Monday, May 6, 2024

Ode to Blue ~ Thanks to Deb


While over at Deb's...I fell deep into a Blue Rabbit Hole! Head on over to her place and take a peek!

Deb's Blue Post


Remember when LeAnne was all the rage with this song? 

The trail tonight began with this site (TATTER) from her post and...

led to this article, (GRADIENTS OF BLUE: BEYOND THE EARTH) - as I've always been a lover of hardware stores and paint chips. 

While reading the article...I floated off to learning about what cyan  is and exactly what a cyanometer to pronounce it, it's history etc. And that led to how to make one! (cue paint chip love)

The video on how to make one led me to this:


I'm not a huge Jazz gal, but I listened to some of it and I did notice this came out the year I was born 💙 

All of this "blue-ness" reminded me about how my sister and I were just talking about book displays based on "I don't remember the title but its blue". If you do an image search of that phrase, you'll come across scores of creative librarian and book sellers displays.


Thanks to Deb, I've had a very enjoyable evening exploring, listening, watching, dreaming. 

I am not taking the class she mentions, but am sure I'd have great fun with it or at least playing along, like I did tonight. And I'll for sure be keeping up with whatever she posts! So, for now, I'll continue rereading Blue Highways, which seems to fit perfectly into each era I read it (or parts of it). I read it back in 2020 (along with "The Bluest Eye" - haha - blue!) and it fit so well with the state of the world and our country. I know it still will from the little I've read again so far.

I remembered her "sky" knitting from so long ago and I was, of course, inspired to weave some blue and I've already pulled out the yarn tubs to look for "blue". I ended up pulling out all I could find. I also have some embroidery floss to consider.  I'd love to have '40 shades' to weave a cyanometer! I'll see what all I've got to work with, since I just completed yet another Medicine Bag and the little loom stands waiting. So far, I think my blue will contain some white ~ for all of the gorgeous clouds I see.

Lastly, you can bet you will continue to see beautiful blue skies here, as I am always looking...and sharing.

May you fall into glorious holes

May you find lightness and inspiration there

May you bring that back to ground level with you and carry on


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2024 



Marti said...

I love tumbling down the trail with you into a rabbit hole of discovery: This particular rabbit hole had me looking up songs with the word blue in the title:

"Blue Suede Shoes":A memory rose up of my sister and I dancing in the kitchen while listening to Elvis sing this on the radio. We improvised a step where we crossed over our feet in a kind of shuffle. Contrary to popular belief, Elvis was not the first to record this song; it was Carl Perkins a guitarist and country music singer.

"Don't it Make my Brown Eyes Blue" by Chrystal Gayle. I can still see her singing this song, lovely voice, glorious hair all the way down her back.

And then this wonderful song from the 50's: "Blue Moon". This song had me wondering if it was considered a jazzy song back then so down the rabbit hole I went to find:

"Blue Moon” then became catnip for jazz A-listers: Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong and Charles Mingus all bent it to their wills and wiles. Suddenly, the initially unwanted song was everywhere. Elvis Presley reduced it to a brooding sigh on his 1956 debut album."

"Genre: Initially it was considered a “50's progression”. It later was altered to be a ballad by Elvis Presley and doo wop/R&B by the Marcels. “Blue Moon” is a popular song that has been performed by many successful singers including Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Billie Holiday, and Bobby Vinton.

Deb G said...

Well look at all this! :) I've been looking at my sky scarf recently. There is more to do there. I love paint chips too.

Nancy said...

Marti~ Oh what a wonderful trip you went on! I remember all of those songs 🙂 I was always fascinated by Crystal's hair...the weight, did she sit on it? Did it come to annoy her, but was such a part of her signature that she could not cut it? I woke up thinking of the Elvis movie Blue Hawaii. lol I can see this will go on for a while.
J. offered up Flying in a Blue Dream (not one I've heard)

Deb~ Oh goodie! I hope to see that scarf again! You may not have seen the paint commercial that uses animated things made from paint chips. I love how creative it is.

While looking for it, I of course found gobs of paper crafters doing things with paint chips...but I thought this teacher was pretty creative. I bet they will remember these words!

Thanks again for the journey Deb!

Nancy said...

Wow! The Redding School District has some very cool videos!!

Stephanie said...

Such luscious blues! I also read Blue Highways and The Bluest Eye (maybe 20 years ago). I love a blue sky with white clouds most of all.

Nancy said...

Stephanie~ Yes, I think one of your first comments here was about the blue sky! Do you remember much of Blue Highways? Did you like it? I've certainly done more weaving lately than first Blues weaving is part way done!

Stephanie said...

I did like Blue Highways but I remember thinking the author occasionally had a condescending attitude. Would I still think so? I'm not sure. I did enjoy it. Good for you on the weaving! I have a hard time not reading! :)

Nancy said...

Stephanie~ Ah, interesting. I'll see what I think of a 'condescending attitude' or not. I remember thinking that there is far more History than I remember learning (but I was not a good student! ha). I found the information about the locations interesting and ended up doing many searches based on what I was reading. This book is very dogeared and written in. I'll be curious if the same writings catch my eye again.
I seem to be having a hard time stopping weaving right now! Thanks for your response. You've got me thinking.