dinsdag 22 september 2009
Three or more Tuesday Vintage cake stands
dinsdag 8 september 2009
Three or more Art Deco buttons
It was the button tin of her late aunt who died a while agoo. She was about 90 then.
She offered us to pick out of the tin whatever we wanted to have. Non of the other studants had a lot of interest in the buttons but I began to delfe in it and discovered more and more beauty's from the thirties. Even the Annie herself was amased what I discovered. Since I wanted so many of the good buttons I offered to pay her for them but she declined. Thanks again Annie, for these small treasures.
Above, the more colorful dress buttons. Most of them are in an early plastic and some, like the ones with the flowers are glass.
On the left, even on the card, some sturdy buttons for a coat.
Very big buttons. I think of Bakelite in very strong geometric shapes. Most of them are more then 1 inch in diameter.
Hope you enjoyed my story.See you next week.
dinsdag 28 juli 2009
Three or more birdcages...and a babygirls room
These little vintage birdcages are all the rage in Belgium and Holland for the moment. Everyone thinks they are so decorative. I was charmed by them too so I started my little colletion with the white one on the bottom right. It once was black and is a cage for exhibiting birds in on bird shows. You see them quite often on fleamarkets and so and they are still inexpensive to buy.
The very small one on the bottom was my latest find. I bought it at an brocante fair last year and painted it white to fit the baby room.
The blue one is my favorite. This one I got from a forum friend who also has a small antiques shop. I love this one very much.
First all these little cages where in a corner of my livingroom together with the little nest and the oil painting of the doves. But then I found this light garland with the birds at Ikea and I knew I had to incorporate these with the birdcages to go in the baby's room. I makes a nice feature at night for my granddaughter.
I finally finished my granddaughters room. It took a bit longer then I had planned but I is ready now. It could do with some more finishing touches but it is almost there.
Next to the bird cage wall is the bookcase. I am sad I did not have a vintage bookcase to put here but I had 4 of these Billie bookcases from Ikea in this room before it became Anne-Fleur's room so I had to use at least one of them. For years I have been collecting Pop-Up books and now there is finally a little girl who will for sure enjoy them in the coming years.
Next to the bookcase is a little vintage desk and the chair from my grandmothers kitchen. I still see her sitting on that chair peeling potatoes and so. I also have her kitchen table but that one was to big for this room. I want to paint the little table white I think. This is one of the things I still need to do. If you then turn to your right you then will see the bed my parents bought for me to sleep in when I was a little baby. I painted it a aqua kind of blue and matched it with a quilt that I made myself and some lace Ikea curtains. The old red chair is to be recovered. That is the second thing I still want to do but I am hessitating to do it myself because it is a difficult but beautiful shape. This is one of my better vintage finds. I only paid about 35 dollars for it.
To your left under the window, stands this also vintage and very small baby's highchair. I bougth it many years agoo to display the replica porcelain doll's in that I made some 20 years agoo. This one sitting in the chair is the very first and one I made and the only once I made handmade clothes for. The doll sits on one my very first babyquilt. It is more then 20 years old.
This delightful metal flowering walllight I bougt from the same lady where I bought the blue birdcage from. It was just perfect for this room.
Anne-Fleur's daddy made this drawing when he was 5 or 6 years old. I found it last year when we where clearing our attic out. It fits the room perfectly. Anne-Fleur's room was her daddy's room for almost 25 years !
I you turn again, you see the dresser and the shelving unit. The dresser was bought when our daughter was a baby and I will now use it as a changing station. On the shelving unit sit a very special toy. My very special Cotton Rabbit all dressed out in pink with white kitty's on her skirt!
I love her!! Next to the dresser this beautiful hook with a glass flower. I found these last year in a German Ebay store.
The thing still missing in this room are my two oilpaintings of my fifties girls.
I especially wanted to be in this room but they are nowhere to be found. The lays for years at the same place in my closet and when I wanted to put them up I could not find them anymore.
This is my last birdcage. I think I will move it to the baby's room too. I now resides in the bathroom. This is a very special birdcage for me. My husband and I got it for our silver wedding anniversary. Whe where surprised by this gift until we remover the paper inside the cage. Out came a beautiful bronze statue of two birds on a branch by the famous French animalier sculpter André Vincent Becquerel. I will show it to you next week.
Hope you enjoyed my birdcage and babyroom story's. Until next week and thanks for visiting.
dinsdag 14 juli 2009
3 or more tabacco jars
But my father and brothers and my grandfather where smokers.
This first box was an Ebay find. I stumbled on it and it was almost to be sold but nobody seemed to want it. I was struck by it from the moment I layed eyes on this battered old thing.
It has so much charm. I guess it must be from the early Victorian times maybe 1840 or so?? Don't ask me why but it has that feeling over it. It is a dog kennel with a little copper dog in front of it. The box is made of wood and decorated with metal studs.
But aldo it is a dogs kennel the cat is master of the roost by proudly sitting on top of the kennel. The back of this box is plain but at the side you see two ivy bushes.
This ceramic jar comes from a little ceramic factory that once existed in the town where I was born.My grandfather, who's father worked as a blacksmith in that factory had a tabacco jar like this. These jars come in two sizes and in two colors, green and golden brown.
But the fact of the matter is that after a while my joungest brother began to have an interest in this factory and started collecting the stuff. I found this tabacco jar in Antwerp in a tiny antique store and my brother was very jalous of it but he took revange and now is an authority on the subject. He has a major collection, hase founded a collecters group and is staging exebitions on the subject of this majolica factory.
zondag 12 oktober 2008
You know I never knew the word for these things until recently when I saw it on a forum.
Vandaag was er rommelmarkt in de naburige stad en omdat het maar eens per maand ik besloot ik de uitstap te maken.
