...and a walk in Mentryville...
This walk had Catherine's comment assessing the Green of CA and Marti's deep love of Green in my head. Isn't it gorgeous?!
The timely video below made me think of Women's History Month, in the way that there are so many strong women out there - now and through history. It is not only the same historic names you see over and over each March.
Being a woman of strength, of merit, of being worthy of honoring...of loving and treasuring...doesn't have to be shown by grand actions that benefit all of human kind - although that works too, it really does.
But, today I am thinking of quieter women who stand strong for themselves, their families, their friends, along with standing strong for our earth, our natural world and all of the living beings. I'm thinking of all of you who visit the trail and offer yourselves to this small community.
Follow your SOUL's Calling - it requires COURAGE
LINK 14:04 MinutesDainty barely lavender blooms, with the scent of Spring. Just lovely.
Today there was an old saddle outside of the barn. I tried to take a ride, but didn't get too far. Too bad, because any real horseback riding seems to be out of my future. YeeHaw!
I actually stood there and took photos of the same things I've photographed in the past...and posted here! I guess that makes me officially old, as the old grandma that just repeats her stories, for years. haha Yet, I decided that 1.- I don't care. 2.- There may be someone new here, who does not recall the older photos. or 3. - A reader here may be as forgetful as I can be, so they don't recall or care either. lol
Anyway, it was awfully nice to be outside in nature together.
I saw the structures as art...the weathered wood, the placement within the environment...the contrast of their color against the sky. Beautiful.
An online exploration led me to the video below, which is held within the Playing For Change, Women Musicians song lists (below). I watched several videos and will continue to explore them throughout the month, as a way to honor these amazing women artists. It's a nice start.
When The Levee Breaks feat. John Paul Jones | Playing For Change | Song Around The World
LINK 6:03 minutesHave a listen to some great music...
I even discovered young Alexa and her dad, a few years older and still making moving music. Alexa is now a young woman in college. I hope she is still using her gift of song.
What's going on? Acoustic cover by Jorge & Alexa Narvaez | REALITYCHANGERS
LINK 6:27 minutes (6 years ago)I leave you with two paths, not taken...
Which women do you honor this month?
May you find your strength, however that looks
May you sing your own song and sing along with others
Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2025
What a gift this post is for many reasons but especially for the list of Women's Musicians. In part 1, I knew of one of the women, Paula Fuga, the wonderful Hawaiian singer. She played at the Merry Monarch festival, a festival that I had always wanted to attend but do watch, every year on You tube. Her words: "Music is my first love. Love is my first language", what a mantra for the world..
BUT the real find was the late Tete Garcia Catuna, a woman who so reminded me of my beloved Celia Cruz. A Cuban singer who was involved with the Buena Vista Social Club. (Buena Vista Social Club, a group of Cuban elderly incredible composers, musicians, singers brought to our attention in the late 90's by a documentary by Ry Cooder.) I have their CD and almost wore it out by playing it so many times.. Chan Chan is the Buena Vista Social Club song that Tete sings in Playing for Change. Here is this elderly tiny woman elaborately dressed with headdress, etc. singing with such a powerhouse of a voice, like Celia, charming and dancing as she sings, swaying those hips, arms so expressive...What a glorious way to begin my morning with these two incredible women...Thank you Nancy.
Marti~ Ah this is great! I will check out those you mention as I explore more of the music in these playlists. I'm glad you enjoyed them too. 🙂
I would love to walk along the path in the last picture. The structures are all beautiful (and I think there's a lot of value in repetition). The green leaves are such a symbol of life returning and being renewed, we seem to feel that it's renewing us, too.
Stephanie~ Those last two paths shown in the photos were inviting, but not for me these days...steep and rocky, slippery and then there is my wariness about Mountain Lions. But, mostly the trails...maybe someday. I'm very taken with the pure green of the leaves so far this year. I probably have said this each year, but it does feel so refreshing this go around. (((hugs)))
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