Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2013

Back the meantime, enjoy the music :)

Hey all!
There are days I wonder if I shouldn't just give up on the whole blogging thing. I haven't done very well at keeping up with it, and I never seem to have time to hop or visit with you on your blogs, for which I apologize.  But then, the Lord reminds me that this is an opportunity for ministry, as well as crafts, like He did today.

I haven't listened to CCM in a while. But today, the sun is shining and I had time to run out to pick up lunch. So I turned on the radio and this song was playing. Most of you (if you listen to Christian music), know it already as it is not new. It was encouraging and uplifting to me, and I hope to you.  My walk with the Lord has not been easy lately, and this song was a joy-stirring reminder that He's in control, He loves me/us, and He has a plan.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

Taking a break from my "Going Grey..." series to celebrate Spring! I trust that you had a blessed weekend. We had a truly wonderful weekend, the highlight of which was yesterday. The church services were a blessing and encouragement, and it being the 2nd Sunday of the month, we observed the Lord's Supper, which was extra special on Resurrection Sunday. I also officially became a member at our new church, which the Lord led me to a few weeks ago. He has confirmed repeatedly that this is the place He would have us, and as we were talking with friends after last night's service, it was another blessing to hear my mom tell others how happy she is there and how much she is learning and growing in her understanding. Praise God!

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

A new season in life with a new church, a new season in the earth, and the new life we have in Christ as born again believers, reconciled with the Father, because of Jesus's perfect sacrifice on the cross and His victory over death and sin when He rose on the third day. Amen and amen!

As Christians, we have so much to rejoice about, and we shouldn't keep it to ourselves.

I made this card using "Stella" from The Greeting Farm. I love me some digis, but some things are just easier/quicker/better in rubber, and for me, paper piecing is one thing I love rubber for. I raided my stash for the beautiful papers from Basic Grey's "Sultry" collection, and then raided my button and twine stashes for embellies.

I'm entering this in the Really Reasonable Ribbon Challenge #45 "Buttons and Bows", the Ribbon Carousel Challenge RCC47 "Spring Is in the Air", and the Fresh Brewed Challenge FBC90 "Tie It Up". (I hope to be back with another Fresh Brewed Challenge entry later this week!)

Have a blessed day!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Foto in Bloom

Hello & Happy Friday to you, my friends! Today's pic was snapped with my point & shoot earlier last week. As I was heading out of the office to my car to go grab some lunch, I was struck my this beautiful sight. Ahhhhh, spring! Or at least a taste of it. Last week we had summer temps, and then were plunged back to cold temps early this week, but we're slowly making our way back up the ol' thermometer now.

The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.
Matthew 4:16

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Foto On the Road

With March Madness still in full swing, I thought I'd share a photo I snapped on my cellie as my dad and I took the scenic route home (thanks to GPS Lady, but my g'pa would be so proud) from Pittsburgh, where we cheered his fave college team, The Ohio State University Buckeyes, on to the Sweet 16. And yes, the "The" is capitalized and an official part of the name. I know. Makes me groan a bit, too. ;) But I must admit, the Buckeye's mascot, Brutus, was sensationally entertaining - as only an anthropormorphized horse chestnut can be. :)

Our time on the road together was wonderful and blessed. I love to spend time with my dad and this was no exception. But the other aspect that was almost as sweet was the time in the car. To be quiet and reflective. To take stock. To look within. To look without. To silently commune with the Lord.

Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
Hosea 10:12

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Foto

This is an oldie (and you'll surely be able to tell by the graininess) that was snapped on a family trip to Lake Tahoe in 2005 with my first camera phone. PTL the technology and my photog skills have improved since then. ;)

I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2

I have a verse-a-day calendar on my desk at work, and this was the verse from Monday. When I read it, the Lord brought to my mind a series of photos I took one beautiful afternoon during our trip. It was before I was saved, but even then God was working on me. I just had this need to be alone in nature, so I parked at a lookout near where we were staying, hiked/walked down toward the water, found a big beautiful boulder and had a seat. I stayed there for a few hours, and soaked in the sun, trees, mountains, water, and sky. And was as at peace as much as an unsaved person can be. What a blessing God's creation is to us, even when we we don't recognize it as His at the time.

