Sunday, January 25, 2015

Open to Our Sunday Hike

Even though I was wheezing a bit, we went for a hike.  I'm glad we did because now I feel like I've got my usual cold thing coming on.  Blech.  And just in time for some "Weather" and a week with two after work meetings.  We may get some rain this week, so I best prepare!!  Please read the sarcasm into that last comment.
Anyway, we went for a short two hour exploration in the same general area as last week.  Just on the other side of the mountain.
The area is called Elsmere Canyon, you can read about it here.  
There are lots of trails to choose from.
If you look at the map, you will understand how amazing it was to find the same rock the 1200 acres (even if it was in the same general area)!!!

*click on photos to enlarge*
I've left them some of them smaller so the post will hopefully load quicker for ya'll.

On the left, August 2013 & On the right, January 2015
I am in love with this story!  I am telling anyone who will listen the Rock Story.
When I picked it up last week, I felt like I was greeting an old friend.
I left it right there on the log.  Maybe we will meet again.

Anyway, today we thought we'd set the goal of hiking to the "knob".

Heading up the dirt trail

This part of the trail was an easy walk.  Along an old paved road, under the freeway and then up the dirt trail we went.
We continued up...up..up.

Looking back down on the trail in
A scattering of wildflowers
Amazing views

He disappears down this opening for a few minutes, but that story will come later!

Well Hello!
King of the hill!

We climb a small hill...greet more views and discover remains of those that lived here in years gone by.  I reflect that I am so darn happy I was open to hiking today.

Broken tile cairn 
This is the point where we have surveyed the land, looking for the best, easiest, quickest route up to the knob.
The thing is, there isn't one.
We decide, another day, with earlier start would be a good idea!
So, we head back down the hill.

J. tells me that the little nook he explored had some odd signs of mankind.

What I see is a house roof.
A typewriter
Got ironing?
Writing in rust
Found button

We find another treasure while walking the rest of the way out!

Stay tuned for our next installment of Sunday Hike!

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

What "Open" Looks Like

I've been meaning to post.
I could share 100 photographs from this month of January.
But words and stitches haven't come forward.

After the fullness of the December stitching, I've felt tapped out of inspiration.
Oh well.  It will cycle around again.

~click on photographs to enlarge~

Anyway, in the first days of 2015, this is what came to me as I reflected on open.

 This seed pod, picked up on a work walk, seemed to tell me: When you are open, you have an opportunity to spread seeds, to have them grow.  Or maybe you need to remain open to receive the seeds from others.  At any rate, openness seems to be required for growth to take place.

Another seed pod, holding only one seed.
Open and seeds seem to go together.

I will continue to ponder open.

I received this gift of fabric from my son's fiance (AKA the girl).
I think she was Right on the Money with her choices for me!

I came across this old notebook from my college days.
Looking through it was a riot.
It was such a simpler time.
I did well in the course, yet this final notebook looks like a 5th graders!!

Here are a few pages.  Pretty funny!

Puppet hands
My ideas
One of my puppet ideas, a John Denver puppet, complete with guitar!

These are the two of the book reports I did.
Very succinct.  Very.

I got a kick out of her comments.
She was a fun instructor, able to share her love of...her passion for puppets.
After looking through this, I realized that I have for years used some of the techniques I learned in this course while doing group times with young children.

That's almost it for tonight.
I will try to post more of the Long Beach & the Aquarium there and hike photos from today.
But for tonight, I'll share these:

Plant Pockets

Today we went on a hike, to same place you first saw in August 2013.  That post is here.
We saw some of the same fallen trees, same bends in the trail.  Both a lot and nothing had changed since we were last there.  At one point J. went down the slight grade to check out the tiny stream.  He picked up a rock and tossed it up to me, saying, "Here's one for you.  You like layers."  I glanced down at the rock as it hit the dirt and thought, "No, it couldn't be."  But upon inspecting it, I confirmed that it was indeed the same "Reminiscent of Easter Island" rock from all those months ago!

What are the chances of that happening?!!!

Have a great rest of your week everyone,

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2015