
Showing posts with label felt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label felt. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Almost...but not yet

So, I didn't know.....should I pop in here again after that cliffhanger ending last post....and NOT reveal the big news yet?

I'm waiting 'til September 1st to spill the proverbial beans.  But, I just couldn't wait that long to share a bit of other things I've been working on.

I am so in a Autumn/Halloweeny mood!  Whilst powering through the 1st three seasons of Vampire Diaries, I took out my felt and thread...and tried to multitask :)

Here's a sampling of what I made:

Putrid Green Zombie Head Feltie Keychain OOAK
Zombies are just too fun!  They can come out all crooked and ugly....and it's perfectly expected :D
Zombie Head Feltie Keychain OOAK
I had a Nightmare inspired moment, too.
Bone Daddy Skull Head Stuffed Felt Keychain
And I made this drooling dude, as well.  Have brain, will travel....heehee!
I put them all up in my shop.
So, while I know this is not the same as hearing big news....I hope it almost is.
Just like Autumn is far from coming to my hot, sunny California city....I'm eagerly anticipating!
Thanks to you all for being excited with me!
I'll be back in September.....ready to unveil!
Smiling like a big, toothy jack-o-lantern,

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The "To Do" list goes on and on....

Hello my Lovelies!

Gosh, how does time get away from us so easily? 

I know how......
I've found that opening another shop is exciting, but tremendously time consuming.  Of course, to be fair, I'm not doing a great job of dividing my time wisely.  I want to make sure there's lots of goodies to peruse on the "shelves" so I get into that mental game of, "Just one more and I'll stop and work on something else" with thing I know it's 1am!

I did take a couple days off over the weekend to go to the Scrapbook Expo and had a craft night with some girlfriends.  While they scrapped, I made more packaging materials for my own store....y'know, the stuff you need, but don't make the time for because you have more pressing things to attend to? *sigh*
Story of our lives, eh? Haha!

Well, it didn't take me all night to make those things, luckily, so I was able to make a couple new coffee cozies while we chatted.

I just barely finished putting the final touches on them today. (Hooray! I can cross something off my list!)
Here's my first ever butterfly cozy.  I thought it fitting that butterflies go through a major transformation....sorta like I do after my cup of joe in the morning ;P
So, on a cozy they went....

And another floral.  Nothing like flowers to brighten your day :)
Still on my list are:
  • More Word of the Year Art
  • Art Print Jewelry!
  • Coloring my hair (be glad you can't see my scary roots right now!)
But my next post will be something truly special!  I can't wait to share how I was able to give my Husband an awesome gift last Christmas!
I'll be back soon to tell you all about it :)
Hope you are doing a better job than I am keeping on task,
Pencil in a hug from me,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

That Cozy Time of Year & Coupon Code

Hello Everyone!

Hope all my Stateside Friends are having a lovely Thanksgiving....
I'm just checking in before dashing out the door to meet with my Husband's family and gather for our feast.

I'm still crafting though, trying my best to get my Etsy store loaded with new and fun offerings.
Here are 2 new cozies I just finished....

Nothing like like flowers (and a bit of caffeine) to brighten one's day....haha!
A little sweet something to have with your coffee or tea :)
I am excited to be able to provide Worldwide FREE SHIPPING from today thru Monday.  Just enter SHIPHAPPY into the coupon code section at checkout!
If you are having a sale this weekend, please let me know.....I'd love to take a peek :)
Hope you all have an incredible weekend....and happy shopping ;P
Big Hugs,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Letting it Come out in the Squash

Hello My Beloved Bloggy Friends....

Sorry for my absence.  I've been up to my gourd in pumpkins lately!
Harvested from a bag of felt scraps and a box of random buttons....I have made my own patch....haha!

10 in all....each a little different...
...with varying expressions...
 ( I love the face on that one on the left. If he had legs, I'm sure he'd have run away by now....haha!)
Oh, but look at what's on their butts!  My very own label!
Makes them look so professional, don't you think? 
I bought them on Etsy HERE :)
I have fun making these fellows....but have to admit, I need a vacation when I'm done....
My neck takes a toll from the constantly looking down....
So, I'm off to relax a bit, but I have something new to share with you!
All the love and care of the bigger Jacks....but in miniature!
....and portable!  That's right. Pins!
A new idea....and there are more swimming around in that noggin of mine :)
These guys are all in my shop, if you feel like picking a pumpkin or two....heehee.
I'll be around tonight to come visit with you all.
Now, to go relax my head for a bit!
Love ya bushels and a peck,

Monday, August 20, 2012

Zombies are Coming!! Run.... my Shop to get them....heehee!

