Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts


scarf shop

i know i just posted about some amazing fall accessories, but how cool are these scarves?!? i am so incredibly in love with all of the different colors Scarfshop has to offer. the scarves themselves come in long + skinny, regular, big, and giant sizes. the giant scarf is a whopping 4' x 9' and bunches up absolutely wonderfully. these scarves are 100% cotton and not very heavy at they're perfect for those days where you develop a slight chill as you're shuffling through the newly fallen leaves to the library. perfect for layering over that one cardigan with all of those funky buttons you love so much. these scarves just seem so very perfect for autumn.

(via Unruly Things)

taking a blogging hiatus. hope to be back soon!


etsy: yokoo

i am in such a fall mood. i know i got a lot of my fall lust out a few posts back, but i am really craving sweater weather*. i'm a bit bummed though because i don't have nearly enough sweaters or cosy articles of clothing for when the days become really crisp and chilly. needless to say, i'm absolutely drooling over all of the lovely knits at Yokoo. my insatiable desire for all things snuggly is going into overdrive, and if i don't start knitting something soon i think i just might buy out the whole store!

*i've just been reminded of one of my favorite comics. it's called Sweaterweather and is one of the cutest things i have ever seen. i'll have to re-read it now!


i'm falling

today is officially the first day of fall (my favorite season!) over here in the northern hemisphere. that means it's time to start putting sweaters and tights in the closet, getting ready to kick around newly fallen crunchy leaves, and finding little treasures of books to curl up with in big comfy chairs while drinking lovely steaming cups of tea. mmm...just thinking about the beginning of autumn makes me happy!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

ps- i think i might've gotten the date wrong...i think it was the 21st? regardless, it is now officially fall. i just felt like i had to add that in here. =]

archived postcards


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Portland, OR, United States
hi! i'm Lena, but you can call me Lulu. i love Frida Kahlo, feminism, art, reading, kitties, and drinking tea. i love the film Amelie and i think that the tiny traveling gnome has stolen my heart. i want to own a bookshop and live above it one day. i get quite passionate about things. i tend to think too much. i'm kind of a hermit.

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thank you to Janine for letting me use her wonderful postcard photo as my blog header ♥

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