
Showing posts with label micki wilde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label micki wilde. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Speaking of Dreams

Thank you everyone!
I truly appreciate the support, love and words of encouragement you guys gave me on the news of my being published.  It is so nice to cross a Life Goal off the was a dream come true....a small, but important step forward for me and my art :)

Though it was a nice wave to ride for a while,'s time to get cracking again....heehee!

I wanted to show you a piece I just finished inspired by all the strong, amazing Tribal Girls painted by my dear friend Micki Wilde in her new art course, Wilde and Free (clever, eh?)

I have to be honest, I had never done any tribal/native-feel paintings before...and I was afraid I wouldn't get the "right" look.
Micki makes it look so effortless and gives you so many ideas, references and videos of her own to drool over (you can see the finished products on her blog or in her Etsy store now)....that it makes you just want to go "wilde" ;P

8x10 Mixed Media on canvas panel
I knew I needed to incorporate a dragonfly, which has served as my totem animal for a long, long time.  It represents the Guardian of the DreamWorld and can warn of illusions.  I wanted this girl to be looking toward her dreams....and be ready follow them :)
Micki really knows how to stoke the creative flame.  I see more tribal girls in my future!
Thanks so much for checking in on me.  With blogging starting to fall out of favor, your choice to visit me here speaks volumes!
Now go chase some of your own dreams!

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Trees are calling...

...and I am listening :)

It is time for our annual Summer Vacation...5 weeks of tent camping, sightseeing, soaking up nature and relaxing!  I created this piece in anticipation of cooler climate and gorgeous green trees!
This girly's face has some definite Micki inspired touches!
We just bought a new I can't wait to take a zillion photos to share with you on our return!
If you are curious about past year's trips, you can read last year's post HERE and the year before HERE.
There's nothing like being away in another world to help renew your spirit and re-energize your mind!  I'm so ready to spend some time hearing what the trees have to say :)
Hope you all are enjoying your summers, too!
Redwood sized Hugs!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Painting Happy!

Hello Everyone!

I'm so excited to share a new piece of art with you!  But, before I do, I need to give you a bit of info on how she came to be.....

You see, I was lucky enough to take a very special online painting course called Paint Happy.
It is given by the wonderful Micki Wilde of The Secret Hermit.

I've long been a fan of her work.
She makes whimsy and cheeriness look so easy....her faces are so full of warmth and character....her backgrounds are delicious....and it is evident that she adores what she does. 

What's amazing about this course is that it addresses every single one of those truths so that you can have them, too!  It delivers so much good and useful information on how to keep your art playful and meaningful, even if it sprang from a darker place.

Wait til you get to the part about your Wolf!  I don't want to give too much away...but that part was really powerful for me.  There is a wolf in me that hasn't yet gotten onto the page.  When it does, I'll share it here.
Here, check out the promo video for the course.  You'll see why I'm so excited!
Now, onto my art! 
I had so much fun making this piece.  I find I can be way too serious when I create.  I can get too hung up on details and my own weird sense of perfection that it can suck a lot of the enjoyment out of making art....and it seems to take a lot longer, too.
I whipped this one out pretty quickly (humming all the while, I might add)...and I couldn't be happier with the results! 
You can see the influence of Micki's style in her sweet face.
...and look at how her ideas and techniques transformed my background!
You can click to enlarge if you like :)
So much bright, doodly, colorful play!
I can't wait to try out more of her suggestions!
If you'd like to take the course or see more of her fantastic art, please visit her Etsy Shop and her Blog!
Everyone deserves to enjoy what they do!
Big neon colored hugs!
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