Hugs & Blessings,

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Foto: Looking to the Heavens

I know I said no more sky shots, but I have to make an exception for two reasons:

1. Busy season is officially upon the office, and I had limited photo-snapping opportunities.

2. I've been desperately searching for the good side of this non-existent winter/rollercoaster weather we've been experiencing. Honestly, I'm none too thrilled about the minimal snow and mild temps, but I'm trying to stay positive...and God delivered this beautiful scene as a coworker and I walked out to our cars Wednesday evening. I just had to share.

Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
Psalm 150:1

Have a blessed weekend!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Foto Goes Floral

My coworker received a beautiful (and big) bouquet of lilies for Valentine's Day, and has been kind enough to keep them at the office for all of us to enjoy. And let me tell ya, it has really brightened our busy days! While I just couldn't seem to remember to bring in my DSLR (or take it out of the box even), I have been carrying my point & shoot, and was able to snap a few pics. In a few days (or weeks... you know me), you'll see how I get crafty with some of them, but for today, I'll just share this one.

I was totally amazed at the detail my camera captured, and seeing it reminded me of why I've decided to venture into the confusing and intimidating world of hobbyist photography: the opportunity to recognize, capture, and contemplate the Lord's magnificent creation. Wow! and Amen!

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3

May your weekend be a blessed one!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Going Grey...and Spicy Red

Continuing on my grey theme, here's a card I made for our outgoing pastor's family. Of course it would make a whole lot more sense to you if I had snapped a photo of the inside where I put the sentiment taken from Isaiah 42:10, "Sing a new song unto the Lord". But by the time I thought of it, I'd already written in the card. Ugh. Oh, well.

Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.
Isaiah 42:10

I finally cracked into my retired Ever After 12x12 collection kit by Cosmo Cricket. I picked it up some months ago on sale/clearance not so much because of the wedding theme, but because (yep, you guessed it) I loved the glorious greys! Like all my new loves/obsessions, I rabidly and rapidly collect and compile, and then hesitate to use. I think it's crafter's performance anxiety. So silly!

The yummy wide, striped ribbon is from Stampin' Up, and the image is from the Ippity set "Sing A New Song". I stamped the image in Memento Tuxedo Black ink, accented it with Copics (W00, W0, W3, W5, W7 and W9), trimmed it out and popped it up on foam tape.

I'm entering this into the CAS-aul Friday Challenge #40, which calls for us to use ribbon.

And the Ippity Linking Party and the Ippity Challenge to go CAS!

Thanks for stopping by. Stay tuned for more in my Going Grey... series (with a return to the grey + yellow combo) and some long overdue BLOG CANDY!

(((Hugs))) & Blessings!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Going Grey...and Yellow

Grey. Yes, "grey" as opposed to "gray". I don't know why. I just like it that way. Grey. ;)
What's the first thing that Grey brings to your mind?

Greyhound? Italian version.

Grey skies?
Ya know they're gonna clear up. But in the meantime, how awesome & gorgeous!

Grey hair?(yes, sad to say I found my first a couple months ago...and promptly pulled it!)
Actually, it was silver and shiny, so there's hope it might turn out as lovely & thick as this.

Grey scale? (as in black & white)

I don't know what it is, but grey has been on my mind for months now. ETA: Actually, the idea to post the B&W of the card at the top of the post totally made me wonder if I'm not unduly influenced by my steady diet of NCIS reruns. I love the black & white scenes that flash at the return from every commercial break. I think there might also be a secret desire to head slap people like Gibbs. Just a little slap. And only if they really need it. Don't be scared: I'm resisting this urge so far...mostly. Kidding!!! I'm just a head slap admirer. It's purely a spectator sport.

***ding, ding, ding***

Grey matter!

So it is no big wonder that my crafting is going the same grey way. Here's a first taste. Not too much grey. Just think of it as the appetizer to a lot of grey based yumminess to come.

In this case, with a lot of golden honey on top. :D

Okay, seriously now. I received a very unexpected and sweet gift of some devotional books from a neighbor whose dog is friends with our dogs. (Dogs are great that way.) And this is the card I'm giving her to send a heartfelt thanks. I finally broke into one of my Studio Calico kits, using the grey & cream striped paper from October Afternoon's "Farmhouse" collection and some golden, glittery goodness by My Mind's Eye. Then pulling from my stash, I used a dark charcoal cardstock base, twill tape, a shimmery flower, and a gold tone cross charm tied on with PTI twine. I cut the glittery paper with a Labels1 Nestie and inked the edges with a Malted Milk Paint Dabber by Jenni Bowlin Studio.

