Showing posts with label 400. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 400. Show all posts

Monday, 15 October 2012

Lush Lacquer Color Me Grey over Kiko 400

I have for you another layering today and this one also uses another brand that is new to me, Lush Lacquer.  I had been eyeing these polishes for a while, and finally picked up a set of 8 minis on Etsy but there are still so many more I would like to get.

But in the meantime here is Color Me Grey which is a grey base with multicoloured matte glitters through it.  You see this kind of polish a lot in a white base, which I love too, but don't recall seeing a grey based one before, and I am I so glad I picked this one up.

As the base is grey, I knew layering it over a similar colour would be best as I only have a mini and didn't want to use it all up soon, so I decided to layer it over the Kiko 400 holographic polish I showed you yesterday.

Here is yesterdays mani with 1 coat of Color Me Grey and 1 of the Shield.

Kikos can be purchased from the site or a store if you have one near you.  Just now you can only buy Lush Lacquers from Etsy but they will soon be available on Llarowe and Harlow & Co.

Thanks for looking <3 xx

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Kiko 400

I have for you today my first Kiko polish, I picked this up when I was in London a couple of weeks ago with two lovely ladies, Esther of Fab Fingertips and Lex of Talonted.  I managed to get all 4 of the holos (and a few others) but this was the first I have decided to show you today.

400 is a Grey holographic polish, I was very impressed with the application of this polishes.  Coverage was opaque in 2 coats and top coat did not dull the holo.

Here is 1 coat of the Knight, 2 of 400 and one of the Shield.

*edit* I can't believe I forgot to put on purchase information, thank you to Sue for commenting to remind me, Kiko polishes can be purchased from the stores, I was at the one in London Westfield Centre.  If you go to their website here, you can check if there is a store near you, or I think you can also order online.

Thanks for looking <3