God bless you! This is indeed a blessed time of year, as we remember Christ sacrifice on the cross at Calvary, and celebrate his triumphant victory over death! My friend, if you have already accepted Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, as your personal savior, you already know what this miracle means. If you are not yet a believer, then we hope that we can, as God commands, help illuminate your path and guide you to the true Light, the Lord Jesus Christ. God created this world and everything in it. And He created you, in His image, and seeks fellowship with you. His gift is love and everlasting life in Heaven, and all He asks in return is that you trust in Him, believe on His Son, that He was born both God and man, sinless, and walked upon the earth as one of us, ministering to us. That Jesus became sin for us, to reconcile us with the Father, taking upon Himself the penalty for all of ours sins, and that through His substitutionary death upon the cross, through faith, by the grace of God, we can know a peace and joy everlasting for all eternity with Him in Heaven. My friend, Jesus will return one day, and we will all be called to give an account. Will you take this opportunity, to step outside yourself to accept His forgiveness? He promises to blot from His memory all of our sins if we repent them and believe on Him. Or will you be blind to His love, turn your back to Him and the salvation He has purchased for you, and suffer hellfire and eternal torment as the just punishment for your sins? I think if you are honest with yourself, if you recall your most desperate hours, you will realize that when no one on this earth could help you and you couldn't help yourself, you turned to God and begged Him for mercy and grace. You'll realize that you are a mere mortal man, and that in your darkest hour you looked for something above yourself. My friend, you were looking to God. Take the next step, accept Jesus Christ into your heart. I promise, your life will never be the same. Walk with the Lord, cast all your cares upon Him, accept the gift of new life in Christ. It is a sweet and richly blessed life. No, it won't always be easy, but as you study His word (the Bible) and open your heart to Him, you'll find miracles. He will enable you to do things you can't even imagine. He will be your constant friend in times of trouble. He will never forsake you. He will forgive your trespasses (if you confess and repent them), and He will enable you to forgive others. There is no greater gift. Take it!
If you are just starting out with us today, please head over to Heather's blog. The hop order is as follows:
- Heather
- Kelly
- Maria
- Sammi
- Lorie
- Stacy
- Kadie
- Carolyn
- Paola
- Linda
- Susan
- Karen
- Catherine
I'm sorry to report that I do not have my card ready to share. I'm now on Day 3 of the flu. As soon as I'm able (which may not be before the end of the hop), I will post my card. In the meantime, I hope you will join with us by creating and linking your own Christ-centered Easter Card/Project. You have until Friday, April 15th and each creation linked will be entered into a random prize drawing.