little Bodhi had a "Fun Run" at school today to help raise money for the school.  They had 40 minutes to do laps around the cones .. and do you know he ran what equaled to 3 miles?!!!!!!  Yes!  I tell ya .. he has the energy of a battery.  lol!  And then when he came home from school, he STILL wanted to play!  omgosh right?!  Sheeesh .. I wish I still had that kind of energy!  lol!

Well, I've had fun making a card using some beautiful Maja Papers given to me by a lovely friend .. thank you dear!  :)

That cute lil' button and twine is from the fabulous Ribbon Girl Store.

Thank you so much for visiting me and I wish you all a beautiful weekend!  I'll see you soon!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Thank You ...

Hey Ya's!  Hope you're having a beautiful week so far!

Well, I've made a Thank You card for the Ribbon Girls .. as I have decided to step down from their gorgeous team.  I absolutely loved my time with you .. Thank You so much for having me and for your sweetness!

For my card, I used one of my favorite releases from Lili of the Valley ... "Set 47 Background Bits - Old Romance".

Then from Ribbon Girls, I've used some goodies from their lovely store such as:
Pink Velvet Lace, Laila Lace, Phoebe Lace and Ivory Pearl Trim

Thank you so much for visiting me .. and I'll see you again soon!


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Gratefulness ...

Hey Ya's!  Hope you are all having a lovely week so far!

I have been having quite the sweet tooth lately .. and so I hit the store today (specifically Target .. hehe) and bought some of their Easter candy that they have on sale now.  Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate .. everything I got .. CHOC-O-LATE!  ;)  We normally try to stay away from sweets .. maybe I need a little comforting that I don't even know about .. lol .. but I definitely am craving for it terribly!  ;)

Well, here's a Spring card that I've finally made.  I love lambs .. they're so sweet aren't they?  I wish I could have a pasture full of them!  :) .. along with cows, goats, horses, chickens .. I'd so love that!

Well, thank you so much for visiting me and I wish you all a most BEAUTIFUL day!

I'll see you again soon!


Monday, April 6, 2015

Gypsy Chick ...

Hey Ya's!  Hope you all had a BEAUTIFUL Easter!

We had a lovely Easter here .. Bodhi had fun finding Easter eggs and then we did our egg colourings. Can't believe his Easter break is over already .. gosh that went by TOO quick .. doesn't it always?  :(

Well, back in February I had coloured an image from Jeremiah Ketner and worked on an album which took me FOREVER to complete ... because I was a bit clueless on basically .. everything.  lol! Wow .. I had no idea!  I put it aside a few times to work on other things .. and I finally finished this a couple weeks ago.

I won't show you photo's of every single page I did .. cause it would be a LOT of photos (and I already have a lot here .. lol) .. but each turn holds something different.


Thank you so very much for visiting me and I'll see you again soon!