Helaas kwam ik met niet veel meer thuis dan een klein doosje met pampilles.
Ik kende dat woord helemaal niet totdat ik er een tijd terug op een forum van hoorde.
I love them but was a bit disappointed when at home, I inspected them more closely.
More than half of them had little pieces missing ....When I see the vendor next month I will mention it to him since he assured me that these where inspected and suppose to be perfect.
Het vergalt niet helemaal m'n plezier in mijn pampilles want de beschadigde stukken glimmen net zo mooi als de gave. Maar volgende keer ga ik toch beter uitkijken voor alleer ik m'n zuurverdiende geld spendeer aan zo iets.
zondag 3 augustus 2008
Dress form
The little vintage dress came my way true a student of mine who wore it when she was a small girl. The dress must be about 80 years old by now.
But now I have found another use for my little dressform!
Het jurkje kreeg ik van een oud cursiste. Zij droeg het als kind en het jurkje moet nu zo'n 80 jaar oud zijn.
Maar nu heb ik een niewe manier gevonden om het het te gebruiken...
Aren't these sweet old pictures lovely? I add some vintage or new lace to them and adorn them with vintage buttons and sometimes embroidery.
Zijn deze oude plaatjes niet heerlijk? Ik versier ze met oude of nieuwe kant en een oud knoopje en soms ook wat borduurwerk.
This is one of the latest shirt I made. It was a gift for my daughters co-worker who became mom to little Rufus!
Dit is een van de laatste shirtjes dat ik maakte.Het was een kadootje van m'n dochter voor een collega die mama geworden was van de kleine Rufus!
I just love making things for babies!
Ik vind het gewoon heerlijk om babyspulletjes te maken!
donderdag 17 juli 2008
Vintage find Vintage vondst
Nobody wanted it and because it was so cheap I bid on it and got it for about 40 dollars!
It arrived from the UK but it was to be an old French dress. This must have been from a very tall little lady since the dress is about 135 cm long. It is made in organdie and it has a heavy plain cotton slip dress beneeth it.
The whole thing was so complete. It had the little bag with it and the little cap that was reinforced with iron.
Het kwam naar me toe vanuit Engeland maar het was zogezegd eenFrans kleedje. Het was helemaal compleet met een piepklein tasje en een mutsje waarvan de rand versterkt was met wat ijzer.
There was a small belt with an attached bow on it. The whole thing closed by little tiny white buttons and the eyelets where also made by hand. All the seams where handsewn and the top of the bodice and the cuffs and the seam where added with the help of a point claire stich. (an open stich)
Er was een smal centuurtje bij met een vaste strik. De rest van het kleedje sloot met hele kleine witte knoopjes en ook de knoopsgaatjes waren met de hand gemaakt.
The little pouch seems the be an afterthought since it has no embroidery on it. It is made of pleaded and ruffled organza and the back is of very flimsy muslin.
The little cap is so tiny in comparrisson with the very long dress. It is fitted to the head but has a upstanding rim that is embroided like the dress. It has a bit of wire in it so that the rim stands upwards.
This all made me think of my own communion. This is me with my parents in 1962 with the fine Swiss batist dress my mother handmade for me.
Then she went to a fabric shop and ordered 6 meters of the finest Swiss batist fabric. There where also some 60 little covered buttons on the dress that went from the neckline tot the seam of the dress in a long row and some pink eyelet lace came peeking to beneeth the buttons. I also had a double sleeve. A fitted one with lots of buttons and a wider one with the same pink eyelet lace on it. It is a shame the picture does not show it.
From hundreds of cotton lily of the valley flowers she made my "crown" and the veil had one sheet of pink between two sheets of white tule.
Ik draag de jurk in Zwitserse batist die mijn moeder voor mij maakte.
Mijn moeder had en heeft toch wel een heel verfijnde smaak en zag al die kanten jurken met veel ditjes en datjes eraan niet zitten voor haar dochter.
Dus ging ze naar de sjiekste boetiek van de stad om te zien wat die in hun colletie hadden zitten voor de Communiefeesten. In de etalage lag het originel van mijn jurk en ze wist gelijk dat wordt het. Ze had een klein notaboekje meegenomen waar ze in het geniep een schetsje en wat aantekeningen in maakte. Toen ging ze naar de stoffenwinkel en bestelde 6 meter van de mooiste witte, Zwitserse batist dat ze maar kon vinden. Er zitten ook zo'n 60 met stof overtrokken knoopjes op de jurk. Deze zitten in een lange rij van aan de hals tot aan de zoom. Daarlangs was een rij fijne plooitjes (nervuurtjes zoals wij zeggen) en onder de knoopjes piepte een randje van roze Broderie Anglaise kant uit. Ook de manchetten van de mouw waren met veel knoopjes en wat kant afgewerkt. Jammer dat je al die fijne details op de foto niet kan zien.
Mijn moeder was en is nog steeds erg trots op deze jurl. Helaas heb ik haar niet meer. Ik denk dat ze ze indertijd korter gemaakt heeft om op zondag te kunnen dragen maar zoals jullie weten worden meisjes op die leeftijd snel jonge vrouwen en ik denk dat ik de korte jurk hooguit twee keer heb gedragen. Wat jammer want ik zou haar nu heel graag in de originele staat gehad hebben.
Bleek naderdhand dat de foto's die mijn vader van mijn Communiefeest gemaakt had allemaal mislukt waren .Dus ik moest opnieuw mijn kleed aan en de afgeknipte vlechten werden met speldjes onder mijn voile vast gezet. Jullie kunnen jullie wel indenken dat ik niet op mijn vrolijkst op die foto's sta!!!!