Showing posts with label Sedona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sedona. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2015

Just a Quote for Friday

"Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it."
~ Kevyn Aucoin

Monday, May 4, 2015

My birthday weekend in Sedona

Good Monday morning to you, my friends.
What a fantastic weekend I had with my girl C, celebrating my birthday in Sedona, Arizona! We soaked up lots of fresh air and sunshine on a new-to-us hiking trail, ate yummy food, did some fun shopping, and found a super cool yoga class to attend yesterday morning. My heart is so full this morning, and my leg muscles are a bit wobbly. ;o)

For years Carrie and I have visited the same park and walking trail every time we go to Sedona, but this time we  found a new hiking trail recommended by a friend of hers. We vowed to go there again someday and take Doug, but we also vowed to try other trails in Sedona and not find ourselves in a rut, always going back to Soldier's Pass. Ah! It was SO beautiful...

There are a few points of interest along Soldier Pass Trail, including these "seven sacred pools." They were really cool to see, but a little tricky to photograph and get all seven of them in the same shot.
Ah! That SKY! And those pretty puffy clouds!!!

After our hike we headed back to town for a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant (The Hideaway) and some shopping and photo shenanigans. 

And there you have it, photos from my birthday weekend, 2015.

The past year of my life has been one of profound growth for me. I've accomplished some goals that have been waiting for me for a long time, and I feel poised and so ready for the next chapter.

It's a new day and age for me now!
Look at me go...

Friday, January 23, 2015

Just a Quote for Friday

"Courage is the power of the mind to overcome fear."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sedona Rocks

Happy Thursday, blog friends.
I mentioned in my Monday post that Carrie and I had made a little trip to Sedona over the weekend and that I'd share some photos later in the week. Turns out that I didn't take a whole lot of photos that day, other than of a bunch of cairns along the trail at Crescent Moon Park.

The purpose of our trip that day was, well, first just to be in Sedona - it's our favorite place in Arizona. And second, so that Carrie could take some photos of me doing yoga poses with red rocks as our backdrop. {I used one in yesterday's post.} I'm not sure how many of the yoga photos I'll share, I suppose I'll do that here and there, but I don't want to make a spectacle of my yoga self so I'll be discrete.

The number of cairns stacked along this trail is mesmerizing - photos don't do the vibe justice.

Combine the magical feel of the cairns with the stunning scenery of Sedona, and you have yourself a fantastic afternoon and a beautiful stroll!

I seriously want to go back again this weekend...

Thanks, Sedona. We'll see you again soon...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Just a Quote for Friday

"If we can just let go and trust that things will work out the way they're supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself.”
~ Goldie Hawn

2014 One Little Word: Trust

Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend Recap ~ Sedona with a blog friend

Greetings, blog world.
I hope everyone had an awesome weekend.
Ours was filled with blue skies, sunshine, a trip to Sedona,
and a visit from a Pennsylvanian blog friend.
When Cheri emailed me several months ago to say she'd be in Arizona, I knew right away that I wanted her to see Sedona. So Saturday morning we headed north, and among our stops that day was Crescent Moon Ranch. This is one of my favorite places on the planet, and being there in October to see the leaves dressed up in autumn glory was just the icing on the cake. 

It's such a beautiful walk - right along the creek - and so cool to see so many cairns stacked all over the place.

I highly recommend this walk if you are ever in Sedona. And if you have a chance to walk it with a blog friend, it's even better!
It was a fun and busy weekend, and I'm paying the price this morning. I'll leave you with this quick weekend recap as I head off to take care of a few things this morning before I begin another exciting work week.
Wishing you a week full of love and laughter!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Just a Quote for Friday

{wood carved statue in Sedona}

Alright, so it's not just a quote this Friday. I have to give a big shout-out to my dear friend, Cate, for the awesome tutorial on how to make labels in PhotoShop. I've been sending postcards in the mail to my mom and grandma every week, and this little trick really came in handy for something new and different! {Thank you, Cate!!!}

Now, I'm going to be brave. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sedona Road Trip ~ Chapel Photos

Sedona, Arizona is one of my favorite places on the planet - the vibe and the views are nothing short of majestic. I always take a ton of photos when we go there and I'd love to share them ALL with you, but instead I'll just give you a glimpse. And actually, photos never do Sedona justice anyway - you have to GO THERE and experience it first hand.

Today I'm sharing photos of our stop at the Chapel of the Holy Cross.

This chapel is built way up on the side of a mountain. The photo above was taken from the road going up to the parking lot.

So that's the front of the building, and this is the other side - I was standing just outside the main entrance in the photo below. You can see through the door - notice the back of the cross from the inside? And on the sides of the door is a reflection of the mountain right behind where I'm standing. Awesome, huh?

When you're in Sedona, there are beautiful views every where you turn. This is what it looks like standing beside the chapel:

I never snap a whole lot of photos inside the chapel. It's just so quiet and peaceful, and there's usually someone inside who's deep in thought/prayer. The only photo I took inside the chapel was of the candles. Both sides of the front alter are lined with candles burning in red glass - SO pretty!

There are lots of cacti growing along the walkway up to the chapel. Doug and I wondered how many unknowing tourists reach out and touch these things. He and I are wise to them and kept our distance!

It's just such an awesome place to visit - I already want to go back!
And if you ever visit Arizona, I'd love to take you there.
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