I've long been a fan of grey, but I'm thrilled to say that now it's in a glorious and new way - as a color from God's palette. Praise the Lord for freeing me from the gloomy grey days of the past!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Foto

I can see by the overwhelming number of comments ;) that you are all loving my sky shots. Well, this will be the last for a little while. But be warned: there will be more photography posts as I experiment with/figure out my new Canon Rebel T3. It's my first DSLR, so pray for me!

I took this with my point & shoot several months ago (I'm thinking sometime in the spring/early summer). It's a late afternoon sky and I was just awestruck by the size of those huge clouds.

I will praise thee, O LORD, among the people: and I will sing praises unto thee among the nations.
For thy mercy is great above the heavens: and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds.
Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: and thy glory above all the earth;
Psalm 108:3-5

May your weekend be blessed.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Foto

Hello, again. Another sunset, another cell phone pic. This one really took my breath away because when I saw these contrails in the evening sky, I immediately thought, "Doesn't that look like a pathway up to heaven?" And it blessed my heart to have that little bit more insight into what Jacob must have envisioned in his dream. (It makes it all the more dear to me that from this angle, the path begins right over my home.)

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Genesis 28:12

Wow! God is great and His creation never ceases to amaze. I hope you are able to enjoy it this weekend, and I sincerely hope that if you are uncertain of how to get to heaven yourself, you'll stop into a Bible-based church and ask about God's Simple Plan.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Foto

I don't know if anyone else is still doing the photos on Friday thing, but this was just too lovely to keep to myself, and I hope it does your heart good.

I snapped this gorgeous sunset with my cell cam last week.

The mighty God, even the LORD, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof. Psalm 50:1

May your weekend be blessed. (((hugs))))

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jesus Is The Reason: Resurrection Challenge Winner

Hello, dear friends!

Firstly, let me apologize again for not having my card ready to share with you. It is coming, I promise! Secondly, let me apologize for the delay in announcing the Jesus Is The Reason Challenge Winner! I'm so grateful for all 4 entries, which each spoke so strongly of the Lord's love & mercy, and so beautifully celebrated Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and the great cause for joy we as believers have because of it! He IS Risen! And because of His payment for our sins and victory over death, we can all experiences forgiveness and eternal life with the Lord! Hallelujah!

I hope you will also join me in celebrating God's grace and power, because He is able and I have seen even more proof: my mother accepted Christ as her Saviour on Sunday! I and many faithful friends have been praying for her heart to be softened and her eyes opened to the Light, and ever so faithfully, the Lord has answered this prayer! I can't even begin to describe for you the feeling I had watching her respond to the altar call. I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, to the point of tears and shaking. And to see my church family rejoice with both praise & hugs, was so touching. God is so great and I am so thankful for his loving grace! I pray that many more will have this amazing experience and know the peace and joy of eternal salvation!

Now, without further delay, the winner of the challenge is: SHELLY

And she has won this red rubber stamp called "A Gift for Ewe" (retired) from Victoria Case:

I love this stamp because it's so cute, and it can be used for Easter (the Lamb, Jesus, giving the greatest gift - forgiveness and redemption) and other occasions.

Shelly: Please contact me at ***catherinethepaperaddict (at) yahoo (dot) com*** with your mailing address, and I'll get this in the mail to you right away!

Thanks again to everyone who participated in this hop. I hope that for those of you who have not yet accepted the Lord into your heart, we have helped shine the Light of the Lord into your life and that you will take this opportunity to think more on what it is we are celebrating this Easter season. God bless you! (((HUGS)))

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jesus Is The Reason: Celebrating Christ's Resurrection

