Oooh, I had a lovely surprise yesterday from Clare Buswell, over on
Clare's Creations. She has given me my very first award!! Thank you so much Clare! It was a lovely little extra christmas gift, and made me smile.

By accepting this award I have to:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award. Thanks
Clare!2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pass it on to 8 bloggers
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award
So now I have to think of 8 things about me!
1. I am addicted to coffee, in particular Costa coffee with their lemon cake, it's yummy!
2. I love reading, and for christmas my lovely hubby bought me a Kindle, (haven't looked at the
instructions yet!) in the hope I will stop buying books and stop cluttering up the house! He is
mistaken. I love Tintin books, and read them with my children, I just can't see how this type
of book will transfer to a gadget. We will see....
3. I am ashamed to say that I am a bit of a technophobe, whilst my hubby is the master of all
things electronic. I have only been blogging since the early part of this year, and I really
needed his help to get things going.
4. I love cooking, but hate the washing up afterwards! That's what lovely hubbys are for!
5. I was born in London, and moved to Thatcham near Newbury 14 years ago. Everytime I
go back to London it feels like going home, I miss it.
6. I am a big Kate Bush fan. There, I have said it! My family find it quite irritating that I play
her music all the time. I love her music, and her last album is very soothing, I usually have
it on in the background whilst I make a card. She needs to make a new album, if only for the
sanity of my family!
7. I like to watch documentaries on all periods of history, I find the past, and how people lived
fascinating. One of my favourite programmes is Time Team, I love Tony Robinson in this he is
so enthusiastic, but he will be known forever in my mind as 'Baldrick' from Blackadder, one
of my most favourite comedies EVER! He has a cunning plan m'lud!
8. I have 3 wonderful and inspiring children, who never cease to amaze me with their love,
sense of fun and take on life. My 10 year old has the next 100 years planned out! We will all
apparently have flying cars by then!
So, I managed to find 8 things about me, I hope I haven't bored you!
Now here's the fun bit! 8 lovely ladies I like to visit on a very regular basis, pop by their inspiring blogs, you won't be disappointed!
Julie's Inkspot2.
Diaries of a Craftaholic and Demented Housewife3.
Ruby 2 Shoes4.
Flower Sparkle5.
Glitter Me Silly6.
The Peddlar's Gallery7.
Helen Berry Design8.
A Delightful Waste of TimeWell, that was difficult, so many inspiring blogs to choose from! Hope everyone is enjoying the on-going festivities, I have my in-laws coming today.
Happy New Year everyone!
Pauline xx