
Showing posts with label surprises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surprises. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Been Busy!

Hello Blog Mateys!

I'm so sorry to be MIA.......Bad Cameron...Bad *slaps hands*
I promise, though, it's all been for a very good reason!

First off, I made a new batch of sea glass hair barrettes with some of the goodies found while beachcombing this Summer.
Take a looksee....

These are just a few.  I had the good fortune of finding some beautiful bits of rare colors this year :)
Oh, and some pretty agates...
....and cute heart-shaped stones, too :)
These are all in the shop for those who'd like a closer peek.
Also, Maggie started 2nd Grade this week.....
So, that's been part of why I've been absent....
BUT, the main reason is something extra special!!
Unfortunately, I can't reveal the secret just yet....even if I am bursting at the seams with excitement!
Something is brewing....
I'll give you a sneak peek, though....because I just can't help myself!
So......I'll keep working away, giggling in anticipation.....
Can't wait to show and tell! :)
Hope your week is filled with good stuff, too!
Hugs all around,
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