Hello All!
Wow, this week seemed to fly by!
Just to let you know, I will be doing lessons 4 and 5 next week for the Drawing Lab Project....just couldn't seem to fit it in this week!
Over at
Butterfly Effect this week, the theme was
Wild at Heart.
What a great theme to get lost in....to sling paint with abandon and get in touch with the primal soul at the core of my being....
But, alas....I wasn't able to commune with that energy this week....perhaps later...
For now, that soul is harnessed and controlled for now. Kind of like this.
Yes, my daughter has begun to walk her cat. Haha! I use the word "walk" very loosely. You don't decide you are going around the block or anything with cats. They decide where they want to go and you just have to follow :)
So far, it hasn't been out of our yard...
Hey, did you notice Maggie's shirt?! It actually says Wild at Heart! I just noticed it when I was editing the photos to put up here! Funny ;D
Oh, and speaking of yard....an exciting thing occurred here over the weekend. We got grass! May not be a big deal to some....but we've been living here over a year with nothing but weeds and dirt to greet us.
Here, let me show you what I mean...
Nov 2010 when we bought the place:
We took out the palm trees and shrubs, ripped out the bouganvillea by the walkway, repainted the shutters and porch railing and tore up the dead grass.
It's looked like this for quite some time.
But now...
Amazing what a difference it makes :D
Okay, so I didn't get to do anything wild for myself.....but I was able to make something for a wild at heart friend. Would you ever think to put skulls on a coffee cozy?
Yeah, me neither....haha!
But here is one.
And another.
And some keychains for the heck of it!
Does that count?
If you are one of those inclined to add skulls to everything, I have one of these keychains
in the shop....and I can always make more cozies for anyone interested....you Wild Things, you ;P
Hope you have a wild and wonderful weekend, My Bloggy Buds!!
Until next week,
P.S. For the next two Lessons of Drawing Lab.....we are supposed to draw at the zoo. If you have a menagerie at home or are able to actually go to a zoo...fantastic! Otherwise, other measures are, of course, necessary and just fine. I will be using footage we've taken from various zoo visits for my assignments :)
I'm having so much fun doing these with you!