Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dear Facebook, I like you.

Dear Facebook,
You recently turned 10 years old and came up with that cool idea to create one-minute videos that recap our history with you. I love those things! Anyway, I thought this would be a good time to write you a little note and tell you how I feel about you.
In the beginning when my daughter mentioned that MySpace was no longer “in” and the new thing was “Facebook” I found your name very odd. A face book? Weird. And I wasn’t sure I wanted her messing around on a site that seemed like a great big chat room. She messed around on it anyway.
I joined your site in 2008 at my daughter's insistence. The girl is persistent, that one. I was hesitant and not really sure I wanted to do it, but before I knew what hit me you hooked me up with 15 Facebook friends and there was no turning back.
In the six years since I’ve joined your site I have been entertained, annoyed, enlightened and disgusted. I have added lots of friends and have also hidden a couple from my feed. No sense being irritated on a daily basis by one of those “friends” who wants to do nothing but complain or rant about everything. Day after day. {click/hide/see ya!}
The thing I love the most about you, Facebook, is the way you connect me with my family. My nieces and nephews and cousins and aunts and uncles. It’s been a fantastic way to stay connected, albeit virtually, and to support each other from many miles away. I love knowing that my niece scored well on a college exam, to read about something fun that happened for someone I care about, or to get a little dose of my uncle's wit and wisdom. 
I also love the way you help me stay connected with friends near and far, with high school friends from long ago and with blog friends I've never had the pleasure to meet in person. You're such a great way to supplement a friendship, Facebook.
It’s also been very interesting to witness the lives of people from a safe distance. There have been folks that I have wanted to shake some sense into – those who air all their dirty laundry and leave me thinking, “Oh for the love of Pete. Stop already!” But there have also been those who take a leap and add a status that ends up being a call for support. We've lifted each other up in times of strife and have celebrated our successes together. You’re really good for that, Facebook.
Through you we have shared the joys of welcoming a brand new baby, sent condolences over the loss of a loved one, helped someone find a lost pet or a last minute babysitter, and set up many camping trips. You’re just so handy that way, Facebook.
I would have never believed when I joined your site six years ago that I would be so taken by the community you’ve fostered. I thank you, Facebook, for connecting me with the people I love, for reminding me of the people I don’t (ha!), and for giving me a place to share my current status when the urge strikes me.
You’re a really cool deal, Facebook, and in a really strange way I’m super grateful for you.

Happy birthday, Facebook! Here’s to the next 10 years. I "like" you.
 ~ Deb
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