Showing posts with label ORT jars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ORT jars. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2012

No April Foolin' - progress and peculars

Hello Spring!

This cough is wicked! I had to get out in the sun and fresh air today, so I tended to a couple of my garden chores; dumped my compost, trimmed the raspberry bushes and my very, very old lilac bush of all the dead branches. Whew, I am wore out already. This thang saps ya of all your energy, could hardly catch my breath after gathing all the branches. Only have two windows open to air out the house of my sickness, still a bit of a cool breeze, but refreshing.
So yesterday morning when I had some energy, I organized my pics, just didnt have it in me to pull out the laptop and type. This will be the most productive I will be today, can feel a nap coming on shortly.

Ta DA!! Here is the grand finish on My Winter House. Please excuse the hoop rings, it has not been visited by the iron yet.

Had fun stitching those teenie, tiny smyrna crosses along the bottom row.

I have been waiting to post my purchases from Carolina Stitcher. I order a set of project pouches for my GF's birthday gift and a set for myself. We LOVE them.

For my GF

For myself

Here is the bottom of the hill on my Boaf not-so-mystery stitch. I did get our initials done. I did not put one stitch in at all yesterday.

And here is a couple of shots of my progress on the Governor's Palace in block 2 of HRH, form our S-n-B weekend.

Here is a closer look. I do enjoy building the house. I need to call Heart's Desire this week, Thread Gather's Mint Frost has been on back order since December. Not Heart's Desire's fault, but a little disappointed in TG; four months, REALLY??
It is for the snow and there is a lot of snow in this project.

If I get a pic from Karri on her Autum at HRH I will post it here. I forgot to take a snap shot.

After seeing Lori's bee chair pad of Notforgotten Farms, loved the colors, I remembered I had a very small rug hook project I picked up several years ago while shopping with my GF. So I pulled my blueberries out of the dark corner of my closet. It did not take long to get back in the loop of things.  I filled in the leaves, curly vine accent and the background this past week.  Karri is working on several designs to be used on the risers of her stairs.  I've asked her if we could plan a hookin' excursion when I come to her place for our next S-n-B weekend. I had picked up a rug hook book by Susie Stephenson. I don't know much about rug hooking and did not know who she was, but loved her book. I came across a tutorial by Susie on the Rug Hooking Magazine website. Who KNEW!  I would love to plan a project of my own design and I am interested in working with yarns. Like I got time for that..... but it is something I can do. I have already sketched out a few designs.

And this is my meager start in the world of HOOKING. :-)

 (Psst yes I did latch hooking when I was a kid, I think there is still bits of yarn in the house on Armstead St.)

Some Peculars...

Here is some stash gifts from my GF. She remembers everything... I have a small collect of Adam & Eve patterns, I know it's a fad but I am liking it. She found the cutest SMALL, the size of a luggage tag. It may be my first start of the collection.

I can't wait to try out the Thread Savers. Thank you Karri!

I have been on an ORT jar obsession lately and found a great jar during our outing last weekend. But I am giving this one to my Mother. Is that not the sassiest ORT jar.

We think it is an old mustard jar, sans lid. The perfect ORT jar.

Speaking of ORTs here is the latest pick of the Candle Stick ORT jar.
 Just a random posting, I can't keep up with the moon.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday afternoon, hopefully with some stitching time involved.

Take care and keep on stitching.