If you ignored my notice here last week, or forgot about the Embroiderers Guild Paddy's Market today, you missed out on a rare opportunity to add to your stash of any kind of textile craft you could imagine! The Guild receives hundreds of donations every year of books, fabrics, wool, cottons, lace, beads and other embellishments, from deceased estates, or people who want to get rid of their own stash for some reason. One whole side of the large gallery was taken up with tables brimming with 'stuff' donated to the Guild.
The other side of the gallery was taken up with members like me who each had a card table brimming over with our own unwanted stash. We all look at each other's goodies before the market opens so we have first choice if we see something we like. The same comment was heard all up and down the room "I'm not buying anything this year - I'm here to sell, and that's that!" Ha. Famous last words...Once you have sold some of your own stuff, the cash in your hand soon ends up in someone else's hand! I took about half of what I had in my cupboard at home, leaving this pile still to be worked on 'one day'.

I came home with nearly $100 in my purse, and two bags of linens that I didn't sell. But I went with three bags, so I guess I sold about a third of what I took, and I was happy with that. I've decided to put some of it here on my blog and if any readers see something they like, we can work out a price and delivery. I might put some on eBay, and the rest will go to our opshop.
But here is what I bought:
A selection of cotton fabrics for my stash - about $4 overall.

A bag of Xmas cotton fabrics - $5. I needed this for those mini Xmas stockings I'm making.

Two bags of laces - $3 for the lot!

I know, I know, I KNOW! I was supposed to be selling off my cross stitch kits! But that was the big kits. I still like these little ones on hand to make cards and little gifts for friends. And that baby elephant is soooo cute :-)

This cross stitched picture was part of a deceased estate lot; it caught my eye in the pile of other items done by the same person. I'm planning to add it to the quilt I'm doing, using other people's work.

This bag of red ribbons was $2. I mentioned to the Guild member whose table it was on, that it was just what I needed for the loops on my Xmas stockings. She said "In that case you'll need the bag of green ribbons too". I held out another $2 but she said no - $2 for the lot!

As I said, you missed a great day....