Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
What a weekend...
Our little car is still parking across the street, but we are hoping tonight will be the last night, we are so so close to being done with the building phase of this brick retaining wall.
After helping the kids hang cement siding for 9 hours on Saturday, I can honestly say "no way!!!" will we be re-siding our home! Not even! Oh my goodness what a chore. The wall we did is a wall with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and an oversized double case you are wondering...that is a loooooooong wall!!! At first I was glad there are five windows and a door on that wall UNTIL we had to jig around them. Anyway, this weekend their project was moved along as well as our project.
This morning Ed and I laid down landscape fabric and covered it with river rock...
...while the kids were laying a path of pavers around the new pond in their new court yard~Ed and Angela are dreaming up the landscaping plans.
Then we all went for a hike. It was beautiful and after lunch everyone took the longer, steeper hike while Ed and I enjoyed some time to marvel at the beauty around us. I just can't help but to praise God when I am out in such beauty.
Ha! He was sneaking up on Gpa!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Getting closer....
....we are getting closer to a "done-done" wall out front...yeehaw!!!
Today we are helping our kids hang cement siding. Last summer they added 2 bedrooms and a giant garage on to their home, the framing was up and the inside was mostly completed just as the rains started. They have worked on it all winter long and now the only thing left to be inspected is the siding so hopefully today that will be a done-done project at their house as well.
Monday we are going on a short hike/picnic to Elk Creek Falls. It is about 30 minutes from our home, a nice break in the day. The less than ½ mile hike is flat and the trail well groomed so will be an easy hike for Ed as well as fun for the grandkidlets. Rex tends to fuss over his gpa, making sure he is OK...what a great young man he continues to become. This gma is so proud of her grands!!!
Enjoy your holiday weekend however you choose to, as usual these days...nothing quilty going on here...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Are you watching us Mr. McPherson?
I really do think John McPherson has a webcam hidden somewhere near my family...
Today's cartoon...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hot Syrup and Strawberry Lemonade
My momma spoiled my sister, yes...I know it is hard to believe
that the baby of the family would readily admit that her older sister was favored! LOL But it is the truth! You see it is like this, on Sunday mornings momma would pull the waffle iron out of the cupboard, mix up an awesome batch of waffle batter, pull out the butter. She would then begin to make stacks of waffles...ummm yum! But she wouldn't stop there, nope...if she stopped there Sunday morning waffle breakfast would be incomplete for my sister. For my sister there was one more thing she would need~~ hot syrup! So my momma would lovingly pull out a saucepan and heat up syrup just because that is the way Nancy liked it! Oh, and maybe I should tell you that momma would mix a bit of honey with peanut butter for MY waffles! (I am the youngest after all!!!)
Hot Mapel Syrup= $4.00
Having someone to spoil=PRICELESS
Having someone to spoil=PRICELESS
Sunday, May 20, 2007
If you look real close... will see one of our new pond residents. Mr. (or is that Ms.???) Turtle is sunning him/herself on a rock. Ryan and KatieBug were trying to come up with names for them...I call them Turtle, both of them!
Progress....we are making slow but sure progress on the retaining wall, the weather and grandkidlet baseball/softball schedules have prevented us from getting it completed in a timely fashion, but hey...I would rather be cheering on the kids than hauling these heavy bricks anyway...the project isn't going away and it will be done soon so we have split our priorities for now. Such is life!
begining the second layer and loving how it has changed the look of our property.
I will leave you with this pic of our Master.
Labels: Pond
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I hate dirt, and other things to smile about I mentioned a couple of days ago, there is NOTHING quilty going on I thought I would share a few things that have made me smile lately.
I love Macaroni. Macaroni (MacKenzie) is my great niece. She occupies a part of my heart that no one else can occupy. When she comes to Aunnie (yes, that is Aunnie with no T) Pami and Uncle Eddie's home she can ask for the moon and will most likely get it served on a silver plater. She came for a quick overnight visit a couple of wks ago and wanted to sleep in our bed with us. "No problem, when you are tired you can crawl in bed." Everyone went about what they were doing and soon we discovered that Mac was real quiet...hmmm...wonder where she went? This is where we found her...on the floor just inside our bedroom asleep.
My sister graciously agreed to help me get the pond finished. This project has been an on going project since last summer. It was one of those things that you get started on and then see that maybe you could have done something differently, or saw someone else's and liked the way they did something, or decided something wasn't working like you thought it etc. etc. etc...are you still with me? It was an ongoing project and we wanted it to NOT be an ongoing project. Well...the first thing we needed to do was move the electrical wiring and replace some of it as well...which turned out to be quite the undertaking. When the wiring was originally put in it was put in by our son who crawled on his belly to put it under the deck. In order to replace what needed to be replaced someone needed to get under the deck to UN-DO what had previously been done. That someone was NOT going to be ME...not only did I not want to do it, but I don't think I COULD have done it, as in don't think I would have fit under the deck.
I hate dirt. I don't like dirt under my fingernails, I don't like the way my hands get rough when I have been doing yardwork, I don't like dirt...I don't like dirt...I don't like dirt. Now, having gotten that out of my system I will say that I love a well groomed yard, beautiful landscaping and I love that my dear hubby loves doing all that for us. And I will add I have been doing a bit more yardwork this year than ever before....working on the pond, planting my windowboxes and hanging pots, even dug up a few bulbs for my niece and a few weeds that were trying to make my Mary Yard their home. Hubby has rules about his garden tools...and I don't always follow his rules as closely (*¿~) as he would like me to so he bought me my own set of tools...they are PURPLE...and a cute little purple gardeners bag as well. I think he thinks that dirt and I will soon be fast friends..guess what...don't hold your breath dear, it ain't gonna happen...but I do like my cute purple garden gadgets!
Chris flew back to San Diego yesterday (it was so fun to have her around for a while!!!!) so Ryan moved out of MCM and into the guestroom. I guess that frees me up to do some sewing...I will give it some serious thought, I have several quilts at the binding stage, they would be quick finishes. I have a couple of mending jobs that will not take long to get done. We have a new sofa and chair and I need a quilt to go with them as well as covers for the arms of each. And I still, yes still have not made some very needed hotpads.
so...there you have who say the darnedest things...a hubby who has a not-so-subtle way to encourage me...a niece who will do almost anything for me..a vacated MCM...and a done-done pond (I keep forgetting to take "done-done" pics!)...sleeping baby bedhogs...things to smile about