I never thought I'd put the words cute and zombie together in the same sentence before....but, I must admit....these little guys have quite the infectious personalities!

I had a blast deciding what type of (cute) blood and (cute) gore to add to these brain-craving dudes...

This one has a nasty gash on his head!

This one is agony...over losing his hair....just one tuft left....haha!

This little guy has blood shot eyes and exposed ribs....his putrid green color is....well, perfect...don't you think?

....and this guy is just a mess....literally! 

I thought it would be cute to package them up with biohazard warnings on them....especially this guy, oozing as he is ;P

Be warned....more zombies may be coming!
Keep your wits about you....and be aware of where your brain is at all times....
....unless you're a Mom, then, the whereabouts of said brain can be elusive, at best :D

Love ya to bits!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wild with an M

Hello All!
Wow, this week seemed to fly by!
Just to let you know, I will be doing lessons 4 and 5 next week for the Drawing Lab Project....just couldn't seem to fit it in this week!

Over at Butterfly Effect this week, the theme was Wild at Heart.
What a great theme to get lost sling paint with abandon and get in touch with the primal soul at the core of my being....
But, alas....I wasn't able to commune with that energy this week....perhaps later...

For now, that soul is harnessed and controlled for now.  Kind of like this.

Yes, my daughter has begun to walk her cat.  Haha! I use the word "walk" very loosely.  You don't decide you are going around the block or anything with cats.  They decide where they want to go and you just have to follow :)
So far, it hasn't been out of our yard...

Hey, did you notice Maggie's shirt?!  It actually says Wild at Heart!  I just noticed it when I was editing the photos to put up here! Funny ;D

Oh, and speaking of exciting thing occurred here over the weekend.  We got grass!  May not be a big deal to some....but we've been living here over a year with nothing but weeds and dirt to greet us.
Here, let me show you what I mean...
Nov 2010 when we bought the place:

We took out the palm trees and shrubs, ripped out the bouganvillea by the walkway, repainted the shutters and porch railing and tore up the dead grass.

It's looked like this for quite some time.
But now...

Amazing what a difference it makes :D

Okay, so I didn't get to do anything wild for myself.....but I was able to make something for a wild at heart friend.  Would you ever think to put skulls on a coffee cozy?
Yeah, me neither....haha!

But here is one.

And another.

And some keychains for the heck of it!

Does that count?
If you are one of those inclined to add skulls to everything, I have one of these keychains in the shop....and I can always make more cozies for anyone Wild Things, you ;P

Hope you have a wild and wonderful weekend, My Bloggy Buds!!
Until next week,

P.S.  For the next two Lessons of Drawing Lab.....we are supposed to draw at the zoo.  If you have a menagerie at home or are able to actually go to a zoo...fantastic!  Otherwise, other measures are, of course, necessary and just fine. I will be using footage we've taken from various zoo visits for my assignments :)
I'm having so much fun doing these with you!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Corny, Cheesey and Cozy

I'm so sorry!
I told you I'd be back.....I just had no idea it would take me this long to get here!

So, I mentioned previously some new stuff I've been working on...
Been in a felty mood again!

Made some more coffee cozies...
I thought these would make cute Valentine's presents for Coffee/Tea lovers.
(or, more honestly, was spending a lot of my week catching up with the TV Series "Fringe" and needed to make something while I sat there so I didn't feel so guilty :D)

They could accompany some cheesy little saying like,

"Our love just keeps growing"

"Owl always love you"

"My heart is in your hands"

...and I made more keychains, as well...
A guy could totally put his Sweetheart's car keys on it with a little note....

"You 'drive' me wild"

Or perhaps...
"You carry my heart with you wherever you go"

What about for a friend...

"Friendship blooms with love"

I'm all about the thoughtful gift with the corny sentiment!
That's why I bought a pack of my Hubby's favorite snacks....pistachios....
so I can tell him I'm nuts about him!

A small LED flashlight for his keys...
beacause he "lights up" my life...

...and a screwdriver...

Get your minds out of the gutter! Haha!
(you know who you are) is because my Life would be "screwed up" without him!

What's your favorite cheeseball Valentine's line?

Have a great weekend, My Friends!!

In all silliness,

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