God bless you! This is indeed a blessed time of year, as we remember Christ sacrifice on the cross at Calvary, and celebrate his triumphant victory over death! My friend, if you have already accepted Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, as your personal savior, you already know what this miracle means. If you are not yet a believer, then we hope that we can, as God commands, help illuminate your path and guide you to the true Light, the Lord Jesus Christ. God created this world and everything in it. And He created you, in His image, and seeks fellowship with you. His gift is love and everlasting life in Heaven, and all He asks in return is that you trust in Him, believe on His Son, that He was born both God and man, sinless, and walked upon the earth as one of us, ministering to us. That Jesus became sin for us, to reconcile us with the Father, taking upon Himself the penalty for all of ours sins, and that through His substitutionary death upon the cross, through faith, by the grace of God, we can know a peace and joy everlasting for all eternity with Him in Heaven. My friend, Jesus will return one day, and we will all be called to give an account. Will you take this opportunity, to step outside yourself to accept His forgiveness? He promises to blot from His memory all of our sins if we repent them and believe on Him. Or will you be blind to His love, turn your back to Him and the salvation He has purchased for you, and suffer hellfire and eternal torment as the just punishment for your sins? I think if you are honest with yourself, if you recall your most desperate hours, you will realize that when no one on this earth could help you and you couldn't help yourself, you turned to God and begged Him for mercy and grace. You'll realize that you are a mere mortal man, and that in your darkest hour you looked for something above yourself. My friend, you were looking to God. Take the next step, accept Jesus Christ into your heart. I promise, your life will never be the same. Walk with the Lord, cast all your cares upon Him, accept the gift of new life in Christ. It is a sweet and richly blessed life. No, it won't always be easy, but as you study His word (the Bible) and open your heart to Him, you'll find miracles. He will enable you to do things you can't even imagine. He will be your constant friend in times of trouble. He will never forsake you. He will forgive your trespasses (if you confess and repent them), and He will enable you to forgive others. There is no greater gift. Take it!

If you are just starting out with us today, please head over to Heather's blog. The hop order is as follows:

  1. Heather

  2. Kelly

  3. Maria

  4. Sammi

  5. Lorie

  6. Stacy

  7. Kadie

  8. Carolyn

  9. Paola

  10. Linda

  11. Susan

  12. Karen

  13. Catherine
I'm sorry to report that I do not have my card ready to share. I'm now on Day 3 of the flu. As soon as I'm able (which may not be before the end of the hop), I will post my card. In the meantime, I hope you will join with us by creating and linking your own Christ-centered Easter Card/Project. You have until Friday, April 15th and each creation linked will be entered into a random prize drawing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Christian Paper Crafts "He Is Risen" Hop

Wooohooo!!!! I am so excited to share my first CPC card with you! I joined CPC a few weeks ago and can hardly begin to tell you what a blessing it has been! Between the talented ladies, the Christian fellowship, the opportunity to share both praise & prayer - it is really a great community of faith and such a help to me as I continue to seek the Lord and grow closer to Him!

With Easter/Resurrection Sunday a month away, the theme for this month's hop is "He Is Risen"! And Praise The Lord that after becoming sin and suffering the cross at Calvary for all mankind, Jesus did indeed rise that third day! It brings me to tears just to think about it and picture it in my mind. I am so grateful and so humbled by the sacrifice, and so encouraged and comforted by God's grace and love!

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I hope you know the forgiveness and peace that comes from accepting the great gift God has given us: to be sure of salvation, free from the death grip of sin, by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

If you haven't yet made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, I hope you'll open heart to the truth and light of the Lord. Find a Bible-based church in your area - they'd be more than happy to welcome you and answer any questions you have. Or talk to a friend of faith, visit us at CPC, or contact me and I'd be happy to be of service and help you on your journey.

May God bless you today and always. Please enjoy the rest of today's inspiring creations and join us with one of your own at the CPC Blog.

Card Details:
Image: Sweet 'N Sassy Stamps - Old Rugged Cross
Pattern Papers: Basic Grey - Capella Collection 6x6
Embellishments: Mini Pearls
Tools: Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels 4 ; EK Paper Shapers - Large Lattice Chain Edger Punch

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season Blog Hop

Welcome! We are delighted to have you with us as we celebrate the Good News of our Savior's birth! If you are just starting out, please head over to Heather's blog and follow along with us. If you arriving here from Susan's beautiful blog, you are right on track and have reached the final stop of our hop. ***But, that doesn't mean it's over! We want to invite you to share your faith-based, God-inspired creations celebrating Jesus's birth, too! You'll see a place to link your creations (blog or online gallery) at the end of this post.***

Here's the complete hop list, in case you lose your way:

Heather (Beginning)
Catherine (End)

So, what's this all about? Well, we are a group of blogging crafters who love God, and in the midst of all the seasonal festivies, we wanted to pause to focus on the real meaning of Christmas: the birth of Jesus Christ. Of course there's nothing wrong with hustling and bustling about to find the "perfect gifts" for our loved ones. But when you stop to think about it, there will never be a gift more perfect than the gift God gave us in Jesus.

Before I share my project, I want to say a very special THANK YOU to our fabulous sponsors for their support and generosity! (((HUGS))) Each is donating a prize of 6 images. The winners will be chosen from comments left on 3 secret hop posts! You won't know which blogs have the prizes until we announce the winners, so please be sure to leave comments on each blog! (These prizes are in addition to any individual blog candy!)

Fresh Brewed Designs: 4 Christmas/Faith digital images plus 2 of winner's choice
Simply Betty Stamps: Jude & His Shenanigans Crew Christmas Collection
The Stamping Boutique: 2 Faith digital images plus 4 images of winner's choice

Now here's the project I want to share with you:

I used a new image (you may recognize it from the hop badge) from Fresh Brewed Designs, and papers from Anna Griffin. I wanted to keep the card simple and drew inspiration from a Willow Tree angel figurine, so I chose a monochromatic color scheme and minimal embellishments. It might be hard to see, but the face of Baby Jesus is accented with Shimmerz in Candlelight, and the star is accented with a Stardust Gelly Roll Pen. The ribbon treatment was easy, thanks to using a wired satin, and provides the mounting for the Bible verse.

As a special, personal thanks from me to you for hopping and fellowshipping with us, I am giving away the following to one lucky commenter:

In addition, if you would like to link your faith-based project below and share it with us by midnight EST on December 8th, you will also be entered into a drawing for this prize:

BOTH prizes include this set from Spellbinders:

Wishing you a season of joy and a lifetime of hope & happiness in Christ. God bless you and keep you. ((((HUGS)))))

Monday, May 3, 2010

H{ippity} Hop & Growing in Unity

Happy Monday! As usual I am running a bit late (sorry!), but I am still so excited - especially for a Monday - because not only is it {Ippity} Monday, but it's also the start of my week for "Growing In Unity" - which is extra special to me, since the whole concept was started by my friend, Michelle.

This is also a special card because it is going to a friend who's husband is fighting for his life. Friend, I love you, I am praying with you, and I know God is with you. And that's why I chose this set, What Matters Most, to work with first. The cross is beautiful and the Psalm that is quoted is dear to my heart, as I'm sure it is to most of the faithful.
Psalm 46
1 God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah
4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved;
God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.
6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved;
He uttered His voice, the earth melted.
7 The LORD of hosts is with us;

The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD,
Who has made desolations in the earth.
9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;
He burns the chariot in the fire.
10 Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
11 The LORD of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

I was also thinking of by my new, dear friend Lisa at Stampin' Sisters In Christ. This week's challenge, inspired by another Psalm, Psalm 139:13, is to "knit together" by using stitching. ETA: Stitching is also the theme of the weekly Ippity Challenge (IHHC22) on SCS in the Ippity Forum this week!
I hope you are enjoying the {Ippity} Hippity Hop goodness! You can find the list of participating blogs HERE. And I hope you'll visit me all this week for more Growing in Unity!

May you have a Blessed Monday,

Image(s): Ippity - What Matters Most
Pattern Papers: Crate Paper - Brook
Cardstock: local sources
Embellishments: Cloud 9 Rain Dots - gold; Hero Arts Crystal (center of cross) - citron green; Karen Foster Scrappers Floss

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy H{ippity} Monday!

Hello! Sorry I'm running a bit late today. The card I have to share is actually a companion to a faith-booking page I'm working on (and late with, as it was supposed to be the page for February). I know everyone is looking forward to spring, so I hope it's not too much of a bother to look back a month. But in reality, I think it and this set called "What Matters Most" is about stopping to look all around you, right where you are.

Anyway, I thought this card was timely because lately everything is so busy - work, family, stamping, etc. And this is just a reminder to myself and (I hope you don't mind) to you, to not let ourselves get bogged down in the errands and deadlines, the hustle and the bustle. We just need to tend to what matters most to us - God and the people and places He's given us to love.

Hope you your enjoying a bright and beautiful day! For more inspiration, please check out the {Ippity} Blog, where you'll find a whole list of happy hop stops.


Image(s): {ippity} - What Matters Most
Pattern Papers: SU
Cardstock: local source
Embellishments: MFT buttons - Chocolate Kiss Asst.
Colored with Copics and Gelly Roll Pen